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Android Dev 工具类链式调用 Helper 类

Android Dev 工具类链式调用 Helper 类

作者: afkT | 来源:发表于2019-10-31 02:46 被阅读0次

DevUtils Github

方法 注释
get 获取单例 DevHelper
viewHelper 获取 ViewHelper
devHelper 获取 DevHelper
postRunnable 在主线程 Handler 中执行任务
removeRunnable 在主线程 Handler 中清除任务
startTimer 运行定时器
closeTimer 关闭定时器
recycle Bitmap 通知回收
saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
saveBitmapToSDCardPNG 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
saveBitmapToSDCard 保存图片到 SDCard
addTextChangedListener 添加输入监听事件
removeTextChangedListener 移除输入监听事件
setKeyListener 设置 KeyListener
record 日志记录
cleanInternalCache 清除内部缓存 - path /data/data/package/cache
cleanInternalFiles 清除内部文件 - path /data/data/package/files
cleanInternalDbs 清除内部数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases
cleanInternalDbByName 根据名称清除数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases/dbName
cleanInternalSp 清除内部 SP - path /data/data/package/shared_prefs
cleanExternalCache 清除外部缓存 - path /storage/emulated/0/android/data/package/cache
cleanCustomDir 清除自定义路径下的文件, 使用需小心请不要误删, 而且只支持目录下的文件删除
cleanApplicationData 清除本应用所有的数据
copyText 复制文本到剪贴板
copyUri 复制 URI 到剪贴板
copyIntent 复制意图到剪贴板
notifyMediaStore 通知刷新本地资源
insertImageIntoMediaStore 添加图片到系统相册 ( 包含原图、相册图, 会存在两张 ) - 想要一张, 直接调用 notifyMediaStore()
insertVideoIntoMediaStore 添加视频到系统相册
insertIntoMediaStore 保存到系统相册
showDialog 显示 Dialog
closeDialog 关闭 Dialog
closeDialogs 关闭多个 Dialog
closePopupWindow 关闭 PopupWindow
closePopupWindows 关闭多个 PopupWindow
autoCloseDialog 自动关闭 dialog
autoClosePopupWindow 自动关闭 PopupWindow
openKeyboard 打开软键盘
closeKeyboard 关闭软键盘
closeKeyBoardSpecial 关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理
judgeView 设置某个 View 内所有非 EditText 的子 View OnTouchListener 事件
registerSoftInputChangedListener 注册软键盘改变监听
registerSoftInputChangedListener2 注册软键盘改变监听
applyLanguage 修改系统语言 (APP 多语言, 单独改变 APP 语言 )
setOnClicks 设置点击事件
setOnLongClicks 设置长按事件
addTouchArea 增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
cancelAllNotification 移除通知 - 移除所有通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的 Notification)
cancelNotification 移除通知 - 移除标记为 id 的通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的所有 Notification)
notifyNotification 进行通知
saveAssetsFormFile 获取 Assets 资源文件数据并保存到本地
saveRawFormFile 获取 Raw 资源文件数据并保存到本地
setWindowSecure 设置禁止截屏
setFullScreen 设置屏幕为全屏
setLandscape 设置屏幕为横屏
setPortrait 设置屏幕为竖屏
toggleScreenOrientation 切换屏幕方向
forceGetViewSize 在 onCreate 中获取视图的尺寸 - 需回调 onGetSizeListener 接口, 在 onGetSize 中获取 View 宽高
vibrate 震动
cancel 取消震动
closeIO 关闭 IO
closeIOQuietly 安静关闭 IO
getNetTime 获取网络时间 - 默认使用百度链接
waitForEndAsyn 设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 异步 )
waitForEnd 设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 同步 )
setAnimationListener 设置动画事件
package dev.utils.app.helper;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.app.Notification;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.support.annotation.IntRange;
import android.support.annotation.RawRes;
import android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment;
import android.text.TextWatcher;
import android.text.method.KeyListener;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Locale;

import dev.utils.app.AnalysisRecordUtils;
import dev.utils.app.CleanUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ClickUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ClipboardUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ContentResolverUtils;
import dev.utils.app.DialogUtils;
import dev.utils.app.EditTextUtils;
import dev.utils.app.HandlerUtils;
import dev.utils.app.KeyBoardUtils;
import dev.utils.app.LanguageUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ListenerUtils;
import dev.utils.app.NotificationUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ResourceUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ScreenUtils;
import dev.utils.app.SizeUtils;
import dev.utils.app.VibrationUtils;
import dev.utils.app.anim.AnimationUtils;
import dev.utils.app.assist.manager.TimerManager;
import dev.utils.app.image.BitmapUtils;
import dev.utils.app.image.ImageUtils;
import dev.utils.common.CloseUtils;
import dev.utils.common.HttpURLConnectionUtils;
import dev.utils.common.assist.TimeKeeper;

