2022-05-28 周六 英文记录

2022-05-28 周六 英文记录

作者: 狼牙雪豹 | 来源:发表于2022-05-28 22:53 被阅读0次

All the day's arrangement is the same as old.
Today's daily recorded the mood most. Though there are many errors.

I learned English words everyday but it's only before college level. The most of them are similar to me. I only know its common meaning in Chinese but maybe do not know how to use it.

I should do something changing it.

In the afternoon before the dinner, my old sister called me a video in Wxchat. We talked about the recent thing about my young brother. We all care about his personal life. If he can eat and drink. The worse is that he doesn't have a good relationship with his girlfriend and they have broken up a few days ago.

I think my family relationships is very complex. My father and my young brother cannot talk to each other well. They have to talk and know their things through I and my old sister. We all felt tired but no methods.

In addition, my old sister told me that I should live happily and they are my back support. In result of our county has occured a few sad things.

Give a word to encourage myself.
Go through out of the bad mood and you deserve good life.


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      本文标题:2022-05-28 周六 英文记录
