

作者: ViminX | 来源:发表于2017-04-24 16:15 被阅读0次

    What a dignity it gives an old lady, that balance at the banker's!How tenderly we look at her faults if she is a relative(and may every reader have a score of such),what a kind good-natured old creature we find her!How the junior partner of Hobbs and Dobbs leads her smiling to the carriage with the lozenge upon it, and the fat wheezy coachman!How, when she comes to pay us a visit, we generally fnd an opportunity to let our friends know her station in the world!We say(and with perfect truth)I wish I had Miss MacWhirter's signature to a cheque for fve thousand pounds. She wouldn't miss it, says your wife.she is my aunt, say you, in an easy careless way, when your friend asks if miss macWhirter is any relative.Your wife is perpetually sending her little testimonies of afection, your little girls work endless worsted baskets, cushions, and footstools for her.What a good fre there is in her room when she comes to pay you a visit, although your wife laces her stays without one!The house during her stay assumes a festive, neat, warm, jovial, snug appearance not visible at other seasons.You yourself, dear sir, forget to go to sleep after dinner, and fnd yourself all of a sudden(though you invariably lose)very fond of a rubber.What good dinners you have—game every day, Malmsey-Madeira, and no end of fish from London.Even the servants in the kitchen share in the general prosperity;and, somehow, during the stay of Miss macWhirter's fat coachman, the beer is grown much stronger, and theconsumption of tea and sugar in the nursery(where her maid takes her meals)is not regarded in the least.Is it so, or is it not so?I appeal to the middle classes.Ah, gracious powers!I wish you would send me an old aunt—a maiden aunt—an aunt with a lozenge on her carriage, and a front of light coffee-coloured hair—how my children should work workbags for her, and my Julia and I would make her comfortable!Sweet—sweet vision!Foolish—foolish dream!



