isEmpty vs count == 0

isEmpty vs count == 0

作者: 土豆董 | 来源:发表于2020-06-20 22:38 被阅读0次

我们需要检查一个数组,集合, 字符串或者是其他的集合类型是空,这在日常开发中是常见的操作之一。之前在oc中会这么判断,我们先排除字符串为nil 或者 null的情况:

- (void)test6{
    NSString *text = @"hello world";
    NSLog(@"%ld",[text length]);

    NSArray *array = @[@"a",@"b",@"c"];
    NSLog(@"%ld",[array count]);

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func test(){
        let text = "hello world"
        let array = ["a","b","c"]

这么写也是没有一点毛病,但是我们会发现在String系列 以及Array系列都会有个isEmpty属性

/// To check whether a string is empty, use its `isEmpty` property instead of
/// comparing the length of one of the views to `0`. Unlike with `isEmpty`,
/// calculating a view's `count` property requires iterating through the
/// elements of the string.


public protocol Collection: Sequence {
/// A Boolean value indicating whether the collection is empty.
  /// When you need to check whether your collection is empty, use the
  /// `isEmpty` property instead of checking that the `count` property is
  /// equal to zero. For collections that don't conform to
  /// `RandomAccessCollection`, accessing the `count` property iterates
  /// through the elements of the collection.
  /// - Complexity: O(1)
  var isEmpty: Bool { get }

同样是判断空建议用isEmpty ,这里还补充了一下 对于不符合 RandomAccessCollection 协议的类型,count 属性会迭代遍历集合里面的全部元素。

public protocol RandomAccessCollection: BidirectionalCollection
where SubSequence: RandomAccessCollection, Indices: RandomAccessCollection
  override var startIndex: Index { get }
  override var endIndex: Index { get }

我们现在只讨论两个典型的类型String和 Array,它们都符合Collection协议。

String的isEmpty、count 比较


func test(){
        let text = "hello world,coding is happy,so we will going all along"
        let time1 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
        for i in 0..<500000 {
            print("\(text.count == 0) index:\(i)")
        let time2 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
        print("time:\(time2 - time1)")
func test6(){
        let text = "hello world,coding is happy,so we will going all along"
        let time1 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
        for i in 0..<500000 {
            print("\(text.isEmpty) index:\(i)")
        let time2 = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
        print("time:\(time2 - time1)")

这不对啊,这和Swift源码代码注释说的不大一样啊,两个几乎差不多,甚至isEmpty 比count更加耗时,另外Check if a Swift Array Is Empty: Best Practice Revisited 说的,也是String 建议用isEmpty 来判断是否为空,不然会迭代整个集合的元素来计算。见鬼了,还是去翻翻源码把。

public struct String {
  public // @SPI(Foundation)
  var _guts: _StringGuts

  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal init(_ _guts: _StringGuts) {
    self._guts = _guts

在StringLegacy.swift 中

extension String {
  /// A Boolean value indicating whether a string has no characters.
  public var isEmpty: Bool {
    @inline(__always) get { return _guts.isEmpty }

从这些能知道String的本质是_StringGuts ,String的方法基本都是基于_StringGuts构建的,在_StringGuts中

xtension _StringGuts {
  // The number of code units
  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal var count: Int { return _object.count }

  @inlinable @inline(__always)
  internal var isEmpty: Bool { return count == 0 }

能看出来其实String 的isEmpty 和 count 其实还是一样的,isEmpty的具体实现还是拿count == 0来判断的

暂时结论:在String中,isEmpty 和 count 其实是相同的性能,都是通过迭代集合内元素来计算得出
为啥是暂时结论呢,因为我也不明白为啥文档说String的isEmpty 是O(1)操作 现在看来是O(n)操作。

Array的isEmpty、count 比较(也包含ContiguousArray)


public var isEmpty: Bool {
    return startIndex == endIndex


  public var startIndex: Int {
    return 0
/// If the array is empty, `endIndex` is equal to `startIndex`.
  public var endIndex: Int {
    get {
      return _getCount()
  internal func _getCount() -> Int {
    return _buffer.immutableCount

immutableCount 是从_ArrayBody里面的count的值取出来的,既然Array 是符合 RandomAccessCollection协议的,count 和 isEmpty 的操作性能几乎一样都是O(1)操作,从哪里得出来的呢,得需要从array的扩容来研究,先从append方法来看

  public mutating func append(_ newElement: __owned Element) {
    // Separating uniqueness check and capacity check allows hoisting the
    // uniqueness check out of a loop.
    let oldCount = _buffer.mutableCount
    _reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer(oldCount: oldCount)
    _appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity(oldCount, newElement: newElement)


  internal mutating func _makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotUnique() {
    if _slowPath(!_buffer.beginCOWMutation()) {
      _createNewBuffer(bufferIsUnique: false,
                       minimumCapacity: count + 1,
                       growForAppend: true)
/// Returns `true` and puts the buffer in a mutable state iff the buffer's
  /// storage is uniquely-referenced.
  /// - Precondition: The buffer must be immutable.
  /// - Warning: It's a requirement to call `beginCOWMutation` before the buffer
  ///   is mutated.
  internal mutating func beginCOWMutation() -> Bool {
    let isUnique: Bool
    if !_isClassOrObjCExistential(Element.self) {
      isUnique = _storage.beginCOWMutationUnflaggedNative()
    } else if !_storage.beginCOWMutationNative() {
      return false
    } else {
      isUnique = _isNative
    if isUnique {
      _native.isImmutable = false
    return isUnique

