Topic3-Renewable Energy-A14503-甘

Topic3-Renewable Energy-A14503-甘

作者: Verra小葵 | 来源:发表于2017-03-06 19:54 被阅读0次



to prevent something from

continuing in its usual way by causing problems打断,中断,扰乱


■(someone or something that provides) support or help, or something that you have arranged in case your main plans, equipment, etc. go wrong支持,支援;候补物,替代物,备用物

•We're going to need some professional backup for this project.要完成这个企划,我们需要一些专业人员的支援。

•The party is going to be outdoors, so we'll need to organize somewhere as a backup in case it rains.晚会将会露天举行,所以我们需要安排一个备用的地方,以防下雨。

•Remember, your colleagues are your backup system when things go wrong.记住,一旦出了差错,你的同事就是你的后备

•make a backup of all the records 备份记录



■(an amount which is) more than is needed剩余(的),多余(的);过剩(的)

•The world is now producing large food surpluses.世界上目前生产的食品大大过剩。

•UK The store is selling off stock that is surplus to requirements(= more than they need to have).这家商店正在抛售多余的存货。

■the amount of money you have left when you sell more than you buy, or spend less than you have资金余额,资金盈余

•a budget/trade surplus预算结余/贸易顺差

•Fortunately the school's bank account is currently in surplus.幸好目前学校的银行帐户里还有结余。

anathema to

■something that is completely the opposite of what you believe in

His political views were anathema to me.


■officially having the named position现任的;在职的

•The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.现任总统面临着他上任前很多年就已开始出现的种种问题。

be incumbent on/upon sb

■to be necessary for someone(某人)义不容辞;(某人)必须履行

She felt it incumbent upon/on her to raise the subject at their meeting.她感到她有义务在他们的会议上提出这个问题。

■the person who has or had a particular official position现任者,在职者

•the first/last/previous incumbent第一任/上一任/前任


■lasting a very long time, or happening repeatedly or all the time长期存在的;常年的;不断发生的;反覆的

•The film 'White Christmas' is a perennial favourite.《白色圣诞》是一部经久不衰、深受欢迎的影片。

•We face the perennial problem of not having enough money.我们长期面临资金不足的问题。

Compare annual (每年的); biennial(两年的)



produce gluts



. very plain in appearance, with little or no colour or decoration:赤裸的;简单的;明显的;(尤指)毫无修饰的,粗陋的;

In the cold dawn light, the castle looked stark and forbidding.

the stark beauty of New Mexico

2. unpleasantly clear and impossible to avoid严重的;极端的


The movie shows the stark realities of life in the ghetto.

The extreme poverty of the local people is in stark contrast to 鲜明对比 the wealth of the tourists.

We are faced with a stark choice.


wholesale prices批发价

•awholesale supplier/business批发供应商/业务

•We only sell wholesale, not to the public.我们只批发,不零售。


■(especially of something bad or too extreme) complete or affecting a lot of things, people, places, etc(尤指坏事或过于极端的事)完全的(地),大规模的(地)

•wholesale changes全面变革

•wholesale destruction彻底毁灭


■(of prices, values or sales) to fall suddenly(价格、价值或销售额)猛跌,突然下降

•The value of property has slumped.房产价值突然下跌。

•Car sales have slumped dramatically over the past year.过去一年汽车的销售额大幅下降。

punch above one's weight

■To acheive or perform at a higher level than it would be expected based on one's preparation, attributes, rank, or past accomplishments.

•In an industry structured around marginal costs, renewables have a disruptive punch above their weight.


■not happening regularly or continuously; stopping and starting repeatedly or with periods in between间歇的,断断续续的

•intermittent rain阵雨

•an intermittent noise时断时续的噪音

•Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress.她虽然断断续续地在电影中露面,但基本上还是一个舞台演员。


megawatt-hour 兆瓦每小时

think-tank 智囊团

marginal cost 边际成本

turbine 涡轮,涡轮机

barn 仓房 牲口棚

cowshed 牛棚

photovoltaic solar panel  光伏面板

biogas 沼气

subsidy 津贴,补助金,补贴

fossil-fuel era 化石燃料时代

shale-gas 页岩气


1.But Wildpoldsried is still very much the exception, not the rule.这个地方是个特例,不是常规。

2.The result had been havoc for the old-style utilities.

四、 思维导图





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      本文标题:Topic3-Renewable Energy-A14503-甘
