方法 |
注释 |
get |
获取单例 DevHelper |
viewHelper |
获取 ViewHelper |
devHelper |
获取 DevHelper |
postRunnable |
在主线程 Handler 中执行任务 |
removeRunnable |
在主线程 Handler 中清除任务 |
startTimer |
运行定时器 |
closeTimer |
关闭定时器 |
recycle |
Bitmap 通知回收 |
saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG |
保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG |
saveBitmapToSDCardPNG |
保存图片到 SDCard - PNG |
saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP |
保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP |
saveBitmapToSDCard |
保存图片到 SDCard |
addTextChangedListener |
添加输入监听事件 |
removeTextChangedListener |
移除输入监听事件 |
setKeyListener |
设置 KeyListener |
record |
日志记录 |
cleanInternalCache |
清除内部缓存 - path /data/data/package/cache |
cleanInternalFiles |
清除内部文件 - path /data/data/package/files |
cleanInternalDbs |
清除内部数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases |
cleanInternalDbByName |
根据名称清除数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases/dbName |
cleanInternalSp |
清除内部 SP - path /data/data/package/shared_prefs |
cleanExternalCache |
清除外部缓存 - path /storage/emulated/0/android/data/package/cache |
cleanCustomDir |
清除自定义路径下的文件, 使用需小心请不要误删, 而且只支持目录下的文件删除 |
cleanApplicationData |
清除本应用所有的数据 |
copyText |
复制文本到剪贴板 |
copyUri |
复制 URI 到剪贴板 |
copyIntent |
复制意图到剪贴板 |
notifyMediaStore |
通知刷新本地资源 |
insertImageIntoMediaStore |
添加图片到系统相册 ( 包含原图、相册图, 会存在两张 ) - 想要一张, 直接调用 notifyMediaStore() |
insertVideoIntoMediaStore |
添加视频到系统相册 |
insertIntoMediaStore |
保存到系统相册 |
showDialog |
显示 Dialog |
closeDialog |
关闭 Dialog |
closeDialogs |
关闭多个 Dialog |
closePopupWindow |
关闭 PopupWindow |
closePopupWindows |
关闭多个 PopupWindow |
autoCloseDialog |
自动关闭 dialog |
autoClosePopupWindow |
自动关闭 PopupWindow |
openKeyboard |
打开软键盘 |
closeKeyboard |
关闭软键盘 |
closeKeyBoardSpecial |
关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理 |
judgeView |
设置某个 View 内所有非 EditText 的子 View OnTouchListener 事件 |
registerSoftInputChangedListener |
注册软键盘改变监听 |
registerSoftInputChangedListener2 |
注册软键盘改变监听 |
applyLanguage |
修改系统语言 (APP 多语言, 单独改变 APP 语言 ) |
setOnClicks |
设置点击事件 |
setOnLongClicks |
设置长按事件 |
addTouchArea |
增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域 |
cancelAllNotification |
移除通知 - 移除所有通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的 Notification) |
cancelNotification |
移除通知 - 移除标记为 id 的通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的所有 Notification) |
notifyNotification |
进行通知 |
saveAssetsFormFile |
获取 Assets 资源文件数据并保存到本地 |
saveRawFormFile |
获取 Raw 资源文件数据并保存到本地 |
setWindowSecure |
设置禁止截屏 |
setFullScreen |
设置屏幕为全屏 |
setLandscape |
设置屏幕为横屏 |
setPortrait |
设置屏幕为竖屏 |
toggleScreenOrientation |
切换屏幕方向 |
forceGetViewSize |
在 onCreate 中获取视图的尺寸 - 需回调 onGetSizeListener 接口, 在 onGetSize 中获取 View 宽高 |
vibrate |
震动 |
cancel |
取消震动 |
closeIO |
关闭 IO |
closeIOQuietly |
安静关闭 IO |
getNetTime |
获取网络时间 - 默认使用百度链接 |
waitForEndAsyn |
设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 异步 ) |
waitForEnd |
设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 同步 ) |
setAnimationListener |
设置动画事件 |
package dev.utils.app.helper;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.app.Notification;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.support.annotation.IntRange;
import android.support.annotation.RawRes;
import android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment;
import android.text.TextWatcher;
import android.text.method.KeyListener;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Locale;
import dev.utils.app.AnalysisRecordUtils;
import dev.utils.app.CleanUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ClickUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ClipboardUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ContentResolverUtils;
import dev.utils.app.DialogUtils;
import dev.utils.app.EditTextUtils;
import dev.utils.app.HandlerUtils;
import dev.utils.app.KeyBoardUtils;
import dev.utils.app.LanguageUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ListenerUtils;
import dev.utils.app.NotificationUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ResourceUtils;
import dev.utils.app.ScreenUtils;
import dev.utils.app.SizeUtils;
import dev.utils.app.VibrationUtils;
import dev.utils.app.anim.AnimationUtils;
import dev.utils.app.assist.manager.TimerManager;
import dev.utils.app.image.BitmapUtils;
import dev.utils.app.image.ImageUtils;
import dev.utils.common.CloseUtils;
import dev.utils.common.HttpURLConnectionUtils;
import dev.utils.common.assist.TimeKeeper;
* detail: Dev 工具类链式调用 Helper 类
* @author Ttt
* <pre>
* 通过 DevApp 工具类快捷实现
* <p></p>
* DevApp Api
* @see <a href="https://github.com/afkT/DevUtils/blob/master/lib/DevApp/README.md"/>
* </pre>
public final class DevHelper {
// TimeKeeper
private TimeKeeper mTimeKeeper = new TimeKeeper();
// DevHelper
private static final DevHelper HELPER = new DevHelper();
* 获取单例 DevHelper
