Just for Fun
Why you want to attend the Toaster master speech contest ? Different attendant may have different answer. For me, the answer is simple, there are three reasons: first, just for fun, second, same as first. the third, yes, you can guess, still just for fun.
One month ago, when I decided to join the contest, i start to considerate the topic. Three words come to my mind, what is it ? three word -- just for fun. Why those three words come to ? because it comes from my real experience that started 3 years ago.
long long time ago,sorry, just three years ago, SAP begin the journey of Fiori. At that time, we don't have good tool, we need manually write XML view, you know, it it very boring, and easy make mistake. it will not work even you make a little mistake. How to solve the issue, then I have a idea to create a tool, a tool which will make our life easy.
Ok, then just do it. I spent nearly 3 months to finish the tool. At that time, my life is so simple, just repeat three things: coding, eating and sleeping. After i wake up, then continue to coding, and sleeping, oh, i even forget eating. 3 months later, I publish the tool, it is warmly welcomed by so many developers. I got so many positive feedback, the feeling is so good.
What is the main motivation for me to create such tool? To use my private time to do some the work that is not my responsibility? The answer is 'just for fun'. You can image, what is the feeling of create a tool by yourself: You have full control of yourself. You are the product owner, the architect, the developer, the tester and the sale man. You can define rule, you decide the feature. You are the king, your are the god. By the way, how many of you are programmer? Please raise you hand. I think only the programmer can fully understanding the felling.
Just for fun,this is the why I spent 3 months to build a tool. Just for fun, it is the reason why so many people contribute to the open source project.
I spent so many time, so many effort to develop the tool. Of course, I got a lot of from the whole journey. I fully understand how SAPUI5 run inside, I became the UI5 expert and a little famous. And last year, I have chance to go to Israel to cooperate with the WebIDE team, some feature of my tool has been integrated into SAP formal product. Just for fun, this is why i start the journey. It is the biggest motivation to help you to over come all the challenge. And at the end, you will gain a lot.
Last year, labs China launch the "Let Shine" program, I joined the campaign. You may ask, why you join the campaign? The reason is "just for fun". Oh, i forget another more important reason: I still remember that day I saw the poster at the canteen, "the champion will win 35000 RMB". My heart bong bong bong, why not join? I’m lucky, and I think the main reason is that I choose a good English name, I became the champion. Oh, 35 thousand RMB. But, too young too naive, after I got the champion, i know that money is not belong tome, I can only use it to do some team building. I learned a lot of from the whole journey, and of course, a lot of fun. I became a little famous again, and have chance to know some beautiful girl in HR, and learn how to be a good sales man for your product.
And I learned, sometime, when you decide whether do or not something, one simple criteria is that, whether it is fun or not. If it fun, then just do it. When you try, you will have chance to win. Even you not win, you still win a lot.
"Just for fun", it is the title of a book written by Linus Torvalds (He is the father of Linux and Git, show the book here). Just for fun, it is the main reason and main motivation of Linus how he create the greatest software and change the world twice. Just for fun, hope you are lucky enough to find your own fun, then you can change your lift also.