 * detail: Dev 工具类链式调用 Helper 类
 * @author Ttt
 * <pre>
 *     通过 DevApp 工具类快捷实现
 *     <p></p>
 *     DevApp Api
 *     @see <a href="https://github.com/afkT/DevUtils/blob/master/lib/DevApp/README.md"/>
 * </pre>
public final class DevHelper {

    // TimeKeeper
    private TimeKeeper mTimeKeeper = new TimeKeeper();
    // DevHelper
    private static final DevHelper HELPER = new DevHelper();

     * 获取单例 DevHelper
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public static DevHelper get() {
        return HELPER;

    // ==========
    // = Helper =
    // ==========

     * 获取 ViewHelper
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper viewHelper() {
        return ViewHelper.get();

     * 获取 DevHelper
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper devHelper() {
        return this;

    // ===========
    // = Handler =
    // ===========

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行任务
     * @param runnable 可执行的任务
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable) {
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
     * @param runnable    可执行的任务
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis) {
        HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis);
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
     * @param runnable    可执行的任务
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间
     * @param number      轮询次数
     * @param interval    轮询时间
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis, final int number, final int interval) {
        HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis, number, interval);
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
     * @param runnable      可执行的任务
     * @param delayMillis   延迟时间
     * @param number        轮询次数
     * @param interval      轮询时间
     * @param onEndListener 结束通知
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis, final int number, final int interval, final HandlerUtils.OnEndListener onEndListener) {
        HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis, number, interval, onEndListener);
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中清除任务
     * @param runnable 需要清除的任务
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper removeRunnable(final Runnable runnable) {
        return this;

    // ================
    // = TimerManager =
    // ================

     * 运行定时器
     * @param timer {@link TimerManager.AbsTimer}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper startTimer(final TimerManager.AbsTimer timer) {
        if (timer != null) timer.startTimer();
        return this;

     * 关闭定时器
     * @param timer {@link TimerManager.AbsTimer}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeTimer(final TimerManager.AbsTimer timer) {
        if (timer != null) timer.closeTimer();
        return this;

    // ===============
    // = BitmapUtils =
    // ===============

     * Bitmap 通知回收
     * @param bitmap 待回收图片
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper recycle(final Bitmap bitmap) {
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = ImageUtils =
    // ==============

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
     * @param bitmap   待保存图片
     * @param filePath 保存路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100);

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
     * @param bitmap 待保存图片
     * @param file   保存路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100);

    // =

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
     * @param bitmap   待保存图片
     * @param filePath 保存路径
     * @param quality  质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath,
                                            @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, quality);

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
     * @param bitmap  待保存图片
     * @param file    保存路径
     * @param quality 质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file,
                                            @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, quality);

    // =

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
     * @param bitmap   待保存图片
     * @param filePath 保存路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100);

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
     * @param bitmap 待保存图片
     * @param file   保存路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100);

    // =

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
     * @param bitmap   待保存图片
     * @param filePath 保存路径
     * @param quality  质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath,
                                           @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, quality);

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
     * @param bitmap  待保存图片
     * @param file    保存路径
     * @param quality 质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file,
                                           @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, quality);

    // =

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
     * @param bitmap   待保存图片
     * @param filePath 保存路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, 100);

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
     * @param bitmap 待保存图片
     * @param file   保存路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, 100);

    // =

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
     * @param bitmap   待保存图片
     * @param filePath 保存路径
     * @param quality  质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath,
                                            @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, quality);

     * 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
     * @param bitmap  待保存图片
     * @param file    保存路径
     * @param quality 质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file,
                                            @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, quality);

