参考 https://github.com/pili-engineering/PLMediaStreamingKit/issues/23 执行
pod update 然后再install 即可
遇到这样的问题 第一想法肯定去看看pod的版本是不是该更新了 pod --version 那么更新吧 sudo g...
cocoapods提示 [!] Unable to find a pod with name, author, s...
在cocoapods更新出现提示 Unable to find a specification for xxxxx...
更新Cocoapods 一直出现这下面这个错误 Unable to find the Xcode project ...
今天在用CocoaPods搜索时,发现如下报错 [!] Unable to find a pod with nam...
CocoaPods 安装成功后进行pod search 却显示“#[!] [Unable to find a po...
在安装cocoapods的过程中会出现Unable to find a pod with name, author...
今天自己发布了一个cocoapods之后,pod search 提示“[!] Unable to find a p...
问题详述 使用 CocoaPods 无法集成服务,且错误信息为:Unable to find a specific...
本文标题:CocoaPods Unable to find a speci