
作者: 林生簡筆 | 来源:发表于2020-07-27 21:57 被阅读0次

    整个水域,The whole water,

    已被闪动的情感层层包围,Surrounded by flickering emotions,

    粼粼波光在阳光下此起彼伏,Shining in the sun,

    是想把曾经的相约当成一首渔歌,Is to think of the meeting as a fishing song,

    还是想把前世今生的诺言融入这流淌的血脉?Or want to integrate the promises of life into the flowing blood?

    当苦涩的海风,When the bitter sea breeze,

    再也无法丈量爱的距离,Can never measure the distance of love,

    分明有一种阳光的奔放,Clearly there is a kind of unrestrained sunshine,

    燃烧在波纹的追逐中。Burning in the chase of the ripples.

    被别离捧读的诗句、被流星划过的航线不是一种过程。The poem that is read apart, the course that is crossed by meteor is not a kind of process.

    当跋涉的脚步,When the steps of the trudge,

    再也无法丈量彼岸的距离,Can no longer measure the distance beyond,

    分明有一种太阳的温暖,There is a clear warmth of the sun,

    燃烧在游子的牵挂中。Burning in the wanderer care.

    被一生执着的爱念、被远行荡漾的大海不是一种背景。A lifetime of obsessive love, rippling sea is not a background.



