Multi-threaded programming is ha

Multi-threaded programming is ha

作者: pillowBalcony | 来源:发表于2017-06-01 16:16 被阅读0次

    Lecture from 并发:如人饮水,冷暖自知

    Here is the summary:

    • Multi-thread is hard because of
      • memory model
      • memory access can be reordered by
        • compiler
        • JVM
        • CPU
    • The problem is shared, mutable data
      • shared, mutable data => Functional programming
      • shared, mutable data => Message Passing: Actors
      • shared, mutable => Software Transactional Memory
    • Concurreny is hard => Threads and Locks are hard
    • Fast, scalable, Resilient, most importantly, simple & correct



          本文标题:Multi-threaded programming is ha