    // =

     * 保存图片到 SDCard
     * @param bitmap   待保存图片
     * @param filePath 保存路径
     * @param format   如 Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
     * @param quality  质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCard(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath, final Bitmap.CompressFormat format,
                                        @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        ImageUtils.saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, format, quality);
        return this;

     * 保存图片到 SDCard
     * @param bitmap  待保存图片
     * @param file    保存路径
     * @param format  如 Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
     * @param quality 质量
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCard(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file, final Bitmap.CompressFormat format,
                                        @IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
        ImageUtils.saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, format, quality);
        return this;

    // =================
    // = EditTextUtils =
    // =================

     * 添加输入监听事件
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param watcher  输入监听
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper addTextChangedListener(final EditText editText, final TextWatcher watcher) {
        EditTextUtils.addTextChangedListener(editText, watcher);
        return this;

     * 移除输入监听事件
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param watcher  输入监听
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper removeTextChangedListener(final EditText editText, final TextWatcher watcher) {
        EditTextUtils.removeTextChangedListener(editText, watcher);
        return this;

     * 设置 KeyListener
     * @param editText    {@link EditText}
     * @param keyListener {@link KeyListener}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final KeyListener keyListener) {
        EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, keyListener);
        return this;

     * 设置 KeyListener
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param accepted 允许输入的内容, 如: 0123456789
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final String accepted) {
        EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, accepted);
        return this;

     * 设置 KeyListener
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param accepted 允许输入的内容
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final char[] accepted) {
        EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, accepted);
        return this;

    // =======================
    // = AnalysisRecordUtils =
    // =======================

     * 日志记录
     * @param fileInfo {@link AnalysisRecordUtils.FileInfo}
     * @param logs     日志内容数组
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper record(final AnalysisRecordUtils.FileInfo fileInfo, final String... logs) {
        AnalysisRecordUtils.record(fileInfo, logs);
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = CleanUtils =
    // ==============

     * 清除内部缓存 - path /data/data/package/cache
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanInternalCache() {
        return this;

     * 清除内部文件 - path /data/data/package/files
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanInternalFiles() {
        return this;

     * 清除内部数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanInternalDbs() {
        return this;

     * 根据名称清除数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases/dbName
     * @param dbName 数据库名
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanInternalDbByName(final String dbName) {
        return this;

     * 清除内部 SP - path /data/data/package/shared_prefs
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanInternalSp() {
        return this;

     * 清除外部缓存 - path /storage/emulated/0/android/data/package/cache
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanExternalCache() {
        return this;

    // =

     * 清除自定义路径下的文件, 使用需小心请不要误删, 而且只支持目录下的文件删除
     * @param filePath 文件路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanCustomDir(final String filePath) {
        return this;

     * 清除自定义路径下的文件, 使用需小心请不要误删, 而且只支持目录下的文件删除
     * @param file 文件路径
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanCustomDir(final File file) {
        return this;

     * 清除本应用所有的数据
     * @param filePaths 文件路径数组
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cleanApplicationData(final String... filePaths) {
        return this;

    // ==================
    // = ClipboardUtils =
    // ==================

     * 复制文本到剪贴板
     * @param text 文本
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper copyText(final CharSequence text) {
        return this;

     * 复制 URI 到剪贴板
     * @param uri {@link Uri}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper copyUri(final Uri uri) {
        return this;

     * 复制意图到剪贴板
     * @param intent 意图
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper copyIntent(final Intent intent) {
        return this;

    // ========================
    // = ContentResolverUtils =
    // ========================

     * 通知刷新本地资源
     * @param file 文件
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper notifyMediaStore(final File file) {
        return this;

     * 添加图片到系统相册 ( 包含原图、相册图, 会存在两张 ) - 想要一张, 直接调用 notifyMediaStore()
     * @param file     文件
     * @param fileName 文件名
     * @param isNotify 是否广播通知图库扫描
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper insertImageIntoMediaStore(final File file, final String fileName, final boolean isNotify) {
        ContentResolverUtils.insertImageIntoMediaStore(file, fileName, isNotify);
        return this;

    // =

     * 添加视频到系统相册
     * @param file 文件
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper insertVideoIntoMediaStore(final File file) {
        return this;

