- (NSString *)stringFromDate:(NSDate *)date;
- (nullable NSDate *)dateFromString:(NSString *)string;
1、获取当前时间,并转化成yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 格式
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
//24小时制:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 12小时制:yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
NSString *nowDateString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:date];
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval interval = [date timeIntervalSince1970];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
//24小时制:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 12小时制:yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
NSTimeInterval interval = [@"1528094475" longLongValue];
NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:interval];
NSString *dateString = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:date];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
//24小时制:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 12小时制:yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
dateFormatter.dateFormat = @"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
NSDate *date = [dateFormatter dateFromString:@"2018-06-04 14:41:15"];
NSTimeInterval interval = [date timeIntervalSince1970];
NSDate *date = [dateFormatter dateFromString:@"2018-06-04 14:41:15"];
NSTimeInterval interval = [date timeIntervalSince1970];
//NSTimeInterval interval = [@"1528094475" longLongValue];
NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:interval];
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [date timeIntervalSinceNow];//值=某个时间-当前时间
//NSDate * currentDate = [NSDate date];
//NSTimeInterval interval = [currentDate timeIntervalSinceDate:date];//值= currentDate-date
NSTimeInterval interval = 24 * 60 * 60;
NSDate *tomorrow = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:interval];
NSTimeInterval interval = 24 * 60 * 60;//正值表示将来,负值表示过去时间
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSDate *tomorrow = [date dateByAddingTimeInterval:interval];
NSDate * currentDate = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval interval = [@"1528094475" longLongValue];
NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:interval];
BOOL sameDate = [currentDate isEqualToDate:date];
NSDate *earlierDate = [currentDate earlierDate: date];
NSDate *laterDate = [currentDate laterDate: date];
NSComparisonResult result = [currentDate compare:date];
if (result == NSOrderedAscending) {//升序
//currentDate < date
}else if (result == NSOrderedDescending) {//降序
//currentDate > date
}else {//相等
//currentDate == date
NSCalendar *calendar = nil;
if ([UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion.doubleValue >= 8.0) {
calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
} else {
calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
// NSCalendar *calendar = nil;
// if ([NSCalendar respondsToSelector:@selector(calendarWithIdentifier:)]) {
// calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
// } else {
// calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
// }
NSCalendarUnit unit = NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond;
// 4.获取了时间元素
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:unit fromDate:date toDate: currentDate options:0];
NSLog(@"相差:%ld年%ld月%ld日%ld小时%ld分钟%ld秒钟", (long)components.year, (long)components.month, (long)components.day, (long)components.hour, (long)components.minute, (long)components.second);
NSCalendar *calendar = nil;
if ([NSCalendar respondsToSelector:@selector(calendarWithIdentifier:)]) {
calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
} else {
calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond fromDate:[NSDate date]];
NSLog(@"%ld-%ld-%ld %ld:%ld:%ld" ,(long)components.year,(long)components.month,(long)components.day,(long)components.hour,(long)components.minute,(long)components.second);
NSInteger month = [calendar ordinalityOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitMonth inUnit:NSCalendarUnitYear forDate:[NSDate date]];
NSInteger week = [calendar ordinalityOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitWeekday inUnit:NSCalendarUnitYear forDate:[NSDate date]];
NSInteger day = [calendar ordinalityOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay inUnit:NSCalendarUnitYear forDate:[NSDate date]];
NSCalendar *calendar = nil;
if ([NSCalendar respondsToSelector:@selector(calendarWithIdentifier:)]) {
calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
} else {
calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSMutableArray *dates = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i=-6; i < 1; i++) {
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
components.year = 0;
components.month = 0;
components.day = i;
NSDate *currentDate = [NSDate date];
NSDate *date = [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:currentDate options:NSCalendarMatchStrictly];
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.dateFormat = @"MM-dd";
NSString *dateString = [formatter stringFromDate:date];
[dates addObject:dateString];
- (NSInteger)getDaysByDate:(NSDate *)date {
NSCalendar *calendar = nil;
if ([NSCalendar respondsToSelector:@selector(calendarWithIdentifier:)]) {
calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
} else {
calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSRange range = [calendar rangeOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay inUnit:NSCalendarUnitMonth forDate:date];
NSUInteger days = range.length;
return days;
- (NSDate *)getDateByDate:(NSDate *)date day:(int)day {
NSCalendar *calendar = nil;
if ([NSCalendar respondsToSelector:@selector(calendarWithIdentifier:)]) {
calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
} else {
calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSCalendarUnit unit = NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond;
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:unit fromDate:date];
components.day = day;
return [calendar dateFromComponents:components];
- (NSInteger)getTheCorrespondingWeekByDate:(NSDate*)date {
NSCalendar *calendar = nil;
if ([NSCalendar respondsToSelector:@selector(calendarWithIdentifier:)]) {
calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
} else {
calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay|NSCalendarUnitHour|NSCalendarUnitMinute|NSCalendarUnitSecond|NSCalendarUnitWeekday fromDate:date];
NSInteger weekday = [components weekday];
NSLog(@"weekday = %ld",(long)weekday);
NSLog(@"weekday = %ld",(long)weekday);
if (weekday == 7) {
return 0;
return weekday;
- (NSString *)timeAgoWithTimeString:(NSString *)string {
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval timeInterval = [date timeIntervalSince1970];
NSDate *compareDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[string longLongValue]];
NSTimeInterval compareImterval = [compareDate timeIntervalSince1970];
int difference = timeInterval - compareImterval;
int days = difference/(60*60*24);
int hours = (difference%(60*60*24))/(60*60);
int minites = (difference%(60*60*24))%(60*60)/60;
int seconds = (difference%(60*60*24))%(60*60)%60;
if (days != 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d天前",days];
}else if (hours != 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d小时前",hours];
}else if (minites != 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d分钟前",minites];
}else if (seconds != 0) {
return @"刚刚";
}else {
return @"时间格式有误";
// NSDate+Tools.h
// ZLDate
// Created by wangzelong on 2020/2/14.