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public static DevHelper get() {
return HELPER;
// ==========
// = Helper =
// ==========
* 获取 ViewHelper
* @return {@link ViewHelper}
public ViewHelper viewHelper() {
return ViewHelper.get();
* 获取 DevHelper
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper devHelper() {
return this;
// ===========
// = Handler =
// ===========
* 在主线程 Handler 中执行任务
* @param runnable 可执行的任务
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable) {
return this;
* 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
* @param runnable 可执行的任务
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis) {
HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis);
return this;
* 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
* @param runnable 可执行的任务
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间
* @param number 轮询次数
* @param interval 轮询时间
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis, final int number, final int interval) {
HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis, number, interval);
return this;
* 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
* @param runnable 可执行的任务
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间
* @param number 轮询次数
* @param interval 轮询时间
* @param onEndListener 结束通知
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis, final int number, final int interval, final HandlerUtils.OnEndListener onEndListener) {
HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis, number, interval, onEndListener);
return this;
* 在主线程 Handler 中清除任务
* @param runnable 需要清除的任务
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper removeRunnable(final Runnable runnable) {
return this;
// ================
// = TimerManager =
// ================
* 运行定时器
* @param timer {@link TimerManager.AbsTimer}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper startTimer(final TimerManager.AbsTimer timer) {
if (timer != null) timer.startTimer();
return this;
* 关闭定时器
* @param timer {@link TimerManager.AbsTimer}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeTimer(final TimerManager.AbsTimer timer) {
if (timer != null) timer.closeTimer();
return this;
// ===============
// = BitmapUtils =
// ===============
* Bitmap 通知回收
* @param bitmap 待回收图片
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper recycle(final Bitmap bitmap) {
return this;
// ==============
// = ImageUtils =
// ==============
* 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param filePath 保存路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100);
* 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param file 保存路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100);
// =
* 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param filePath 保存路径
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, quality);
* 保存图片到 SDCard - JPEG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param file 保存路径
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardJPEG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, quality);
// =
* 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param filePath 保存路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100);
* 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param file 保存路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100);
// =
* 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param filePath 保存路径
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, quality);
* 保存图片到 SDCard - PNG
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param file 保存路径
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardPNG(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, quality);
// =
* 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param filePath 保存路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, 100);
* 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param file 保存路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, 100);
// =
* 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param filePath 保存路径
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, quality);
* 保存图片到 SDCard - WEBP
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param file 保存路径
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCardWEBP(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
return saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, Bitmap.CompressFormat.WEBP, quality);
// =
* 保存图片到 SDCard
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param filePath 保存路径
* @param format 如 Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCard(final Bitmap bitmap, final String filePath, final Bitmap.CompressFormat format,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
ImageUtils.saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, filePath, format, quality);
return this;
* 保存图片到 SDCard
* @param bitmap 待保存图片
* @param file 保存路径
