today's theme is "when you are no longer young". as usual, I did attent this meeting as a silencer. except for some smile or langh during the meeting. I didn't say a word. it's really not a the situation I want. I want I could be a speaker not an audience.
when you are no longer yong. what will you do. just image the life in fourty years later. ohh. I will be 68 years old. look at the life I lived now, it's so boring and terrible. I often go into bad emotion. I am a loser to some extent. I really don't want to repent when I am old someday.I don't want to waste my life.
我看到那个演讲眉飞色舞的Avril,在英语流利说上的坚持,坚持与胜利,我看到那个自信阳光的Jack,从大学时候的独自旅行,到蜜月旅行,到家庭旅行,从国内走到国外,走过千山万水,看不一样的风景,走不一样的人生。我看到Sam的negotiate 时的从容与笃定,看到Lily的英语流利而精彩。