#ifndef DateToolsLocalizedStrings
#define DateToolsLocalizedStrings(key) \
NSLocalizedStringFromTableInBundle(key, @"DateTools", [NSBundle bundleWithPath:[[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"DateTools.bundle"]], nil)
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface NSDate (Tools)
#pragma mark - Time Ago
+ (NSString*)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate*)date;
+ (NSString*)shortTimeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate*)date;
- (NSString*)timeAgoSinceNow;
- (NSString *)shortTimeAgoSinceNow;
- (NSString *)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date;
- (NSString *)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date numericDates:(BOOL)useNumericDates;
- (NSString *)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date numericDates:(BOOL)useNumericDates numericTimes:(BOOL)useNumericTimes;
- (NSString *)shortTimeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date;
#pragma mark - Date Components Without Calendar
- (NSInteger)era;
- (NSInteger)year;
- (NSInteger)month;
- (NSInteger)day;
- (NSInteger)hour;
- (NSInteger)minute;
- (NSInteger)second;
- (NSInteger)weekday;
- (NSInteger)weekdayOrdinal;
- (NSInteger)quarter;
- (NSInteger)weekOfMonth;
- (NSInteger)weekOfYear;
- (NSInteger)yearForWeekOfYear;
- (NSInteger)daysInMonth;
- (NSInteger)dayOfYear;
- (BOOL)isToday;
- (BOOL)isTomorrow;
- (BOOL)isTheDayAfterTomorrow;
- (BOOL)isWeekend;
- (BOOL)isSameDayWithDate:(NSDate *)date;
#pragma mark - Date Components With Calendar
- (NSInteger)eraWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)yearWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)monthWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)dayWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)hourWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)minuteWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)secondWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)weekdayWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)weekdayOrdinalWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)quarterWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)weekOfMonthWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)weekOfYearWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
- (NSInteger)yearForWeekOfYearWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
#pragma mark - Date Creating
+ (NSDate *)dateWithYear:(NSInteger)year month:(NSInteger)month day:(NSInteger)day;
+ (NSDate *)dateWithYear:(NSInteger)year month:(NSInteger)month day:(NSInteger)day hour:(NSInteger)hour minute:(NSInteger)minute second:(NSInteger)second;
+ (NSDate *)dateWithString:(NSString *)dateString formatString:(NSString *)formatString;
+ (NSDate *)dateWithString:(NSString *)dateString formatString:(NSString *)formatString timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone;
#pragma mark - Date Editing
#pragma mark Date By Adding
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingYears:(NSInteger)years;
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingMonths:(NSInteger)months;
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingWeeks:(NSInteger)weeks;
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingDays:(NSInteger)days;
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingHours:(NSInteger)hours;
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingMinutes:(NSInteger)minutes;
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingSeconds:(NSInteger)seconds;
#pragma mark Date By Subtracting
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingYears:(NSInteger)years;
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingMonths:(NSInteger)months;
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingWeeks:(NSInteger)weeks;
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingDays:(NSInteger)days;
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingHours:(NSInteger)hours;
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingMinutes:(NSInteger)minutes;
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingSeconds:(NSInteger)seconds;
#pragma mark - Date Comparison
#pragma mark Time From
-(NSInteger)yearsFrom:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)monthsFrom:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)weeksFrom:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)daysFrom:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)hoursFrom:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)minutesFrom:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)secondsFrom:(NSDate *)date;
#pragma mark Time From With Calendar
-(NSInteger)yearsFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
-(NSInteger)monthsFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
-(NSInteger)weeksFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
-(NSInteger)daysFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar;
#pragma mark Time Until
#pragma mark Time Ago
#pragma mark Earlier Than
-(NSInteger)yearsEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)monthsEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)weeksEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)daysEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)hoursEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)minutesEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)secondsEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
#pragma mark Later Than
-(NSInteger)yearsLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)monthsLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)weeksLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(NSInteger)daysLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)hoursLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)minutesLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(double)secondsLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
#pragma mark Comparators
-(BOOL)isEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(BOOL)isLaterThan:(NSDate *)date;
-(BOOL)isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate *)date;
-(BOOL)isLaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate *)date;
#pragma mark - Formatted Dates
#pragma mark Formatted With Style
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style;
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone;
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style locale:(NSLocale *)locale;
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone locale:(NSLocale *)locale;
#pragma mark Formatted With Format
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format;
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone;
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format locale:(NSLocale *)locale;
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone locale:(NSLocale *)locale;
#pragma mark - Helpers
+(NSString *)defaultCalendarIdentifier;
+ (void)setDefaultCalendarIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
// NSDate+Tools.m
// ZLDate
// Created by wangzelong on 2020/2/14.