* @param format 如 Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG
* @param quality 质量
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveBitmapToSDCard(final Bitmap bitmap, final File file, final Bitmap.CompressFormat format,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 100) final int quality) {
ImageUtils.saveBitmapToSDCard(bitmap, file, format, quality);
return this;
// =================
// = EditTextUtils =
// =================
* 添加输入监听事件
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param watcher 输入监听
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper addTextChangedListener(final EditText editText, final TextWatcher watcher) {
EditTextUtils.addTextChangedListener(editText, watcher);
return this;
* 移除输入监听事件
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param watcher 输入监听
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper removeTextChangedListener(final EditText editText, final TextWatcher watcher) {
EditTextUtils.removeTextChangedListener(editText, watcher);
return this;
* 设置 KeyListener
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param keyListener {@link KeyListener}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final KeyListener keyListener) {
EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, keyListener);
return this;
* 设置 KeyListener
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param accepted 允许输入的内容, 如: 0123456789
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final String accepted) {
EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, accepted);
return this;
* 设置 KeyListener
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param accepted 允许输入的内容
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final char[] accepted) {
EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, accepted);
return this;
// =======================
// = AnalysisRecordUtils =
// =======================
* 日志记录
* @param fileInfo {@link AnalysisRecordUtils.FileInfo}
* @param logs 日志内容数组
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper record(final AnalysisRecordUtils.FileInfo fileInfo, final String... logs) {
AnalysisRecordUtils.record(fileInfo, logs);
return this;
// ==============
// = CleanUtils =
// ==============
* 清除内部缓存 - path /data/data/package/cache
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanInternalCache() {
return this;
* 清除内部文件 - path /data/data/package/files
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanInternalFiles() {
return this;
* 清除内部数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanInternalDbs() {
return this;
* 根据名称清除数据库 - path /data/data/package/databases/dbName
* @param dbName 数据库名
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanInternalDbByName(final String dbName) {
return this;
* 清除内部 SP - path /data/data/package/shared_prefs
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanInternalSp() {
return this;
* 清除外部缓存 - path /storage/emulated/0/android/data/package/cache
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanExternalCache() {
return this;
// =
* 清除自定义路径下的文件, 使用需小心请不要误删, 而且只支持目录下的文件删除
* @param filePath 文件路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanCustomDir(final String filePath) {
return this;
* 清除自定义路径下的文件, 使用需小心请不要误删, 而且只支持目录下的文件删除
* @param file 文件路径
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanCustomDir(final File file) {
return this;
* 清除本应用所有的数据
* @param filePaths 文件路径数组
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cleanApplicationData(final String... filePaths) {
return this;
// ==================
// = ClipboardUtils =
// ==================
* 复制文本到剪贴板
* @param text 文本
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper copyText(final CharSequence text) {
return this;
* 复制 URI 到剪贴板
* @param uri {@link Uri}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper copyUri(final Uri uri) {
return this;
* 复制意图到剪贴板
* @param intent 意图
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper copyIntent(final Intent intent) {
return this;
// ========================
// = ContentResolverUtils =
// ========================
* 通知刷新本地资源
* @param file 文件
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper notifyMediaStore(final File file) {
return this;
* 添加图片到系统相册 ( 包含原图、相册图, 会存在两张 ) - 想要一张, 直接调用 notifyMediaStore()
* @param file 文件
* @param fileName 文件名
* @param isNotify 是否广播通知图库扫描
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper insertImageIntoMediaStore(final File file, final String fileName, final boolean isNotify) {
ContentResolverUtils.insertImageIntoMediaStore(file, fileName, isNotify);
return this;
// =
* 添加视频到系统相册
* @param file 文件
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper insertVideoIntoMediaStore(final File file) {
return this;
* 保存到系统相册
* @param file 文件
* @param createTime 创建时间
* @param isVideo 是否视频
* @param mimeType 资源类型