如果数组不是唯一引用的,就会调用_createNewBuffer创建新的数组buffer,假设我们的数组是唯一引用的,这个方法就不会执行 ,咱们继续走

  internal mutating func _reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer(oldCount: Int) {
    // Due to make_mutable hoisting the situation can arise where we hoist
    // _makeMutableAndUnique out of loop and use it to replace
    // _makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotUnique that preceeds this call. If the
    // array was empty _makeMutableAndUnique does not replace the empty array
    // buffer by a unique buffer (it just replaces it by the empty array
    // singleton).
    // This specific case is okay because we will make the buffer unique in this
    // function because we request a capacity > 0 and therefore _copyToNewBuffer
    // will be called creating a new buffer.
    let capacity = _buffer.mutableCapacity
    _internalInvariant(capacity == 0 || _buffer.isMutableAndUniquelyReferenced())

    if _slowPath(oldCount + 1 > capacity) {
      _createNewBuffer(bufferIsUnique: capacity > 0,
                       minimumCapacity: oldCount + 1,
                       growForAppend: true)

检查如果oldCount + 1 > capacity 那就说明容量不够了,就需要扩容了,这时候调用_createNewBuffer 方法

  internal mutating func _createNewBuffer(
    bufferIsUnique: Bool, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
  ) {
    _internalInvariant(!bufferIsUnique || _buffer.isUniquelyReferenced())
    _buffer = _buffer._consumeAndCreateNew(bufferIsUnique: bufferIsUnique,
                                           minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity,
                                           growForAppend: growForAppend)
internal __consuming func _consumeAndCreateNew(
    bufferIsUnique: Bool, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
  ) -> _ArrayBuffer {
    let newCapacity = _growArrayCapacity(oldCapacity: capacity,
                                         minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity,
                                         growForAppend: growForAppend)
    let c = count
    _internalInvariant(newCapacity >= c)
    let newBuffer = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>(
      _uninitializedCount: c, minimumCapacity: newCapacity)

    if bufferIsUnique {
      // As an optimization, if the original buffer is unique, we can just move
      // the elements instead of copying.
      let dest = newBuffer.firstElementAddress
      dest.moveInitialize(from: mutableFirstElementAddress,
                          count: c)
      _native.mutableCount = 0
    } else {
        subRange: 0..<c,
        initializing: newBuffer.mutableFirstElementAddress)
    return _ArrayBuffer(_buffer: newBuffer, shiftedToStartIndex: 0)

另外提下:在_consumeAndCreateNew方法中, _growArrayCapacity 方法里面做了对容量的处理

internal func _growArrayCapacity(_ capacity: Int) -> Int {
  return capacity * 2

internal func _growArrayCapacity(
  oldCapacity: Int, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
) -> Int {
  if growForAppend {
    if oldCapacity < minimumCapacity {
      // When appending to an array, grow exponentially.
      return Swift.max(minimumCapacity, _growArrayCapacity(oldCapacity))
    return oldCapacity
  // If not for append, just use the specified capacity, ignoring oldCapacity.
  // This means that we "shrink" the buffer in case minimumCapacity is less
  // than oldCapacity.
  return minimumCapacity

当旧的数组容量小于minimumCapacity的时候,minimumCapacity就是oldCount + 1,这时候容量的扩容其实是呈指数增长,每次扩容,旧的容量就翻两倍。

初始化新的newBuffer 用_ContiguousArrayBuffer构造器 同时对数组storageHeader进行初始化

internal func _initStorageHeader(count: Int, capacity: Int) {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
    let verbatim = _isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC(Element.self)
    let verbatim = false

    // We can initialize by assignment because _ArrayBody is a trivial type,
    // i.e. contains no references.
    _storage.countAndCapacity = _ArrayBody(
      count: count,
      capacity: capacity,
      elementTypeIsBridgedVerbatim: verbatim)

数组storage起始于_ArrayBody,结束于连续的数组元素 , _ArrayBody主要是描述当前array 的信息同理ContiguousArray也是,此时数组count ,capacity等都会到_ArrayBody 对象里;

internal var count: Int {
    get {
      return _storage.countAndCapacity.count
    nonmutating set {
      _internalInvariant(newValue >= 0)

        newValue <= mutableCapacity,
        "Can't grow an array buffer past its capacity")

      mutableStorage.countAndCapacity.count = newValue

我们会直接从countAndCapacity(_ArrayBody类型)里面取出count,操作为O(1),另外array的isEmpty是根据startIndex endIndex是否相等来判断的,endIndex 取值就是取count,所以对于array 这些服从RandomAccessCollection协议的类型来说,isEmpty 和 count == 0 判断是一模一样的,都是O(1)操作。


1.String 的isEmpty 和 count==0判断效率是一样的,并不像想象中 count==0 会迭代集合里面的全部元素 O(n)。
2.Array这些符合RandomAccessCollection协议的类型同样,isEmpty 和 count==0判断效率是一样的 O(1)。

Check if a Swift Array Is Empty: Best Practice Revisited



      本文标题:isEmpty vs count == 0