#import "NSDate+Tools.h"
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, DTDateComponent){
static const unsigned int allCalendarUnitFlags = NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitQuarter | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond | NSCalendarUnitEra | NSCalendarUnitWeekday | NSCalendarUnitWeekdayOrdinal | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear;
static NSString *defaultCalendarIdentifier = nil;
static NSCalendar *implicitCalendar = nil;
//static const long long SECONDS_IN_YEAR = 31556900;
//static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_MONTH_28 = 2419200;
//static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_MONTH_29 = 2505600;
//static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_MONTH_30 = 2592000;
//static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_MONTH_31 = 2678400;
//static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_WEEK = 604800;
//static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400;
static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_HOUR = 3600;
static const NSInteger SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60;
//static const NSInteger MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 86400000;
@implementation NSDate (Tools)
+ (void)load {
[self setDefaultCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
#pragma mark - Time Ago
* Takes in a date and returns a string with the most convenient unit of time representing
* how far in the past that date is from now.
* @param date - Date to be measured from now
* @return NSString - Formatted return string
+ (NSString*)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate*)date{
return [date timeAgoSinceDate:[NSDate date]];
* Takes in a date and returns a shortened string with the most convenient unit of time representing
* how far in the past that date is from now.
* @param date - Date to be measured from now
* @return NSString - Formatted return string
+ (NSString*)shortTimeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate*)date{
return [date shortTimeAgoSinceDate:[NSDate date]];
* Returns a string with the most convenient unit of time representing
* how far in the past that date is from now.
* @return NSString - Formatted return string
- (NSString*)timeAgoSinceNow{
return [self timeAgoSinceDate:[NSDate date]];
* Returns a shortened string with the most convenient unit of time representing
* how far in the past that date is from now.
* @return NSString - Formatted return string
- (NSString *)shortTimeAgoSinceNow{
return [self shortTimeAgoSinceDate:[NSDate date]];
- (NSString *)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date{
return [self timeAgoSinceDate:date numericDates:NO];
- (NSString *)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date numericDates:(BOOL)useNumericDates{
return [self timeAgoSinceDate:date numericDates:useNumericDates numericTimes:NO];
- (NSString *)timeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date numericDates:(BOOL)useNumericDates numericTimes:(BOOL)useNumericTimes{
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSUInteger unitFlags = NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitSecond;
NSDate *earliest = [self earlierDate:date];
NSDate *latest = (earliest == self) ? date : self;
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:unitFlags fromDate:earliest toDate:latest options:0];
NSDate *yesterday = [date dateBySubtractingDays:1];
BOOL isYesterday = yesterday.day == self.day;
//Not Yet Implemented/Optional
//The following strings are present in the translation files but lack logic as of 2014.04.05
//@"Today", @"This week", @"This month", @"This year"
//and @"This morning", @"This afternoon"
if (components.year >= 2) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d %@years ago" withValue:components.year];
else if (components.year >= 1) {
if (useNumericDates) {
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"1 year ago");
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"Last year");
else if (components.month >= 2) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d %@months ago" withValue:components.month];
else if (components.month >= 1) {
if (useNumericDates) {
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"1 month ago");
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"Last month");
else if (components.weekOfYear >= 2) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d %@weeks ago" withValue:components.weekOfYear];
else if (components.weekOfYear >= 1) {
if (useNumericDates) {
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"1 week ago");
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"Last week");
else if (components.day >= 2) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d %@days ago" withValue:components.day];
else if (isYesterday) {
if (useNumericDates) {
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"1 day ago");
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"Yesterday");
else if (components.hour >= 2) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d %@hours ago" withValue:components.hour];
else if (components.hour >= 1) {
if (useNumericTimes) {
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"1 hour ago");
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"An hour ago");
else if (components.minute >= 2) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d %@minutes ago" withValue:components.minute];
else if (components.minute >= 1) {
if (useNumericTimes) {
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"1 minute ago");
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"A minute ago");
else if (components.second >= 3) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d %@seconds ago" withValue:components.second];
else {
if (useNumericTimes) {