     * 保存到系统相册
     * @param file       文件
     * @param createTime 创建时间
     * @param isVideo    是否视频
     * @param mimeType   资源类型
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper insertIntoMediaStore(final File file, final long createTime, final boolean isVideo, final String mimeType) {
        ContentResolverUtils.insertIntoMediaStore(file, createTime, isVideo, mimeType);
        return this;

    // ===============
    // = DialogUtils =
    // ===============

     * 显示 Dialog
     * @param dialog {@link Dialog}
     * @param <T>    泛型
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public <T extends Dialog> DevHelper showDialog(final T dialog) {
        return this;

     * 关闭 Dialog
     * @param dialog {@link Dialog}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeDialog(final Dialog dialog) {
        return this;

     * 关闭多个 Dialog
     * @param dialogs {@link Dialog} 数组
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeDialogs(final Dialog... dialogs) {
        return this;

    // =

     * 关闭 DialogFragment
     * @param dialog {@link DialogFragment}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeDialog(final DialogFragment dialog) {
        return this;

     * 关闭多个 DialogFragment
     * @param dialogs {@link DialogFragment} 数组
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeDialogs(final DialogFragment... dialogs) {
        return this;

    // =

     * 关闭 PopupWindow
     * @param popupWindow {@link PopupWindow}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closePopupWindow(final PopupWindow popupWindow) {
        return this;

     * 关闭多个 PopupWindow
     * @param popupWindows {@link PopupWindow} 数组
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closePopupWindows(final PopupWindow... popupWindows) {
        return this;

    // =

     * 自动关闭 dialog
     * @param dialog      {@link Dialog}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟关闭时间
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param <T>         泛型
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public <T extends Dialog> DevHelper autoCloseDialog(final T dialog, final long delayMillis, final Handler handler) {
        DialogUtils.autoCloseDialog(dialog, delayMillis, handler);
        return this;

     * 自动关闭 DialogFragment
     * @param dialog      {@link DialogFragment}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟关闭时间
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param <T>         泛型
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public <T extends DialogFragment> DevHelper autoCloseDialog(final T dialog, final long delayMillis, final Handler handler) {
        DialogUtils.autoCloseDialog(dialog, delayMillis, handler);
        return this;

     * 自动关闭 PopupWindow
     * @param popupWindow {@link PopupWindow}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟关闭时间
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param <T>         泛型
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public <T extends PopupWindow> DevHelper autoClosePopupWindow(final T popupWindow, final long delayMillis, final Handler handler) {
        DialogUtils.autoClosePopupWindow(popupWindow, delayMillis, handler);
        return this;

    // =================
    // = KeyBoardUtils =
    // =================

    // ==============
    // = 打开软键盘 =
    // ==============

     * 打开软键盘
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper openKeyboard(final EditText editText) {
        return this;

     * 打开软键盘
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param handler  {@link Handler}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper openKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler) {
        KeyBoardUtils.openKeyboard(editText, handler);
        return this;

     * 打开软键盘
     * @param editText    {@link EditText}
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper openKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
        KeyBoardUtils.openKeyboard(editText, handler, delayMillis);
        return this;

    // =

     * 打开软键盘
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper openKeyboard() {
        return this;

     * 打开软键盘
     * @param handler {@link Handler}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper openKeyboard(final Handler handler) {
        return this;

     * 打开软键盘
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper openKeyboard(final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
        KeyBoardUtils.openKeyboard(handler, delayMillis);
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = 关闭软键盘 =
    // ==============

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final EditText editText) {
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard() {
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Activity activity) {
        return this;

     * 关闭 dialog 中打开的键盘
     * @param dialog {@link Dialog}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Dialog dialog) {
        return this;

    // =

     * 关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param dialog   {@link Dialog}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyBoardSpecial(final EditText editText, final Dialog dialog) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyBoardSpecial(editText, dialog);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param dialog   {@link Dialog}
     * @param handler  {@link Handler}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyBoardSpecial(final EditText editText, final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyBoardSpecial(editText, dialog, handler);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理 ( 两个都关闭 )
     * @param editText    {@link EditText}
     * @param dialog      {@link Dialog}
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyBoardSpecial(final EditText editText, final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyBoardSpecial(editText, dialog, handler, delayMillis);
        return this;