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper insertIntoMediaStore(final File file, final long createTime, final boolean isVideo, final String mimeType) {
ContentResolverUtils.insertIntoMediaStore(file, createTime, isVideo, mimeType);
return this;
// ===============
// = DialogUtils =
// ===============
* 显示 Dialog
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @param <T> 泛型
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public <T extends Dialog> DevHelper showDialog(final T dialog) {
return this;
* 关闭 Dialog
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeDialog(final Dialog dialog) {
return this;
* 关闭多个 Dialog
* @param dialogs {@link Dialog} 数组
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeDialogs(final Dialog... dialogs) {
return this;
// =
* 关闭 DialogFragment
* @param dialog {@link DialogFragment}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeDialog(final DialogFragment dialog) {
return this;
* 关闭多个 DialogFragment
* @param dialogs {@link DialogFragment} 数组
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeDialogs(final DialogFragment... dialogs) {
return this;
// =
* 关闭 PopupWindow
* @param popupWindow {@link PopupWindow}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closePopupWindow(final PopupWindow popupWindow) {
return this;
* 关闭多个 PopupWindow
* @param popupWindows {@link PopupWindow} 数组
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closePopupWindows(final PopupWindow... popupWindows) {
return this;
// =
* 自动关闭 dialog
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @param delayMillis 延迟关闭时间
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param <T> 泛型
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public <T extends Dialog> DevHelper autoCloseDialog(final T dialog, final long delayMillis, final Handler handler) {
DialogUtils.autoCloseDialog(dialog, delayMillis, handler);
return this;
* 自动关闭 DialogFragment
* @param dialog {@link DialogFragment}
* @param delayMillis 延迟关闭时间
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param <T> 泛型
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public <T extends DialogFragment> DevHelper autoCloseDialog(final T dialog, final long delayMillis, final Handler handler) {
DialogUtils.autoCloseDialog(dialog, delayMillis, handler);
return this;
* 自动关闭 PopupWindow
* @param popupWindow {@link PopupWindow}
* @param delayMillis 延迟关闭时间
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param <T> 泛型
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public <T extends PopupWindow> DevHelper autoClosePopupWindow(final T popupWindow, final long delayMillis, final Handler handler) {
DialogUtils.autoClosePopupWindow(popupWindow, delayMillis, handler);
return this;
// =================
// = KeyBoardUtils =
// =================
// ==============
// = 打开软键盘 =
// ==============
* 打开软键盘
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper openKeyboard(final EditText editText) {
return this;
* 打开软键盘
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper openKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler) {
KeyBoardUtils.openKeyboard(editText, handler);
return this;
* 打开软键盘
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper openKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
KeyBoardUtils.openKeyboard(editText, handler, delayMillis);
return this;
// =
* 打开软键盘
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper openKeyboard() {
return this;
* 打开软键盘
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper openKeyboard(final Handler handler) {
return this;
* 打开软键盘
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper openKeyboard(final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
KeyBoardUtils.openKeyboard(handler, delayMillis);
return this;
// ==============
// = 关闭软键盘 =
// ==============
* 关闭软键盘
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final EditText editText) {
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard() {
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Activity activity) {
return this;
* 关闭 dialog 中打开的键盘
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Dialog dialog) {
return this;
// =
* 关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyBoardSpecial(final EditText editText, final Dialog dialog) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyBoardSpecial(editText, dialog);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyBoardSpecial(final EditText editText, final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyBoardSpecial(editText, dialog, handler);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘 - 特殊处理 ( 两个都关闭 )
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyBoardSpecial(final EditText editText, final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyBoardSpecial(editText, dialog, handler, delayMillis);
return this;
// =
* 关闭软键盘
