Business Insider日读新闻随记71

Business Insider日读新闻随记71

作者: 江暮白 | 来源:发表于2019-05-18 10:36 被阅读0次


    Google is using its homepage to brag about how much it helps the economy

    Want to see all the ways Google is helping the economy and creating jobs in your state? Just go to the Google homepage. Google has put a link to the information front and center on its Google.com landing page, one of the most visited pages on the internet.

    On Friday, the tech giant began promoting its so-called state economic-impact reports on Google.com. The link to the reports is one of the few pieces of information on the famously sparse white page other than the search box and the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button.

    Just this week, the White House released a tool to report social-media bias and censorship on platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. In its quarterly earnings conference call in October, CEO Sundar Pichai took time to talk up the company’s investments in the US economy, a novel talking point that has now become a standard part of the company’s quarterly talks with investors.

    It appears that Google has created an annual national economic-impact report every year since at least 2009. Google occasionally puts links under its search box to promote major events, such as the US president’s State of the Union address, and advertise its own products, such as the Pixel phones. But the economic-impact reports seem of a decidedly wonkier nature for such a heavily visited consumer hub.

    60% of male managers are afraid to have a one-on-one meeting with a female employee

    New research released by LeanIn organisation, which advocates for equal pay and equal advancement opportunity for women, found that in this post #metoo/#timesup world, “60% of male managers in the United States are afraid to do a one-on-one activity with a woman, including having a meeting.

    Senior male managers are also hesitating when it comes to business travel with their female employees as well as 1:1 dinners and that this number is on the rise since last year, up 33%. And the problem with that is women already weren’t getting the same mentorship that men were, particularly women of colour. And no one has ever gotten a promotion without getting a one-on-one meeting.

    The top reason they gave for this behaviour was that they were concerned about how how being alone with a woman from work would look. The ironic part is that even if a male manager is avoiding being alone with his female employees out of a sense of trying to set a good example, he may actually be creating the exact environment that allows sexism and sexual harassment to thrive.

    When women are not being mentored as they ask for more responsibility, the odds of more women rising to leadership roles lessens. “If there is a man out there who doesn’t want to have work dinners with a woman, then he shouldn’t have work dinners with a man. You know, group lunches for everyone if that’s how they feel,” Sheryl Sandberg said.

    20 cognitive biases that screw up your decisions

    From what you’ll eat throughout the day to whether you should make a big career move, research suggests that there are a number of cognitive stumbling blocks that affect your behaviour, and they can prevent you from acting in your own best interests.



          本文标题:Business Insider日读新闻随记71
