- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 2 Unit 1 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 2 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 2 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 1 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 1 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 2 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 1 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 2 Unit 1 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 2 Unit 1 P
- 【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 2 Unit 1 P
【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 1 Part 4(V)对话 Comparing Phones
男 M
女 W
I think I'm going to get a Sonic phone.
Are you sure?
Don't you think it's a bit expensive.【跟读】
The Viva is just as good, and it's much cheaper.【填空】
Well, I tried both of them and so on is user experience is much better than the Viva's.
Really why do you think so?
It's operating system is a lot faster.
Games run smoothly, even with many apps open.【朗读】
It smooth gameplay worth the extra 600 dollars?
That's not the only reason why the Sonic is better.
Life is short. So I want to enjoy the best.
【选择】-Why does the woman dislike the Viva? -Its user experience isn't as good as the Sonic's.
【选择】-Why does the man like the Viva? -It's much cheaper.
Okay. But supporting such a powerful operating system takes energy.【填空】
So how long does the Sonic's battery last?
That's a good question.
but I can just use the power bank to charge the battery.
Well what about size?
The Sonic is huge.
Why do you need such a large screen?
Its screen is much more comfortable for my eyes.
When I tried reading on the viva, I have to focus really hard.【朗读】
【选择】-Why does the woman think the Sonic's short battery life isn't a problem? -She can use a power bank to charge the battery.
【选择】-Why does the woman prefer the Sonic's screen size? -The screen is more comfortable for her eyes.
【跟读】The Sonic's user experience is much better than the Viva's.
But don't you think it's inconvenient to keep it in your pocket?【朗读】
That might be true, but girls use purses.
Beside, I want to use something that reflects a modern lifestyle.【跟读】
What do you mean?
I work in public relations, so I always need to give a good impression.【填空】
Using the Viva shows that I'm not professional.
Maybe people be impressed if you use a Viva.【跟读】
It would show them that you don't care what they think.
Nice try.
But appearances are important, whether you like it or not.
【选择】-Why isn't the woman unhappy about the Sonic's large size? -She can put it in her purse.
OK. If a Sonic can make you happy, let's buy it.
We can get you one too if you like.
That way you will see how great they really are in and change your mind.【朗读】
Come on, one it's expensive enough.
I'll definitely get a Viva when I need a new phone.
【选择】-Why does the man think people might be impressed if the woman uses a Viva? -It would show that she doesn't care waht other people think.