    // =

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param handler  {@link Handler}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(editText, handler);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param editText    {@link EditText}
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(editText, handler, delayMillis);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param handler {@link Handler}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Handler handler) {
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(handler, delayMillis);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @param handler  {@link Handler}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Activity activity, final Handler handler) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(activity, handler);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param activity    {@link Activity}
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Activity activity, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(activity, handler, delayMillis);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param dialog  {@link Dialog}
     * @param handler {@link Handler}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(dialog, handler);
        return this;

     * 关闭软键盘
     * @param dialog      {@link Dialog}
     * @param handler     {@link Handler}
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
        KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(dialog, handler, delayMillis);
        return this;

    // ================================
    // = 点击非 EditText 则隐藏输入法 =
    // ================================

     * 设置某个 View 内所有非 EditText 的子 View OnTouchListener 事件
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper judgeView(final View view, final Activity activity) {
        KeyBoardUtils.judgeView(view, activity);
        return this;

     * 注册软键盘改变监听
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @param listener {@link KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper registerSoftInputChangedListener(final Activity activity, final KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener listener) {
        KeyBoardUtils.registerSoftInputChangedListener(activity, listener);
        return this;

     * 注册软键盘改变监听
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @param listener {@link KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper registerSoftInputChangedListener2(final Activity activity, final KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener listener) {
        KeyBoardUtils.registerSoftInputChangedListener2(activity, listener);
        return this;

    // =================
    // = LanguageUtils =
    // =================

     * 修改系统语言 (APP 多语言, 单独改变 APP 语言 )
     * @param context {@link Context}
     * @param locale  {@link Locale}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper applyLanguage(final Context context, final Locale locale) {
        LanguageUtils.applyLanguage(context, locale);
        return this;

     * 修改系统语言 (APP 多语言, 单独改变 APP 语言 )
     * @param context  {@link Context}
     * @param language 语言
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper applyLanguage(final Context context, final String language) {
        LanguageUtils.applyLanguage(context, language);
        return this;

    // =================
    // = ListenerUtils =
    // =================

     * 设置点击事件
     * @param onClickListener {@link View.OnClickListener}
     * @param views           View 数组
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setOnClicks(final View.OnClickListener onClickListener, final View... views) {
        ListenerUtils.setOnClicks(onClickListener, views);
        return this;

     * 设置长按事件
     * @param onLongClickListener {@link View.OnLongClickListener}
     * @param views               View 数组
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setOnLongClicks(final View.OnLongClickListener onLongClickListener, final View... views) {
        ListenerUtils.setOnLongClicks(onLongClickListener, views);
        return this;

     * 增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
     * @param view  待添加点击范围 View
     * @param range 点击范围
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper addTouchArea(final View view, final int range) {
        ClickUtils.addTouchArea(view, range);
        return this;

     * 增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
     * @param view   待添加点击范围 View
     * @param top    top range
     * @param bottom bottom range
     * @param left   left range
     * @param right  right range
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper addTouchArea(final View view, final int top, final int bottom, final int left, final int right) {
        ClickUtils.addTouchArea(view, top, bottom, left, right);
        return this;

    // =====================
    // = NotificationUtils =
    // =====================

     * 移除通知 - 移除所有通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的 Notification)
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cancelAllNotification() {
        return this;

     * 移除通知 - 移除标记为 id 的通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的所有 Notification)
     * @param args 消息 id 集合
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cancelNotification(final int... args) {
        return this;

     * 移除通知 - 移除标记为 id 的通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的所有 Notification)
     * @param tag 标记 TAG
     * @param id  消息 id
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cancelNotification(final String tag, final int id) {
        NotificationUtils.cancel(tag, id);
        return this;

     * 进行通知
     * @param id           消息 id
     * @param notification {@link Notification}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper notifyNotification(final int id, final Notification notification) {
        NotificationUtils.notify(id, notification);
        return this;

     * 进行通知
     * @param tag          标记 TAG
     * @param id           消息 id
     * @param notification {@link Notification}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper notifyNotification(final String tag, final int id, final Notification notification) {
        NotificationUtils.notify(tag, id, notification);
        return this;