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"1 second ago");
return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"Just now");
- (NSString *)shortTimeAgoSinceDate:(NSDate *)date{
//If shortened formatting is requested, drop the "ago" part of the time ago
//use abbreviated unit names
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSUInteger unitFlags = NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitSecond;
NSDate *earliest = [self earlierDate:date];
NSDate *latest = (earliest == self) ? date : self;
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:unitFlags fromDate:earliest toDate:latest options:0];
NSDate *yesterday = [date dateBySubtractingDays:1];
BOOL isYesterday = yesterday.day == self.day;
if (components.year >= 1) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@y" withValue:components.year];
else if (components.month >= 1) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@M" withValue:components.month];
else if (components.weekOfYear >= 1) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@w" withValue:components.weekOfYear];
else if (components.day >= 2) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@d" withValue:components.day];
else if (isYesterday) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@d" withValue:1];
else if (components.hour >= 1) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@h" withValue:components.hour];
else if (components.minute >= 1) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@m" withValue:components.minute];
else if (components.second >= 3) {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@s" withValue:components.second];
else {
return [self logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:@"%%d%@s" withValue:components.second];
//return DateToolsLocalizedStrings(@"Now"); //string not yet translated 2014.04.05
- (NSString *) logicLocalizedStringFromFormat:(NSString *)format withValue:(NSInteger)value{
NSString * localeFormat = [NSString stringWithFormat:format, [self getLocaleFormatUnderscoresWithValue:value]];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:DateToolsLocalizedStrings(localeFormat), value];
- (NSString *)getLocaleFormatUnderscoresWithValue:(double)value{
NSString *localeCode = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] preferredLocalizations] objectAtIndex:0];
// Russian (ru) and Ukrainian (uk)
if([localeCode isEqualToString:@"ru"] || [localeCode isEqualToString:@"uk"]) {
int XY = (int)floor(value) % 100;
int Y = (int)floor(value) % 10;
if(Y == 0 || Y > 4 || (XY > 10 && XY < 15)) {
return @"";
if(Y > 1 && Y < 5 && (XY < 10 || XY > 20)) {
return @"_";
if(Y == 1 && XY != 11) {
return @"__";
// Add more languages here, which are have specific translation rules...
return @"";
#pragma mark - Date Components Without Calendar
* Returns the era of the receiver. (0 for BC, 1 for AD for Gregorian)
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)era{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentEra calendar:nil];
* Returns the year of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)year{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentYear calendar:nil];
* Returns the month of the year of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)month{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentMonth calendar:nil];
* Returns the day of the month of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)day{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentDay calendar:nil];
* Returns the hour of the day of the receiver. (0-24)
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)hour{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentHour calendar:nil];
* Returns the minute of the receiver. (0-59)
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)minute{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentMinute calendar:nil];
* Returns the second of the receiver. (0-59)
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)second{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentSecond calendar:nil];
* Returns the day of the week of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)weekday{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekday calendar:nil];
* Returns the ordinal for the day of the week of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)weekdayOrdinal{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekdayOrdinal calendar:nil];
* Returns the quarter of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)quarter{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentQuarter calendar:nil];
* Returns the week of the month of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)weekOfMonth{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekOfMonth calendar:nil];
* Returns the week of the year of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)weekOfYear{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekOfYear calendar:nil];
* I honestly don't know much about this value...
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)yearForWeekOfYear{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentYearForWeekOfYear calendar:nil];
* Returns how many days are in the month of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)daysInMonth{
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSRange days = [calendar rangeOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay
return days.length;
* Returns the day of the year of the receiver. (1-365 or 1-366 for leap year)
* @return NSInteger
- (NSInteger)dayOfYear{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentDayOfYear calendar:nil];
* Returns how many days are in the year of the receiver.
* @return NSInteger
if (self.isInLeapYear) {
return 366;
return 365;
* Returns whether the receiver falls in a leap year.
