
作者: 欢喜_9acf | 来源:发表于2019-04-09 09:44 被阅读0次

    And above all, ceaseless like time, is the dull roar of the breakers on the reef.

    像时间一样无穷尽的, 是拍在礁石上的细碎浪花

    Nothing met your gaze but the blue loneliness of the Pacific. 


    But here there was not a sound, and the air was scented with the white flowers of the night. It was a night so beautiful that your soul seemed hardly able to bear the prison of the body. You felt that it was ready to be wafted away on the immaterial air, and death bore all the aspect of a beloved friend. 

    万籁俱寂的夜晚, 暗香浮动, 灵魂忍不住冲破身体的束缚, 飞向飘渺夜空

    There are men whose desire for truth is so great that to attain it they will shatter the very foundation of their world. They are as little their own masters as the slaves chained to the benches of a galley. The passion that held Strickland in bondage was no less tyrannical than love. 

    人们追求真理之心如此强大, 打破自己的世界也在所不惜. 被热情所裹挟的人像被锁链所困住的奴隶一样身不由己

    I shall not tell what Dr. Coutras related to me in his words, but in my own, for I cannot hope to give at second hand any impression of his vivacious delivery. He had a deep, resonant voice, fitted to his massive frame, and a keen sense of the dramatic. To listen to him was, as the phrase goes, as good as a play; and much better than most.

    Dr. Coutras就是讲话很生动的那类人, 他声音低沉, 富有戏剧性. 听他讲话就像身临戏剧现场