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(editText, handler);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param editText {@link EditText}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final EditText editText, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(editText, handler, delayMillis);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Handler handler) {
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(handler, delayMillis);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Activity activity, final Handler handler) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(activity, handler);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Activity activity, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(activity, handler, delayMillis);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(dialog, handler);
return this;
* 关闭软键盘
* @param dialog {@link Dialog}
* @param handler {@link Handler}
* @param delayMillis 延迟时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeKeyboard(final Dialog dialog, final Handler handler, final int delayMillis) {
KeyBoardUtils.closeKeyboard(dialog, handler, delayMillis);
return this;
// ================================
// = 点击非 EditText 则隐藏输入法 =
// ================================
* 设置某个 View 内所有非 EditText 的子 View OnTouchListener 事件
* @param view {@link View}
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper judgeView(final View view, final Activity activity) {
KeyBoardUtils.judgeView(view, activity);
return this;
* 注册软键盘改变监听
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @param listener {@link KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper registerSoftInputChangedListener(final Activity activity, final KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener listener) {
KeyBoardUtils.registerSoftInputChangedListener(activity, listener);
return this;
* 注册软键盘改变监听
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @param listener {@link KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper registerSoftInputChangedListener2(final Activity activity, final KeyBoardUtils.OnSoftInputChangedListener listener) {
KeyBoardUtils.registerSoftInputChangedListener2(activity, listener);
return this;
// =================
// = LanguageUtils =
// =================
* 修改系统语言 (APP 多语言, 单独改变 APP 语言 )
* @param context {@link Context}
* @param locale {@link Locale}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper applyLanguage(final Context context, final Locale locale) {
LanguageUtils.applyLanguage(context, locale);
return this;
* 修改系统语言 (APP 多语言, 单独改变 APP 语言 )
* @param context {@link Context}
* @param language 语言
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper applyLanguage(final Context context, final String language) {
LanguageUtils.applyLanguage(context, language);
return this;
// =================
// = ListenerUtils =
// =================
* 设置点击事件
* @param onClickListener {@link View.OnClickListener}
* @param views View 数组
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setOnClicks(final View.OnClickListener onClickListener, final View... views) {
ListenerUtils.setOnClicks(onClickListener, views);
return this;
* 设置长按事件
* @param onLongClickListener {@link View.OnLongClickListener}
* @param views View 数组
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setOnLongClicks(final View.OnLongClickListener onLongClickListener, final View... views) {
ListenerUtils.setOnLongClicks(onLongClickListener, views);
return this;
* 增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
* @param view 待添加点击范围 View
* @param range 点击范围
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper addTouchArea(final View view, final int range) {
ClickUtils.addTouchArea(view, range);
return this;
* 增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
* @param view 待添加点击范围 View
* @param top top range
* @param bottom bottom range
* @param left left range
* @param right right range
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper addTouchArea(final View view, final int top, final int bottom, final int left, final int right) {
ClickUtils.addTouchArea(view, top, bottom, left, right);
return this;
// =====================
// = NotificationUtils =
// =====================
* 移除通知 - 移除所有通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的 Notification)
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cancelAllNotification() {
return this;
* 移除通知 - 移除标记为 id 的通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的所有 Notification)
* @param args 消息 id 集合
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cancelNotification(final int... args) {
return this;
* 移除通知 - 移除标记为 id 的通知 ( 只是针对当前 Context 下的所有 Notification)
* @param tag 标记 TAG
* @param id 消息 id
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cancelNotification(final String tag, final int id) {
NotificationUtils.cancel(tag, id);
return this;
* 进行通知
* @param id 消息 id
