原创 婆罗 [东方撒艺插花艺术培训]
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<label class="profile_meta_label">功能介绍</label> 东方撒艺专注于传播最正宗的中国传统插花。我们会不定期更新分享插花花艺,花文化,花卉知识等内容。关注东方撒艺插花艺术培训,及时了解最新插花培训和竞赛消息,与大师零距离学传统插花。 3天前
《中国撒艺-传统插花技艺必备手册》****前 言 《中国撒艺-传统插花技艺必备手册》这本书终于问世了。 《Chinese Sayi—Essential Manual of Chinese chahua》has finally come out. 东方撒艺从2006年创立,我作为中国插花的传承人之一和东方撒艺的创始人,一直有一种责任感,就是一定要把古代的“撒”技艺传承、推广,在实践上丰满完善,从理论上深入挖掘,使之无论在古典要义,还是在现代创新,都能有一个明确正式的总结。 Oriental Sayi was founded in 2006. As one of the inheritors of Chinese flower arrangement and the founder of Oriental Sayi, I have always had a sense of responsibility, that is, I must inherit and promote the ancient Sa skill, enrich and perfect it in practice, dig more deeply in theory, let it has a clear and formal conclusion whether on its classical essence or modern innovation. 本书是中国撒艺综合研究的第一辑,我能暂时轻松了一点,终于有一点像样的东西,能向广大传统插花撒技艺爱好者们有一个交待,同时,也对从事这个艺术领域近30多年的自己,有个自测答卷。This book is the the first volume of comprehensive research on Chinese Sayi. Now,I can relax a little for a while and finally have something decent to answer the lovers of traditional flower-arranging art. At the Same time, having engaged in this art field for more than 30 years,I have a self-test answer sheet to myself mow. “撒”是我几乎无时无刻不在想的事情。合适的时间,专意的话题,喜欢的事情,与朋友们分享,真的是生命中最大的快乐。 Sa is what I study almost all the time. It is really the greatest happiness in my life to share with friends at the right time, on the right topics and favorite things.** 四年前,陆续有几家出版社联系我出版传统插花撒艺的专题书籍。当时我想,传统插花的复苏才只有几十年的短暂时间,而其中撒的挖掘与研究,仅有十来年的时间,更进一步说,撒的创作实践热潮,只是近五六年的事。从时间和资历考虑,自己做的还远远不够。我的老师王莲英教授常对我说,如果你想教给学生一桶水的学问,自己先得储备八桶水的知识,你的教学就游刃有余,学生也不能轻言自傲。** Four years ago, several publishing houses contacted me to publish books on traditional flower-arranging art. At that time, I thought that the revival of traditional flower arrangement was only a short time in a few decades, Sa was excavated and researched only decade or so ago. Furthermore, creative practice of Sa upsurged only five or six years ago. Considering the time and qualifications, what I have done is far from enough. My teacher, Professor Lianying Wang from Beijing Forestry University, often told me that if you want to give students a bucket of water,you have to reserve eight buckets of water in advance,and then your teaching will be comfortable and the students will not be arrogant. 小时的我,生长在偏僻农村,最喜欢老家门前的那条河,饱满富态的河水,清澈见底,平静安详地向东流,带来春夏秋冬,带走少年的懵懂。群山环绕,繁花烂漫,千里稻浪,岁岁枯荣,故乡的一草一木,历历在目。 I grew up in a remote village in my childhood. The river in front of my hometown which I like best is as clear as crystal.It flows to the east peacefully, bringing the four seasons and taking away the youth's ignorance.mountains Surrounding, flowers blooming, miles of rice waves flowing, year after year, I still remember every petals and leaves in my hometown. 我喜欢这些花草树木,还有剪纸,木刻,刺绣,戏曲,扎灯,纸花……,凡是用心动手的活,从童年起,我都会特别有热情,后来到了美术工艺岗位,每天画人,画花,画山水,日复一日接受中国画的熏陶,于是那些萦绕在眼前、心头的自然万物,变得更加美术感,更加意境化。 I like those flowers and trees, as well as papercutting, woodcarving, embroidery,traditional opera, colored lanterns, paper flower, etc. I had a special passion for these things which need to be operated by hand since my childhood. Later, I went to work in an art factory.I painted people, flowers, landscapes,and was influenced by chinese paintings art day after day. As a result, natural scenery that lingered in my mind became more and more artistic. 上个世纪九十年代,我离开故乡延寿县。原因特别简单,就是想看看插花花艺的最高水平,是什么样子,开眼界,闯世界。 In the 1990s, I left Yanshou County,my hometown. The reason is very simple, I wanted to see the highest level of flower-arranging art, to widen my vision, to venture out into the world. 于是,我来到北京林业大学,找到王莲英老师。老师说,传统插花看起来简单,上手却很难,初学者容易眼高手低。学传统插花,必须心平气和,不求功利。 