TheMuse1(芝加哥火焰球迷):就连进乌龙球的机会,阿森纳都没把握住啊!(Arsenal even missed opportunity of Own Goal.)
kaj1981(未知主队球迷):埃德森这场给阿森纳创造的得分良机,都比枪手全队还多了…(Ederson has created more for Arsenal than themselves.)
johnnygrant(阿森纳球迷):段子手们还没反应过来新赛季已经开始了呢!(Man the memes world wasn't ready for it has begun.)
armchairgoon(阿森纳球迷):这场比赛看得,就连喝白开水的我都醉了…(I am drinking water, but they can still drown for this.)
Dhahajts(曼联球迷):万万没想到,斯特林这混小子也学会内切射门了…(Hard to believe that son of a bitch could make a cut inside…)
Jayveesac(阿森纳球迷):估计撑不到比赛结束我就得犯心脏病了!(I'm probably gonna have a heart attack before this game ends lol.)
freakedmind(未知主队球迷):那你这么多年是怎么活下来的…(How are you still alive after the past couple of years?)
Dann610(美国球迷):我大波霸依然保持着世界杯的状态!(It's like Pogba never left the World Cup.)
Sovereign(利物浦球迷):看来德赫亚也是呢!(So did De Gea.)
CandidEnigma(利物浦球迷):波霸这点球就像当年的扎扎一样,这步伐都让我期望他也踢飞了…(It was like that Zaza pen, I was really hoping he'd miss it with that run up...)
WheresThePhonebooth(曼联球迷):卢克-肖和波霸都进球了?我看英格兰报纸这一周的头条都得重写了!(Both Shaw and Pogba scoring?! The English press just lost a week's worth of stories they had written up.)
someone447(热刺球迷):说是三个也行…(Three solid candidates.)
Cudder9167(皇马球迷):进球后都没亲吻队徽,波霸离队看来是板上钉钉了!(Didn’t kiss the badge after that, Pogba’s leaving confiremed.)
Idunlikeu(曼联球迷):而且进球后也没去拥抱贝尔!(Didn't hug Bale, either.)
ugallu(切尔西球迷):卢克-肖是怎么能进这种球的…(How’s Luke Shaw done that lol.)
panda52501(曼联球迷):别问了,因为他也不知道…(Don't ask him cuz he doesn't know either.)
unusual_flats(英格兰球迷):可以说卢克-肖就是发胖版的梅西了!(Literally a fat Messi.)
Demonictoaster(曼联球迷):好好干吧卢克-肖,因为我们夏天没能买个后卫来替掉你…(Come on Shaw, we didn't get a fullback this summer to replace you…)
Fcinterprofezionale(未知主队球迷):我的天,阿扎尔都快把哈镇打出来一个新的菊花了!(Holy hell, Hazard is tearing Huddersfield a new asshole.)
Lintal(英格兰球迷):皇马,请你不要看这个…(Madrid please don't watch.)
Lyonellaughingstorm(切尔西球迷):很好,现在不需要踢剩下的比赛了,立刻就结束这赛季的联赛吧!(Right, no need to play the rest of the season. Let’s just end it now.)
Areking(那不勒斯球迷):现在能不能怀念下若日鸟和萨里?虽然我们联赛还没开始…(Is it possible to already miss Jorginho and Sarri? and we didn't even start the season.)
Sygarfree(阿森纳球迷):看来本赛季的争四将会异常的激烈!(Top4 will be a big battle this season. Won’t it?)
mr_kap_(曼联球迷):那可是相当的激烈,切尔西、曼城、利物浦、曼联和热刺都是前四的有力争夺者啊!(will be massive. Chelsea, city, Pool, United, Spurs all seem like they can be top 4.)
WhatIsReal(曼联球迷):看来卢克-肖和萨拉赫的金靴之争已然开始了!(So the race for the golden boot between Shaw and Salah has begun in earnest.)
OPdoesnotrespond(热刺球迷):萨拉赫也不过是昙花1.026现而已!(Salah’s just a 1.026 season wonder.)
Ariiqirfan(未知主队球迷):利物浦的每个进球,要么是真越位了,要么就是看起来越位了…(Every Liverpool goal always looks offside or is offside.)
ILOVEGLADOS(未知主队球迷):也别埋怨阿利松毫无表现了,因为对方根本就没有射门让他去扑…(Don’t criticize Alisson for doing nothing because he didn’t have any shots to save.)
Bridgeorl(利物浦球迷):我们是第一了,现在赶紧结束联赛吧!(We're top of the league, end the season immediately.)
AlphaPi(切尔西球迷):哦不,亲爱的,联赛昨天就结束了呢!(Um no honey, season ended yesterday.)
imfatal(未知主队球迷):这场比赛就是重复播放梅西创造机会,然后苏牙浪射的集锦而已…(This match is about repeating tons of incredible pass from Messi completely wasted by Suarez.)
t_mac1(未知主队球迷):梅西在挠头的时候一定在想,要是自己能给自己传球该多好…(messi scratches his head a lot. he must be thinking: how do i pass to myself?)
Jacamacho(贝蒂斯球迷):苏牙一定度过了一个美好的夏天!看体型就知道了…(It looks like Suarez had a very happy summer, in awe at his size.)
Guccionmycorpse(巴萨球迷):把苏牙换下去吧,让皮克踢中锋好不好…(sub off suarez and play pique there pls.)