* @param notification {@link Notification}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper notifyNotification(final int id, final Notification notification) {
NotificationUtils.notify(id, notification);
return this;
* 进行通知
* @param tag 标记 TAG
* @param id 消息 id
* @param notification {@link Notification}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper notifyNotification(final String tag, final int id, final Notification notification) {
NotificationUtils.notify(tag, id, notification);
return this;
// =================
// = ResourceUtils =
// =================
* 获取 Assets 资源文件数据并保存到本地
* @param fileName 文件名
* @param file 文件保存地址
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveAssetsFormFile(final String fileName, final File file) {
ResourceUtils.saveAssetsFormFile(fileName, file);
return this;
* 获取 Raw 资源文件数据并保存到本地
* @param resId 资源 id
* @param file 文件保存地址
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper saveRawFormFile(@RawRes final int resId, final File file) {
ResourceUtils.saveRawFormFile(resId, file);
return this;
// ===============
// = ScreenUtils =
// ===============
* 设置禁止截屏
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setWindowSecure(final Activity activity) {
return this;
* 设置屏幕为全屏
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setFullScreen(final Activity activity) {
return this;
* 设置屏幕为横屏
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setLandscape(final Activity activity) {
return this;
* 设置屏幕为竖屏
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setPortrait(final Activity activity) {
return this;
* 切换屏幕方向
* @param activity {@link Activity}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper toggleScreenOrientation(final Activity activity) {
return this;
// =============
// = SizeUtils =
// =============
* 在 onCreate 中获取视图的尺寸 - 需回调 onGetSizeListener 接口, 在 onGetSize 中获取 View 宽高
* @param view {@link View}
* @param listener {@link SizeUtils.onGetSizeListener}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper forceGetViewSize(final View view, final SizeUtils.onGetSizeListener listener) {
SizeUtils.forceGetViewSize(view, listener);
return this;
// ==================
// = VibrationUtils =
// ==================
* 震动
* @param milliseconds 震动时长 ( 毫秒 )
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper vibrate(final long milliseconds) {
return this;
* pattern 模式震动
* @param pattern new long[]{400, 800, 1200, 1600}, 就是指定在 400ms、800ms、1200ms、1600ms 这些时间点交替启动、关闭手机震动器
* @param repeat 指定 pattern 数组的索引, 指定 pattern 数组中从 repeat 索引开始的震动进行循环,
* -1 表示只震动一次, 非 -1 表示从 pattern 数组指定下标开始重复震动
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper vibrate(final long[] pattern, final int repeat) {
VibrationUtils.vibrate(pattern, repeat);
return this;
* 取消震动
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper cancel() {
return this;
// ==============
// = CloseUtils =
// ==============
* 关闭 IO
* @param closeables Closeable[]
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeIO(final Closeable... closeables) {
return this;
* 安静关闭 IO
* @param closeables Closeable[]
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper closeIOQuietly(final Closeable... closeables) {
return this;
// ==========================
// = HttpURLConnectionUtils =
// ==========================
* 获取网络时间 - 默认使用百度链接
* @param timeCallBack 请求时间回调接口
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper getNetTime(final HttpURLConnectionUtils.TimeCallBack timeCallBack) {
return this;
* 获取网络时间
* @param urlStr 请求地址
* @param timeCallBack 请求时间回调接口
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper getNetTime(final String urlStr, final HttpURLConnectionUtils.TimeCallBack timeCallBack) {
HttpURLConnectionUtils.getNetTime(urlStr, timeCallBack);
return this;
// ==============
// = TimeKeeper =
// ==============
* 设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 异步 )
* @param keepTimeMillis 堵塞时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @param endCallback 结束回调通知
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper waitForEndAsyn(final long keepTimeMillis, final TimeKeeper.OnEndCallback endCallback) {
mTimeKeeper.waitForEndAsyn(keepTimeMillis, endCallback);
return this;
* 设置等待一段时间后, 通知方法 ( 同步 )
* @param keepTimeMillis 堵塞时间 ( 毫秒 )
* @param endCallback 结束回调通知
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper waitForEnd(final long keepTimeMillis, final TimeKeeper.OnEndCallback endCallback) {
mTimeKeeper.waitForEnd(keepTimeMillis, endCallback);
return this;
// ==================
// = AnimationUtils =
// ==================
* 设置动画事件
* @param animation {@link Animation}
* @param listener {@link Animation.AnimationListener}
* @return {@link DevHelper}
public DevHelper setAnimationListener(final Animation animation, final Animation.AnimationListener listener) {
AnimationUtils.setAnimationListener(animation, listener);
return this;