redux actions

redux actions

作者: Tim张 | 来源:发表于2017-07-26 10:52 被阅读865次



npm install--save redux-actions 或 yarn add redux-actions


  import { createActions, handleActions, combineActions } from 'redux-actions'
  const defaultState = { counter: 10 };
  const { increment, decrement } = createActions({
    INCREMENT: amount => ({ amount }),
    DECREMENT: amount => ({ amount: -amount })
  const reducer = handleActions({
    [combineActions(increment, decrement)](state, { payload: { amount } }) {
      return { ...state, counter: state.counter + amount };
  }, defaultState);
  export default reducer;

Api 构成

  • createAction
    createAction(type, payloadCreator)
    createAction(type, payloadCreator, metaCreator)
  • createActions
    createActions(actionMap, ...identityActions)
  • handleAction
    handleAction(type, reducer, defaultState)
    handleAction(type, reducerMap, defaultState)
  • handleActions
    handleActions(reducerMap, defaultState)
  • combineActions

redux actions的API相对数量少而且简单,下面进行逐一解释。

  1. 首先<code>createAction(s)</code>其实就是action creator的一个包装,返回值是带有payload的标准action,<code> createAction</code>如果叫做<code> createActionCreator</code>可能会更贴切一点。

  2. <code>createAction(type)</code>,typecreateAction方法的唯一必须参数,type必须是一个String或这个有toString方法的一个对象,作为actiontype出现。
    // Example
    export const increment = createAction('INCREMENT')
    export const decrement = createAction('DECREMENT')

     increment() // { type: 'INCREMENT' }
     decrement() // { type: 'DECREMENT' }
     increment(10) // { type: 'INCREMENT', payload: 10 }
     decrement([1, 42]) // { type: 'DECREMENT', payload: [1, 42] }

注:如果payload是一个Error object, redux-actions将会自动设置action.error为true

    const noop = createAction('NOOP');

    const error = new TypeError('not a number');
      type: 'NOOP',
      payload: error,
      error: true


    const noop = createAction('INCREMENT');

    // As parameter in handleAction:
    handleAction(noop, {
      next(state, action) {...},
      throw(state, action) {...}

    // As object key in handleActions:
    const reducer = handleActions({
      [noop]: (state, action) => ({
        counter: state.counter + action.payload
    }, { counter: 0 });

// createAction.js
export default function createAction(type, payloadCreator = identity, metaCreator) {
const typeString = type.toString();

      const actionCreator = (...args) => {
        return action;
      // actionCreator实现了toString方法
      actionCreator.toString = () => typeString;

      return actionCreator;

    // handleAction.js
    export default function handleAction(type, reducer = identity, defaultState) {
      // handlerAction中调用了toString
      const types = type.toString().split(ACTION_TYPE_DELIMITER);
      return (state = defaultState, action) => {
        const { type: actionType } = action;
        if (!actionType || !includes(types, actionType.toString())) {
          return state;

        return (action.error === true ? throwReducer : nextReducer)(state, action);


    createAction('ADD_TODO')('Use Redux');
  1. <code>createAction(type, payloadCreator)</code>,<code>payloadCreator</code>必须是一个函数, <code>undefined</code>, 或者 <code>null</code>. 如果<code>payloadCreator</code>是<code>undefined</code> 或 <code>null</code>, 着payload会使用lodash/identity一个会把传入的第一个参数直接返回的函数。
    // EXAMPLE

     let noop = createAction('NOOP', amount => amount);
     // same as
     noop = createAction('NOOP');
       type: 'NOOP',
       payload: 42
  2. <code>createAction(type, payloadCreator, metaCreator)</code>,<code>metaCreator</code> 是一个可选的函数,它为<code>payload</code>创建<code>matadata</code>. 他和<code>payload creator</code>接收同样的参数,但是他的返回值会做为actionmeta字段的值。 如果 metaCreator
    undefined不是一个函数, action中的mata他字段会被删除
    // EXAMPLE

     const updateAdminUser = createAction('UPDATE_ADMIN_USER',
       (updates) => updates,
       () => ({ admin: true })
     updateAdminUser({ name: 'Foo' })
     // {
     //   type: 'UPDATE_ADMIN_USER',
     //   payload: { name: 'Foo' },
     //   meta: { admin: true },
     // }
  3. createActions import { createActions } from 'redux-actions';
    createActions(actionMap)actionMap 是一个对象,他可以有可递归(嵌套)的结构, action types作为key, 值 必须是 下面的一种

  • 一个payload creator函数
  • 一个数组,包含payloadmetacreator函数,必须保证顺序。
    • mata creator是必须的,如果不需要,请使用上面的选项。
  • 一个actionMap
    // EXAMPLE
      ADD_TODO: todo => ({ todo }) // payload creator,
      REMOVE_TODO: [
        todo => ({ todo }), // payload creator
        (todo, warn) => ({ todo, warn }) // meta creator

如果 actionMap 有一个嵌套结构,嵌套的出口是他的值是payloadmatacreator,并且他的action type会被合并,以/分割,如下例子:

    // EXAMPLE

    const actionCreators = createActions({
      APP: {
        COUNTER: {
          INCREMENT: [
            amount => ({ amount }),
            amount => ({ key: 'value', amount })
          DECREMENT: amount => ({ amount: -amount }),
          SET: undefined // given undefined, the identity function will be used
        NOTIFY: [
          (username, message) => ({ message: `${username}: ${message}` }),
          (username, message) => ({ username, message })

      payload: { amount: 1 },
      meta: { key: 'value', amount: 1 }
      payload: { amount: -1 }
      type: 'APP/COUNTER/SET',
      payload: 100
    expect(actionCreators.app.notify('yangmillstheory', 'Hello World')).to.deep.equal({
      type: 'APP/NOTIFY',
      payload: { message: 'yangmillstheory: Hello World' },
      meta: { username: 'yangmillstheory', message: 'Hello World' }

注:你亦可以自定义分割type的字符串, createActions({ ... }, 'INCREMENT', { namespace: '--' })默认是 /

  1. createActions(actionMap, ...identityActions)identityActions 是一个可选的字符串列表,他会被用来做action type; 这些 action types 会使用identity payload creator
    // EXAMPLE

     const { actionOne, actionTwo, actionThree } = createActions({
       // function form; payload creator defined inline
       ACTION_ONE: (key, value) => ({ [key]: value }),
       // array form
       ACTION_TWO: [
         (first) => [first],             // payload
         (first, second) => ({ second }) // meta
       // trailing action type string form; payload creator is the identity
     }, 'ACTION_THREE');
     expect(actionOne('key', 1)).to.deep.equal({
       type: 'ACTION_ONE',
       payload: { key: 1 }
     expect(actionTwo('first', 'second')).to.deep.equal({
       type: 'ACTION_TWO',
       payload: ['first'],
       meta: { second: 'second' }
       type: 'ACTION_THREE',
       payload: 3,

$ import { handleAction } from 'redux-actions';

  1. handleAction(type, reducer, defaultState)reducer 是一个函数, 他会同时处理normal actionsfailed actions. (failed action 就像 promiserejected.) 如果你能确定,永远不会产生 failed actions,就可以使用这个handleAction。如果reducerundefined,会使用identity代替。第三个参数defaultState是必须的,在reducerundefined时作为identity的参数。
    // EXAMPLE

     handleAction('APP/COUNTER/INCREMENT', (state, action) => ({
       counter: state.counter + action.payload.amount,
     }), defaultState);
  2. handleAction(type, reducerMap, defaultState),你也可以使用包含了 next()throw()reducerMap ,灵感来自 ES6 generator 。如果reducerMapundefined,会使用identity代替。如果 next()throw() 任何一个是 undefinednull, 就会使用 identity 函数代替。
    // EXAMPLE

     handleAction('FETCH_DATA', {
       next(state, action) {...},
       throw(state, action) {...},
     }, defaultState);
  3. handleActions(reducerMap, defaultState),handleActions 就是通过 handleAction() 创建多个 reducers,然后把他们合并为一个reducer,并且处理多个 actions。
    // EXAMPLE

     const reducer = handleActions({
       INCREMENT: (state, action) => ({
         counter: state.counter + action.payload
       DECREMENT: (state, action) => ({
         counter: state.counter - action.payload
     }, { counter: 0 });
  4. combineActions 合并任意数量的 action typeaction creatorcombineActions(...types),你可以用这个方法让多个action使用一个reducer函数, typesstrings, symbols, 或 action creators 的列表。import { combineActions } from 'redux-actions';
    // EXAMPLE

    const { increment, decrement } = createActions({
      INCREMENT: amount => ({ amount }),
      DECREMENT: amount => ({ amount: -amount }),
    const reducer = handleAction(combineActions(increment, decrement), {
      next: (state, { payload: { amount } }) => ({ ...state, counter: state.counter + amount }),
      throw: state => ({ ...state, counter: 0 }),
    }, { counter: 10 })
    expect(reducer(undefined, increment(1)).to.deep.equal({ counter: 11 })
    expect(reducer(undefined, decrement(1)).to.deep.equal({ counter: 9 })
    expect(reducer(undefined, increment(new Error)).to.deep.equal({ counter: 0 })
    expect(reducer(undefined, decrement(new Error)).to.deep.equal({ counter: 0 })

combineActionshandleActions 结合起来的用法如下:

    const { increment, decrement } = createActions({
      INCREMENT: amount => ({ amount }),
      DECREMENT: amount => ({ amount: -amount })

    const reducer = handleActions({
      [combineActions(increment, decrement)](state, { payload: { amount } }) {
        return { ...state, counter: state.counter + amount };
    }, { counter: 10 });

    expect(reducer({ counter: 5 }, increment(5))).to.deep.equal({ counter: 10 });
    expect(reducer({ counter: 5 }, decrement(5))).to.deep.equal({ counter: 0 });
    expect(reducer({ counter: 5 }, { type: 'NOT_TYPE', payload: 1000 })).to.equal({ counter: 5 });
    expect(reducer(undefined, increment(5))).to.deep.equal({ counter: 15 });



      本文标题:redux actions
