gin 有个 jwt 的库,类库其中的一个 middleware 是这样定义的
// the jwt middleware
authMiddleware, err := jwt.New(&jwt.GinJWTMiddleware{
Realm: "test zone",
Key: []byte("secret key"),
Timeout: time.Hour,
MaxRefresh: time.Hour,
IdentityKey: identityKey,
PayloadFunc: func(data interface{}) jwt.MapClaims {
if v, ok := data.(*User); ok {
return jwt.MapClaims{
identityKey: v.UserName,
return jwt.MapClaims{}
IdentityHandler: func(c *gin.Context) interface{} {
claims := jwt.ExtractClaims(c)
return &User{
UserName: claims[identityKey].(string),
Authenticator: func(c *gin.Context) (interface{}, error) {
var loginVals login
if err := c.ShouldBind(&loginVals); err != nil {
return "", jwt.ErrMissingLoginValues
userID := loginVals.Username
password := loginVals.Password
if (userID == "admin" && password == "admin") || (userID == "test" && password == "test") {
return &User{
UserName: userID,
LastName: "Bo-Yi",
FirstName: "Wu",
}, nil
return nil, jwt.ErrFailedAuthentication
Authorizator: func(data interface{}, c *gin.Context) bool {
if v, ok := data.(*User); ok && v.UserName == "admin" {
return true
return false
Unauthorized: func(c *gin.Context, code int, message string) {
c.JSON(code, gin.H{
"code": code,
"message": message,
// TokenLookup is a string in the form of "<source>:<name>" that is used
// to extract token from the request.
// Optional. Default value "header:Authorization".
// Possible values:
// - "header:<name>"
// - "query:<name>"
// - "cookie:<name>"
// - "param:<name>"
TokenLookup: "header: Authorization, query: token, cookie: jwt",
// TokenLookup: "query:token",
// TokenLookup: "cookie:token",
// TokenHeadName is a string in the header. Default value is "Bearer"
TokenHeadName: "Bearer",
// TimeFunc provides the current time. You can override it to use another time value. This is useful for testing or if your server uses a different time zone than your tokens.
TimeFunc: time.Now,
Authenticator 和 Authorizator 开始我没有弄明白,为什么需要两个函数,后来仔细推敲了一下作者想表达的正是认证和授权,用户登录到系统是一个认证的过程,不能通过认证则是 401,登录之后打开某个页面看见某个资源是一个授权的过程,不可以看见某个资源则是 403。