* @return NSInteger
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [calendar components:allCalendarUnitFlags fromDate:self];
if (dateComponents.year%400 == 0){
return YES;
else if (dateComponents.year%100 == 0){
return NO;
else if (dateComponents.year%4 == 0){
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)isToday {
NSCalendar *cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:[NSDate date]];
NSDate *today = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:self];
NSDate *otherDate = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
return [today isEqualToDate:otherDate];
- (BOOL)isTomorrow {
NSCalendar *cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:[[NSDate date] dateByAddingDays:1]];
NSDate *tomorrow = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:self];
NSDate *otherDate = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
return [tomorrow isEqualToDate:otherDate];
- (BOOL)isTheDayAfterTomorrow {
NSCalendar *cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:[[NSDate date] dateByAddingDays:2]];
NSDate *theDayAfterTomorrow = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:self];
NSDate *otherDate = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
return [theDayAfterTomorrow isEqualToDate:otherDate];
NSCalendar *cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:[[NSDate date] dateBySubtractingDays:1]];
NSDate *tomorrow = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
components = [cal components:(NSCalendarUnitEra|NSCalendarUnitYear|NSCalendarUnitMonth|NSCalendarUnitDay) fromDate:self];
NSDate *otherDate = [cal dateFromComponents:components];
return [tomorrow isEqualToDate:otherDate];
- (BOOL)isWeekend {
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSRange weekdayRange = [calendar maximumRangeOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitWeekday];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitWeekday
NSUInteger weekdayOfSomeDate = [components weekday];
BOOL result = NO;
if (weekdayOfSomeDate == weekdayRange.location || weekdayOfSomeDate == weekdayRange.length)
result = YES;
return result;
- (BOOL)isSameDayWithDate:(NSDate *)date {
return self.year == date.year && self.month == date.month && self.day == date.day;
#pragma mark - Date Components With Calendar
* Returns the era of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the era (0 for BC, 1 for AD for Gregorian)
- (NSInteger)eraWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentEra calendar:calendar];
* Returns the year of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the year as an integer
- (NSInteger)yearWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentYear calendar:calendar];
* Returns the month of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the month as an integer
- (NSInteger)monthWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentMonth calendar:calendar];
* Returns the day of the month of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the day of the month as an integer
- (NSInteger)dayWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentDay calendar:calendar];
* Returns the hour of the day of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the hour of the day as an integer
- (NSInteger)hourWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentHour calendar:calendar];
* Returns the minute of the hour of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the minute of the hour as an integer
- (NSInteger)minuteWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentMinute calendar:calendar];
* Returns the second of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the second as an integer
- (NSInteger)secondWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentSecond calendar:calendar];
* Returns the weekday of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the weekday as an integer
- (NSInteger)weekdayWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekday calendar:calendar];
* Returns the weekday ordinal of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the weekday ordinal as an integer
- (NSInteger)weekdayOrdinalWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekdayOrdinal calendar:calendar];
* Returns the quarter of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the quarter as an integer
- (NSInteger)quarterWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentQuarter calendar:calendar];
* Returns the week of the month of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the week of the month as an integer
- (NSInteger)weekOfMonthWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekOfMonth calendar:calendar];
* Returns the week of the year of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the week of the year as an integer
- (NSInteger)weekOfYearWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentWeekOfYear calendar:calendar];
* Returns the year for week of the year (???) of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the year for week of the year as an integer
- (NSInteger)yearForWeekOfYearWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentYearForWeekOfYear calendar:calendar];
* Returns the day of the year of the receiver from a given calendar
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - represents the day of the year as an integer
- (NSInteger)dayOfYearWithCalendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
return [self componentForDate:self type:DTDateComponentDayOfYear calendar:calendar];
* Takes in a date, calendar and desired date component and returns the desired NSInteger
* representation for that component
* @param date NSDate - The date to be be mined for a desired component
* @param component DTDateComponent - The desired component (i.e. year, day, week, etc)
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the processing (Defaults to Gregorian)
* @return NSInteger
-(NSInteger)componentForDate:(NSDate *)date type:(DTDateComponent)component calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
if (!calendar) {
calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
unsigned int unitFlags = 0;
if (component == DTDateComponentYearForWeekOfYear) {
unitFlags = NSCalendarUnitYear | NSCalendarUnitQuarter | NSCalendarUnitMonth | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfMonth | NSCalendarUnitDay | NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond | NSCalendarUnitEra | NSCalendarUnitWeekday | NSCalendarUnitWeekdayOrdinal | NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear | NSCalendarUnitYearForWeekOfYear;
else {
unitFlags = allCalendarUnitFlags;
NSDateComponents *dateComponents = [calendar components:unitFlags fromDate:date];
switch (component) {
case DTDateComponentEra:
return [dateComponents era];
case DTDateComponentYear:
return [dateComponents year];
case DTDateComponentMonth:
return [dateComponents month];
case DTDateComponentDay:
return [dateComponents day];
case DTDateComponentHour:
return [dateComponents hour];
case DTDateComponentMinute:
return [dateComponents minute];
case DTDateComponentSecond:
return [dateComponents second];
case DTDateComponentWeekday:
return [dateComponents weekday];
case DTDateComponentWeekdayOrdinal:
return [dateComponents weekdayOrdinal];
case DTDateComponentQuarter:
return [dateComponents quarter];
case DTDateComponentWeekOfMonth:
return [dateComponents weekOfMonth];
case DTDateComponentWeekOfYear:
return [dateComponents weekOfYear];
case DTDateComponentYearForWeekOfYear:
return [dateComponents yearForWeekOfYear];
case DTDateComponentDayOfYear:
return [calendar ordinalityOfUnit:NSCalendarUnitDay inUnit:NSCalendarUnitYear forDate:date];
return 0;
#pragma mark - Date Creating
+ (NSDate *)dateWithYear:(NSInteger)year month:(NSInteger)month day:(NSInteger)day {
return [self dateWithYear:year month:month day:day hour:0 minute:0 second:0];
+ (NSDate *)dateWithYear:(NSInteger)year month:(NSInteger)month day:(NSInteger)day hour:(NSInteger)hour minute:(NSInteger)minute second:(NSInteger)second {
NSDate *nsDate = nil;
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
components.year = year;
components.month = month;
components.day = day;
components.hour = hour;
components.minute = minute;
components.second = second;
nsDate = [[[self class] implicitCalendar] dateFromComponents:components];
return nsDate;
+ (NSDate *)dateWithString:(NSString *)dateString formatString:(NSString *)formatString {
return [self dateWithString:dateString formatString:formatString timeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]];
+ (NSDate *)dateWithString:(NSString *)dateString formatString:(NSString *)formatString timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone {
static NSDateFormatter *parser = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
parser = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
parser.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterNoStyle;
parser.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterNoStyle;
parser.timeZone = timeZone;
parser.dateFormat = formatString;
return [parser dateFromString:dateString];
#pragma mark - Date Editing
#pragma mark Date By Adding
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted later by the provided number of years.