So, I came to Beijing Forestry University and consult professor Lianying Wang. Teacher Wang Said,traditional flower arrangement art looks simple, but is difficult to get started. It is easy for beginners to have grandiose aims but puny abilities.To learn this art, you must be calm in your heart and indifferent to fame and wealth. 老师这样说,是因为那些年,认为传统插花是阳春白雪的人很多,大多是浅尝辄止,很少有人愿意在这“浪费”更多时间钻研提高。然而在我的眼里,传统插花不仅是一种技艺,更多的是民族文化,高雅艺术,是我一直心心念念所追求的艺术,是要用一生去用心钻研的美好事情。 Teacher Wang Said this because many people in those years believed that traditional flower arrangement was a highbrow songs that can’t find singers. Most florists put away the cup after taking a tiny sip. Few people were willing to "waste" more time studying and practicing it. However,in my eyes,traditional flower arrangement is not only a skill, but also a national culture and an elegant art. It is an art that I have been pursuing for so long a time and a wonderful thing that I have to study hard in my whole life. 在王莲英老师身边学习的20年当中,最大的体会是老师不但教你学技艺,学做人,更加会鼓励你创新开拓,想人之未想,发人之未发。老师要求我多学历史,鉴往知来,多读诗赋,提升修养,为了提升我对植物的认知,特意送我一本《园林树木1600种》。 During 20 years of studying with my teacher, what touched me most is that teacher Wang not only taught me skills ,but also conducted my life, encouraged me to innovate and be open up,think more to learn more than others.Teacher asked me to learn more about history, read more poems, and improve my cultivation. In order to enrich my knowledge of botany, she once specially present me a book which is called 《1600 Species of Garden Trees》. 王老师带着我们去创作、布展,并为国家一些大型活动献艺。尤其重要的是,2008年第二十九届北京奥林匹克运动会和2011年深圳世界大学生运动会,2013年前后,与王莲英老师、秦魁杰老师等人共同设计与陈列中国插花博物馆和中国插花艺术馆,2015年,在中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动中,为接待世界各国元首设计制作礼宾接待用花…… Teacher Wang led us to arrange exhibitions and to perform for some large-scale national activities. Of particular importance are the 29th Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and Shenzhen Universiade in 2011. Around 2013,I designed and arranged the China Flower Arrangement Museum and the China Flower Arrangement Art Museumtogether jointly with teachers Lianying Wang and Qin Kuijie.In 2015, in Commemorating 70th anniversary of the victories of War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japan and the world Anti-Fascism war, we designed and produced reception floral works to receive heads of state all over the world. 后来,又“认识”了一位古代的先生,李渔。 Later, I met another ancient master, Li Yu. ** “有一种倔强花枝,不肯听人指使,我欲置左,彼偏向右,我欲使仰,彼偏好垂,须用一物制之。所谓撒也,……斯编一出,世间宁复有弃物乎?”** There are some sprays dishonesty to my arrangement.They prefer the right when I Put them on the left,they prefer to be droop when I want them to be upward.So,one thing must be used to control them. 这些简短的文字,让我豁然开朗。那种感觉特别像在幽深的山谷里,突然看到一条路径,在幽暗的旷野中摘到一朵明亮的花。 These few words suddenly enlightened me. That kind of feeling is especially like that you suddenly see a path when you are wandering in a deep valley, ,or pick a gorgeous flower in the dark wilderness. 这位李渔先生,是一位造园家、剧作家和戏剧评论家,并有“东方莎士比亚”的称号,他更大的名气是最早组织编写了《芥子园画谱》,对于插花,应该只是闲来无事搞一搞。上面的文字,是历史上第一次记载了插花中“撒”的使用,也是目前所知清末以前历史文献中仅有明确关于“撒”的描述。 Mr.Li Yu who has the title of "Oriental Shakespeare"is a gardener, a dramatist and a drama theorist. He was the first people to organize the compilation of《Painting Manual of the Mustard Seed Garden》.Maybe he arranged flowers only when he was at leisure.The text quoted above is the first time in history to record the use of Sa in the field of flower arrangement.It is also the only clear description of Sa in historical documents before 1911. ** 聊聊百十字,跨越四百年,最初或许只是日记一样的“闲情”,在今天却是全行业的重大课题。** Several hundreds of words go through history by 400 years to this time.It was maybe originally just a interest to pass time,but is a major topic in the whole field of flower arrangemen today. 我猜想,如果李渔还在,我一定向他请教更多插花创造的情节。弄花饮茶,焚香听曲,做个花中茶交,曲中香友。 I guess, if Li Yu were still alive,I would certainly ask him more about the details of flower arrangement,enjoy music,tea and flowers together with him. 