AIDL中的in out inout

AIDL中的in out inout

作者: 小河伴 | 来源:发表于2020-07-29 18:05 被阅读0次

    AIDL中的in out inout,官方是这样介绍的,

    All non-primitive parameters require a directional tag indicating which way the data goes . Either in , out , or inout . Primitives are in by default , and connot be otherwise .

    说的很抽象,我的理解是 如果客户端调用服务端实现的接口,在服务端修改参数的属性的话 对客户端原来的对象如果同步修改的话 就需要设置为out/inout,如果修改客户端的参数的属性不影响原来的对象,就用in

    interface StudentManager {
         * Demonstrates some basic types that you can use as parameters
         * and return values in AIDL.
        void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat,
                double aDouble, String aString);
        void addStudentInout(inout Student s);//
        void addStudentIn(in Student s);
        //void addStudentOut(out Student s);//声明为out的话 一直报错 不知道什么原因
        List<Student> getStudents();
        void clear(int isClear);
    public class StudentService extends Service {
        private List<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
        public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
            return binder;
         * 实现StudentManager接口
        private StudentManager.Stub binder = new StudentManager.Stub() {
            public void basicTypes(int anInt, long aLong, boolean aBoolean, float aFloat, double aDouble, String aString) throws RemoteException {
            public void addStudentInout(Student s) throws RemoteException {
                s.setName("update");//修改name属性 客户端s对象的name属性做响应的修改
            public void addStudentIn(Student s) throws RemoteException {
                s.setName("update");//修改name属性 不会影响客户端对象的属性
            public void addStudentOut(Student s) throws RemoteException {
                students.add(s);//如果接口中申明为out 参数的话一直报错 不能通过编译,暂时不知道什么原因
            public List<Student> getStudents() throws RemoteException {
                return students;
            public void clear(int isClear) throws RemoteException {



          本文标题:AIDL中的in out inout