* @param years NSInteger - Number of years to add
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired years
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingYears:(NSInteger)years{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setYear:years];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted later by the provided number of months.
* @param months NSInteger - Number of months to add
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired months
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingMonths:(NSInteger)months{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setMonth:months];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted later by the provided number of weeks.
* @param weeks NSInteger - Number of weeks to add
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired weeks
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingWeeks:(NSInteger)weeks{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setWeekOfYear:weeks];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted later by the provided number of days.
* @param days NSInteger - Number of days to add
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired days
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingDays:(NSInteger)days{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setDay:days];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted later by the provided number of hours.
* @param hours NSInteger - Number of hours to add
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired hours
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingHours:(NSInteger)hours{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setHour:hours];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted later by the provided number of minutes.
* @param minutes NSInteger - Number of minutes to add
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired minutes
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingMinutes:(NSInteger)minutes{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setMinute:minutes];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted later by the provided number of seconds.
* @param seconds NSInteger - Number of seconds to add
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired seconds
- (NSDate *)dateByAddingSeconds:(NSInteger)seconds{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setSecond:seconds];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
#pragma mark Date By Subtracting
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted earlier by the provided number of years.
* @param years NSInteger - Number of years to subtract
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired years
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingYears:(NSInteger)years{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setYear:-1*years];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted earlier by the provided number of months.
* @param months months - Number of months to subtract
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired months
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingMonths:(NSInteger)months{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setMonth:-1*months];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted earlier by the provided number of weeks.
* @param weeks NSInteger - Number of weeks to subtract
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired weeks
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingWeeks:(NSInteger)weeks{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setWeekOfYear:-1*weeks];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted earlier by the provided number of days.
* @param days NSInteger - Number of days to subtract
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired days
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingDays:(NSInteger)days{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setDay:-1*days];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted earlier by the provided number of hours.
* @param hours NSInteger - Number of hours to subtract
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired hours
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingHours:(NSInteger)hours{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setHour:-1*hours];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted earlier by the provided number of minutes.
* @param minutes NSInteger - Number of minutes to subtract
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired minutes
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingMinutes:(NSInteger)minutes{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setMinute:-1*minutes];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
* Returns a date representing the receivers date shifted earlier by the provided number of seconds.
* @param seconds NSInteger - Number of seconds to subtract
* @return NSDate - Date modified by the number of desired seconds
- (NSDate *)dateBySubtractingSeconds:(NSInteger)seconds{
NSCalendar *calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setSecond:-1*seconds];
return [calendar dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:self options:0];
#pragma mark - Date Comparison
#pragma mark Time From
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in years between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* Uses the default Gregorian calendar
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger - The NSInteger representation of the years between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)yearsFrom:(NSDate *)date{
return [self yearsFrom:date calendar:nil];
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in months between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* Uses the default Gregorian calendar
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger - The NSInteger representation of the years between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)monthsFrom:(NSDate *)date{
return [self monthsFrom:date calendar:nil];
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in weeks between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* Uses the default Gregorian calendar
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger - The double representation of the weeks between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)weeksFrom:(NSDate *)date{
return [self weeksFrom:date calendar:nil];
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in days between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* Uses the default Gregorian calendar
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger - The double representation of the days between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)daysFrom:(NSDate *)date{
return [self daysFrom:date calendar:nil];
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in hours between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @return double - The double representation of the hours between receiver and provided date
-(double)hoursFrom:(NSDate *)date{
return ([self timeIntervalSinceDate:date])/SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in minutes between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @return double - The double representation of the minutes between receiver and provided date
-(double)minutesFrom:(NSDate *)date{
return ([self timeIntervalSinceDate:date])/SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in seconds between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @return double - The double representation of the seconds between receiver and provided date
-(double)secondsFrom:(NSDate *)date{
return [self timeIntervalSinceDate:date];
#pragma mark Time From With Calendar
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in years between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - The double representation of the years between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)yearsFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
if (!calendar) {
calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDate *earliest = [self earlierDate:date];
NSDate *latest = (earliest == self) ? date : self;
NSInteger multiplier = (earliest == self) ? -1 : 1;
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitYear fromDate:earliest toDate:latest options:0];
return multiplier*components.year;
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in months between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - The double representation of the months between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)monthsFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
if (!calendar) {
calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDate *earliest = [self earlierDate:date];
NSDate *latest = (earliest == self) ? date : self;
NSInteger multiplier = (earliest == self) ? -1 : 1;
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:allCalendarUnitFlags fromDate:earliest toDate:latest options:0];
return multiplier*(components.month + 12*components.year);
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in weeks between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - The double representation of the weeks between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)weeksFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
if (!calendar) {
calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDate *earliest = [self earlierDate:date];
NSDate *latest = (earliest == self) ? date : self;
NSInteger multiplier = (earliest == self) ? -1 : 1;
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitWeekOfYear fromDate:earliest toDate:latest options:0];
return multiplier*components.weekOfYear;
* Returns an NSInteger representing the amount of time in days between the receiver and the provided date.
