英语流利说核心课-level 3-until 1-part 2-

英语流利说核心课-level 3-until 1-part 2-

作者: 清新姐姐 | 来源:发表于2018-08-14 02:33 被阅读0次

    M:Hey, I’m sorry to be late.

    F: what happened,you will supposed to be here an hour ago .

    M:Yes I know, but I missed my flight .

    F:You missed your flight?how it that happen?

    M:I got on the wrong bus this morning,

    so I was late to the airport.

    By the time I arrived, the gate was closed.

    F:What did you do then?

    M:I had to rebooked my flight and getting on the waiting list.

    F:Oh that’s too bad.

    At least you got here.

    M:Yes, it wasn’t easy to getting on the next flight .

    I had to run to another gate

    F:This kind of thing happens a lot lately .

    Last week I missed a flight too.

    M:What happened?

    F:There was traffic accident near the airport .

    M:You were a driving ?

    F:No,I wasn’t.I was in a taxi ,

    but it took a long time to get to the airport .

    The traffic was stopped for nearly 15 minutes,

    By the time I got there it was too late to get on the flight .

    The next fight wasn’t for another 3 hours,so It was a long wait .

    From now on ,I will try to get to the airport much earlier .

    M:Me too!



          本文标题:英语流利说核心课-level 3-until 1-part 2-