古人栽种树木,今人开枝散叶。有了李渔先生的理论根基,王莲英、秦魁杰等几位老先生,带领我们不断研究和创新,产生了新型“撒”有一百多个小类,并归纳总结成几个大类.这个体系在国内外是第一次做系统总结,包含撒艺关键名词定义和阐释,读者在前言后面的最初几页就能读到。 The ancients planted trees, contemporary people spread branches and leaves. On the basis of Li Yu's theory, professor Lianying Wang、Kuijie Qin and some other old experts have done continuous research and innovation, found more than 100 subcategories of Sa , which can be summarized into several major categories. This system including the definition and interpretation of key words of Sa those readers can read in the first few pages of this book is the first systematic summary at home and abroad. 所谓古为今用,复兴传统文化的精髓,在于发展传统文化,用古人的智慧为现代的生活服务。我时常问自己,为什么要做撒?其实非常容易得出一个判断:大多数插花师都会在实践创作中发现,花泥和剑山等典型常见的插花定枝手段,远比做撒要简单。 The essence of rejuvenating traditional culture lies in developing traditional culture and serving modern life with the wisdom of ancient people.I usually ask myself:why do you have to use Sa? In fact, it is very easy to find one fact: most florists find in their practice that the typical and common methods of fixing branches for flowers, such as flower mud and swords mountain, are much simpler than Sa. 为什么仍然要做撒?尤其是,作为一个严肃的传统插花创作者。 So,why do you still have to use it? Especially as a serious creator of traditional flower-arranging art. 古人最初的设想,必定是很初步而简单的:模仿“桌撒”的形式原理,“以坚木为之,大小其形,勿拘一格,其中则或扁或方,或为三角,但须圆形其外,以便合瓶。”**** 具体的图形我们并不能很准确的知道,但是毫无疑问的,是用木片枝条,加工造型,然后紧固花枝,让“倔强花枝”,“肯听人指使”。 The original idea of ancients must be very preliminary and simple:to imitate the principle of table Sa,Sa was“made of solid woods which can be any shape or size unrestrictedly.In order to be suitable for the bottle,the outer edge of Sa must be round when the center of it might be flat,square,or trigonal.” We can't exactly know the specific figure, but there is no doubt that it is made of wood chips and branches to be processed into shapes to tighten stems of flowers, make "sprays dishonesty" and "listen to my arrangement". 作为现在的传承进展,撒至少有几个基本型,比如基本撒、自体撒、组合撒、天然撒等,下面是细分出来的小类、小型,分别有各自不同的形式、功能特点。我相信,随着创作研发的深入,很快会有其它的一些主要基本型出现,而且在目前的基本型大类中,越来越多新的小型会更快出现。 At present, there are at least several foundational types of Sa, such as basic Sa, concurrent Sa, combined Sa, natural Sa etc. The following are many sub-types and sub-kinds, each haing different forms and functional characteristics. I believe that other more foundational types will appear soon in several years, because of more and more creative research and development.More and more new small types will appear faster. 看似突然间破蕾绽放的花朵,经历了长期的培植和孕育。以东方撒艺为首的一些机构和个人,多年来不遗余力的宣传撒,推广撒,不失时机地使用撒,介绍撒,好比那个古老的寓言:铁杵磨成针。 Flowers that seem to burst into bloom suddenly have undergone long-term cultivation and breeding.Some organizations and individuals,led by the Oriental Sayi,have spared no effort to publicize and popularize Sa for many years. They have lost no time in using and introducing the Sa, just like the old fable:an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle. 从东方撒艺诞生之日起,我们就在做着磨杵成针的事情。Since the birth of the Oriental Sayi, we have been working as grinding iron pestle into needle. 最近十年来,各类博览会、展会、竞赛活动,比如世园会、花博会、园博会,还有各个级别的插花花艺大赛中,对于传统插花技艺水平的评判,其中“撒”的创作价值与得分倾向,被越来越多组织者和评委专家所认可。 In the past ten years, in various expositions, exhibitions and competitions, such as the International Horticultural Exhibition, the Flower Exhibition, the Garden Expo, and various levels of flower-arranging competitions, more and more organizers and judges have recognized the artistic value of Sa,give it more points in judging the level of skills of Chinese chahua. 2008年6月,传统插花进入了国家级非物质文化遗产名录。再看今天全行业取得的现实成绩,我能作为其中一员,颇感欣慰。 On June 2008, Chinese chahua was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list. Looking at the great achievements of the whole industry today, I am so proud to be one of them.