* If the receiver is earlier than the provided date, the returned value will be negative.
* @param date NSDate - The provided date for comparison
* @param calendar NSCalendar - The calendar to be used in the calculation
* @return NSInteger - The double representation of the days between receiver and provided date
-(NSInteger)daysFrom:(NSDate *)date calendar:(NSCalendar *)calendar{
if (!calendar) {
calendar = [[self class] implicitCalendar];
NSDate *earliest = [self earlierDate:date];
NSDate *latest = (earliest == self) ? date : self;
NSInteger multiplier = (earliest == self) ? -1 : 1;
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:NSCalendarUnitDay fromDate:earliest toDate:latest options:0];
return multiplier*components.day;
#pragma mark Time Until
* Returns the number of years until the receiver's date. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or earlier than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of years
return [self yearsLaterThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of months until the receiver's date. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or earlier than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of months
return [self monthsLaterThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of weeks until the receiver's date. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or earlier than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of weeks
return [self weeksLaterThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of days until the receiver's date. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or earlier than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of days
return [self daysLaterThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of hours until the receiver's date. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or earlier than now.
* @return double representiation of hours
return [self hoursLaterThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of minutes until the receiver's date. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or earlier than now.
* @return double representiation of minutes
return [self minutesLaterThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of seconds until the receiver's date. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or earlier than now.
* @return double representiation of seconds
return [self secondsLaterThan:[NSDate date]];
#pragma mark Time Ago
* Returns the number of years the receiver's date is earlier than now. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or later than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of years
return [self yearsEarlierThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of months the receiver's date is earlier than now. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or later than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of months
return [self monthsEarlierThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of weeks the receiver's date is earlier than now. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or later than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of weeks
return [self weeksEarlierThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of days the receiver's date is earlier than now. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or later than now.
* @return NSInteger representiation of days
return [self daysEarlierThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of hours the receiver's date is earlier than now. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or later than now.
* @return double representiation of hours
return [self hoursEarlierThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of minutes the receiver's date is earlier than now. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or later than now.
* @return double representiation of minutes
return [self minutesEarlierThan:[NSDate date]];
* Returns the number of seconds the receiver's date is earlier than now. Returns 0 if the receiver is the same or later than now.
* @return double representiation of seconds
return [self secondsEarlierThan:[NSDate date]];
#pragma mark Earlier Than
* Returns the number of years the receiver's date is earlier than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is later than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of years
-(NSInteger)yearsEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
return ABS(MIN([self yearsFrom:date], 0));
* Returns the number of months the receiver's date is earlier than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is later than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of months
-(NSInteger)monthsEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
return ABS(MIN([self monthsFrom:date], 0));
* Returns the number of weeks the receiver's date is earlier than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is later than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of weeks
-(NSInteger)weeksEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
return ABS(MIN([self weeksFrom:date], 0));
* Returns the number of days the receiver's date is earlier than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is later than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of days
-(NSInteger)daysEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
return ABS(MIN([self daysFrom:date], 0));
* Returns the number of hours the receiver's date is earlier than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is later than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return double representing the number of hours
-(double)hoursEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
return ABS(MIN([self hoursFrom:date], 0));
* Returns the number of minutes the receiver's date is earlier than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is later than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return double representing the number of minutes
-(double)minutesEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
return ABS(MIN([self minutesFrom:date], 0));
* Returns the number of seconds the receiver's date is earlier than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is later than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return double representing the number of seconds
-(double)secondsEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
return ABS(MIN([self secondsFrom:date], 0));
#pragma mark Later Than
* Returns the number of years the receiver's date is later than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of years
-(NSInteger)yearsLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
return MAX([self yearsFrom:date], 0);
* Returns the number of months the receiver's date is later than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of months
-(NSInteger)monthsLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
return MAX([self monthsFrom:date], 0);
* Returns the number of weeks the receiver's date is later than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of weeks
-(NSInteger)weeksLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
return MAX([self weeksFrom:date], 0);
* Returns the number of days the receiver's date is later than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return NSInteger representing the number of days
-(NSInteger)daysLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
return MAX([self daysFrom:date], 0);
* Returns the number of hours the receiver's date is later than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return double representing the number of hours
-(double)hoursLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
return MAX([self hoursFrom:date], 0);
* Returns the number of minutes the receiver's date is later than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return double representing the number of minutes
-(double)minutesLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
return MAX([self minutesFrom:date], 0);
* Returns the number of seconds the receiver's date is later than the provided comparison date.
