20200415-day3-我没得选-it is what it

20200415-day3-我没得选-it is what it

作者: YAN_tdlorang | 来源:发表于2020-04-15 21:39 被阅读0次


    1. what do you

    what are you


    pretzel  [ˈpretsl]

    cheese (z or s)

    2. 弱读四要素


    3. 你在说什么?

    what are you talking about?


    4. the tall woman in front of the jackets?

    5. 电影 the gentleman

    I'll have a pint and a pickled egg


    6. it's a sit fucking wooden 太僵硬

    out sth into it, you know, a bit of welly 重击; [ˈweli] 用点力

    7. bungee jumping 蹦极

    8. 可能吧

    it's a maybe/possibility/big if (大问号;可能是/不是)

    it's still up in the air. 连读

    9. 提议

    what do you have in mind?

    what are you thinking of having for food? 你想吃什么

    10. 你可别忘了

    don't you forget (it)

    11. want to wanna

    12. when 停顿 do ya wanna go there?

    13. do they have low-fat lunches? 他们有低脂午餐吗?

    14. 咋们叫外卖吧!

    let's use 美团????XXXXX

    order take-out

    let's get take-out

    let's order take-out

    15. 餐馆

    restaurant 泛泛

    stand 小摊位

    eatery  [ˈiːtəri] 餐馆; 饮食店


    parlour  [ˈpɑːrlər] 店铺

    pizza joint 披萨店

    burger joint 汉堡店

    16. 我没得选

    it is what it is

    nothing is on the menu.

    17. 想要


    feel like +ing

    I have a craving for sth 特别想吃

    crave for  渴望 really really want

    have my heart set on 我的心已经在...上

    18. 我馋了

    I have a craving for sth

    I have a craving for a snack [snæk] 想吃零食

    snake  美[sneɪk]

    munch 美 [mʌntʃ]  大声咀嚼

    gummi candy 软糖

    I've got the munchies 嘴馋了

     famished 饿死了

    19. 约吗?

    you wanna go there with me?

    let's have lunch together

    I'm down for it 我有空/可以/我OK,愿意

    I'm up for it

    down? 约吗

    20. water bill water重

    21. months

    th 不读

    th 读,舌头从外到里 th--s 变弱的过程

    22. pay for +

    除了 pay +fee

    credit cards are used to pay for the pruduct you purchased


    fuck me

    are you out of your mind?

    are you insane?

    talk about +n  talk about a faceplam 太荒唐了

    talk about+adj talk about crazy

    you are crazy (with a capital C)

    you are crazy,  capital C

    you are handsome, capital H


    24. 惊讶

    no shit 不是吧

    No kidding 开玩笑吧

    are you serious? 有没有搞错啊

    you can't be serious 你开我玩笑吧,你这不是SB吗

    25. squeaky wheels get the grease 美 [ɡriːs]


    26. get your money's worth 钱花的值


    the new phone is expensive, but I gets my money's worth. 





          本文标题:20200415-day3-我没得选-it is what it