    // =================
    // = ResourceUtils =
    // =================

     * 获取 Assets 资源文件数据并保存到本地
     * @param fileName 文件名
     * @param file     文件保存地址
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveAssetsFormFile(final String fileName, final File file) {
        ResourceUtils.saveAssetsFormFile(fileName, file);
        return this;

     * 获取 Raw 资源文件数据并保存到本地
     * @param resId 资源 id
     * @param file  文件保存地址
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper saveRawFormFile(@RawRes final int resId, final File file) {
        ResourceUtils.saveRawFormFile(resId, file);
        return this;

    // ===============
    // = ScreenUtils =
    // ===============

     * 设置禁止截屏
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setWindowSecure(final Activity activity) {
        return this;

     * 设置屏幕为全屏
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setFullScreen(final Activity activity) {
        return this;

     * 设置屏幕为横屏
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setLandscape(final Activity activity) {
        return this;

     * 设置屏幕为竖屏
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setPortrait(final Activity activity) {
        return this;

     * 切换屏幕方向
     * @param activity {@link Activity}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper toggleScreenOrientation(final Activity activity) {
        return this;

    // =============
    // = SizeUtils =
    // =============

     * 在 onCreate 中获取视图的尺寸 - 需回调 onGetSizeListener 接口, 在 onGetSize 中获取 View 宽高
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param listener {@link SizeUtils.onGetSizeListener}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper forceGetViewSize(final View view, final SizeUtils.onGetSizeListener listener) {
        SizeUtils.forceGetViewSize(view, listener);
        return this;

    // ==================
    // = VibrationUtils =
    // ==================

     * 震动
     * @param milliseconds 震动时长 ( 毫秒 )
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper vibrate(final long milliseconds) {
        return this;

     * pattern 模式震动
     * @param pattern new long[]{400, 800, 1200, 1600}, 就是指定在 400ms、800ms、1200ms、1600ms 这些时间点交替启动、关闭手机震动器
     * @param repeat  指定 pattern 数组的索引, 指定 pattern 数组中从 repeat 索引开始的震动进行循环,
     *                -1 表示只震动一次, 非 -1 表示从 pattern 数组指定下标开始重复震动
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper vibrate(final long[] pattern, final int repeat) {
        VibrationUtils.vibrate(pattern, repeat);
        return this;

     * 取消震动
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper cancel() {
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = CloseUtils =
    // ==============

     * 关闭 IO
     * @param closeables Closeable[]
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeIO(final Closeable... closeables) {
        return this;

     * 安静关闭 IO
     * @param closeables Closeable[]
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper closeIOQuietly(final Closeable... closeables) {
        return this;

    // ==========================
    // = HttpURLConnectionUtils =
    // ==========================

     * 获取网络时间 - 默认使用百度链接
     * @param timeCallBack 请求时间回调接口
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper getNetTime(final HttpURLConnectionUtils.TimeCallBack timeCallBack) {
        return this;

     * 获取网络时间
     * @param urlStr       请求地址
     * @param timeCallBack 请求时间回调接口
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper getNetTime(final String urlStr, final HttpURLConnectionUtils.TimeCallBack timeCallBack) {
        HttpURLConnectionUtils.getNetTime(urlStr, timeCallBack);
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = TimeKeeper =
    // ==============

     * 设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 异步 )
     * @param keepTimeMillis 堵塞时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @param endCallback    结束回调通知
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper waitForEndAsyn(final long keepTimeMillis, final TimeKeeper.OnEndCallback endCallback) {
        mTimeKeeper.waitForEndAsyn(keepTimeMillis, endCallback);
        return this;

     * 设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 同步 )
     * @param keepTimeMillis 堵塞时间 ( 毫秒 )
     * @param endCallback    结束回调通知
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper waitForEnd(final long keepTimeMillis, final TimeKeeper.OnEndCallback endCallback) {
        mTimeKeeper.waitForEnd(keepTimeMillis, endCallback);
        return this;

    // ==================
    // = AnimationUtils =
    // ==================

     * 设置动画事件
     * @param animation {@link Animation}
     * @param listener  {@link Animation.AnimationListener}
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper setAnimationListener(final Animation animation, final Animation.AnimationListener listener) {
        AnimationUtils.setAnimationListener(animation, listener);
        return this;



    本文标题:Android Dev 工具类链式调用 Helper 类