* Returns 0 if the receiver's date is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date.
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return double representing the number of seconds
-(double)secondsLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
return MAX([self secondsFrom:date], 0);
#pragma mark Comparators
* Returns a YES if receiver is earlier than provided comparison date, otherwise returns NO
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return BOOL representing comparison result
-(BOOL)isEarlierThan:(NSDate *)date{
if (self.timeIntervalSince1970 < date.timeIntervalSince1970) {
return YES;
return NO;
* Returns a YES if receiver is later than provided comparison date, otherwise returns NO
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return BOOL representing comparison result
-(BOOL)isLaterThan:(NSDate *)date{
if (self.timeIntervalSince1970 > date.timeIntervalSince1970) {
return YES;
return NO;
* Returns a YES if receiver is earlier than or equal to the provided comparison date, otherwise returns NO
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return BOOL representing comparison result
-(BOOL)isEarlierThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate *)date{
if (self.timeIntervalSince1970 <= date.timeIntervalSince1970) {
return YES;
return NO;
* Returns a YES if receiver is later than or equal to provided comparison date, otherwise returns NO
* @param date NSDate - Provided date for comparison
* @return BOOL representing comparison result
-(BOOL)isLaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSDate *)date{
if (self.timeIntervalSince1970 >= date.timeIntervalSince1970) {
return YES;
return NO;
#pragma mark - Formatted Dates
#pragma mark Formatted With Style
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given style
* @param style NSDateFormatterStyle - Desired date formatting style
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style{
return [self formattedDateWithStyle:style timeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone] locale:[NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale]];
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given style and time zone
* @param style NSDateFormatterStyle - Desired date formatting style
* @param timeZone NSTimeZone - Desired time zone
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone{
return [self formattedDateWithStyle:style timeZone:timeZone locale:[NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale]];
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given style and locale
* @param style NSDateFormatterStyle - Desired date formatting style
* @param locale NSLocale - Desired locale
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style locale:(NSLocale *)locale{
return [self formattedDateWithStyle:style timeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone] locale:locale];
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given style, time zone and locale
* @param style NSDateFormatterStyle - Desired date formatting style
* @param timeZone NSTimeZone - Desired time zone
* @param locale NSLocale - Desired locale
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone locale:(NSLocale *)locale{
static NSDateFormatter *formatter = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateStyle:style];
[formatter setTimeZone:timeZone];
[formatter setLocale:locale];
return [formatter stringFromDate:self];
#pragma mark Formatted With Format
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given date format
* @param format NSString - String representing the desired date format
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format{
return [self formattedDateWithFormat:format timeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone] locale:[NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale]];
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given date format and time zone
* @param format NSString - String representing the desired date format
* @param timeZone NSTimeZone - Desired time zone
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone{
return [self formattedDateWithFormat:format timeZone:timeZone locale:[NSLocale autoupdatingCurrentLocale]];
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given date format and locale
* @param format NSString - String representing the desired date format
* @param locale NSLocale - Desired locale
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format locale:(NSLocale *)locale{
return [self formattedDateWithFormat:format timeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone] locale:locale];
* Convenience method that returns a formatted string representing the receiver's date formatted to a given date format, time zone and locale
* @param format NSString - String representing the desired date format
* @param timeZone NSTimeZone - Desired time zone
* @param locale NSLocale - Desired locale
* @return NSString representing the formatted date string
-(NSString *)formattedDateWithFormat:(NSString *)format timeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone locale:(NSLocale *)locale{
static NSDateFormatter *formatter = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setDateFormat:format];
[formatter setTimeZone:timeZone];
[formatter setLocale:locale];
return [formatter stringFromDate:self];
#pragma mark - Helpers
* Class method that returns whether the given year is a leap year for the Gregorian Calendar
* Returns YES if year is a leap year, otherwise returns NO
* @param year NSInteger - Year to evaluate
* @return BOOL evaluation of year
if (year%400){
return YES;
else if (year%100){
return NO;
else if (year%4){
return YES;
return NO;
* Retrieves the default calendar identifier used for all non-calendar-specified operations
* @return NSString - NSCalendarIdentifier
+(NSString *)defaultCalendarIdentifier {
return defaultCalendarIdentifier;
* Sets the default calendar identifier used for all non-calendar-specified operations
* @param identifier NSString - NSCalendarIdentifier
+ (void)setDefaultCalendarIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier {
defaultCalendarIdentifier = [identifier copy];
implicitCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:defaultCalendarIdentifier ?: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
* Retrieves a default NSCalendar instance, based on the value of defaultCalendarSetting
* @return NSCalendar The current implicit calendar
+ (NSCalendar *)implicitCalendar {
return implicitCalendar;