Once,there was a man called Liang, he like to carve dragons. But, in his village,there was really a dragon!
Liang carved a bigger dragon and scared the real dragon away, but I think it will come back……I can think of what had happened after that, when it had left the cave.
The dragon named himself ‘‘Back.’’ He dived deep in a green forest andstarted practicing Cong Fu, and prepared to fight the wood dragon. He practicedfor many many years. Sword、Cong Fu and many many other things.
Finally,one sunny afternoon, he said: ‘‘I am ready.’’ And he took off flying. He had wings likeiron, that could flap one flap, and blow anything away……
He came to the village and what he saw made him very stunned. He saw a broken dragon head, the same as the day he had met! He was very happy, and he thought that the people must have killed him, and he decided never to kill avillager again.