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需要把45S rRNA转录相关基因的文章好好拎出来看看

Earley, K., Lawrence, R.J., Pontes, O., Reuther, R., Enciso, A.J.,Silva, M., Neves, N., Gross, M., Viegas, W., and Pikaard, C.S. (2006). Erasure of histone acetylation by Arabidopsis HDA6 mediates large-scale gene silencing in nucleolar dominance. Genes

Mozgová, I., Mokros, P., and Fajkus, J. (2010). Dysfunction of chromatin assembly factor 1 induces shortening of telomeres and loss of 45S rDNA in Arabidopsis thaliana

Pontvianne, F., et al. (2010). Nucleolin is required for DNA methylation state and the expression of rRNA gene variants in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet.

Pontvianne, F., Matía, I., Douet, J., Tourmente, S., Medina, F.J.,Echeverria, M., and Sáez-Vásquez, J. (2007). Characterization of AtNUC-L1 reveals a central role of nucleolin in nucleolus organization and silencing of AtNUC-L2 gene in Arabidopsis. Mol. Biol. Cell

Pontvianne, F., Blevins, T., Chandrasekhara, C., Feng, W., Stroud,H., Jacobsen, S.E., Michaels, S.D., and Pikaard, C.S. (2012). Histone methyltransferases regulating rRNA gene dose and dosage control in Arabidopsis. Genes Dev.

Pontvianne, F., Blevins, T., Chandrasekhara, C., Mozgová, I., Hassel, C., Pontes, O.M., Tucker, S., Mokros, P., Muchová, V., Fajkus, J., and Pikaard, C.S. (2013). Subnuclear partitioning of rRNA genes between the nucleolus and nucleoplasm reflects alternative epiallelic states. Genes Dev.

Durut, N., et al. (2014). A duplicated NUCLEOLIN gene with antagonistic activity is required for chromatin organization of silent 45S rDNA in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell

Mérai, Z., et al. (2014). The AAA-ATPase molecular chaperone Cdc48/p97 disassembles sumoylated centromeres, decondenses heterochromatin, and activates ribosomal RNA genes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA

Sánchez-García, A.B., Aguilera, V., Micol-Ponce, R., Jover-Gil, S., and Ponce, M.R. (2015). Arabidopsis MAS2, an essential gene that encodes a homolog of animal NF-k B activating protein, is involved in 45S ribosomal DNA silencing. Plant Cell

Duc, C., et al. (2017). Arabidopsis ATRX modulates H3.3 occupancy and fine-tunes gene expression. Plant Cell

Chen, Y.C., Wang, H.J., and Jauh, G.Y. (2016). Dual role of a SAS10/ C1D family protein in ribosomal RNA gene expression and processing is essential for reproduction in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genet.

接下来是几篇讲述Pol I蛋白复合体的

Gallagher, J.E., Dunbar, D.A., Granneman, S., Mitchell, B.M., Osheim, Y., Beyer, A.L., and Baserga, S.J. (2004). RNA polymerase I transcription and pre-rRNA processing are linked by specific SSU processome components. Genes Dev.

Barandun, J., Chaker-Margot, M., Hunziker, M., Molloy, K.R., Chait, B.T., and Klinge, S. (2017). The complete structure of the small-subunit processome. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.

Durut, N., and Sáez-Vásquez, J. (2015). Nucleolin: Dual roles in rDNA chromatin transcription. Gene

Ream, T.S., Haag, J.R., Pontvianne, F., Nicora, C.D., Norbeck, A.D., Pasa-Toli ´ c, L., and Pikaard, C.S. (2015). Subunit compositions of Arabidopsis RNA polymerases I and III reveal Pol I- and Pol III-specific forms of the AC40 subunit and alternative forms of the C53 subunit. Nucleic Acids Res.

Bierhoff, H., Dundr, M., Michels, A.A., and Grummt, I. (2008). Phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 facilitates rRNA gene transcription by promoting dissociation of TIF-IA from elongating RNA polymerase I. Mol. Cell. Biol.

Imamura, S., Hanaoka, M., and Tanaka, K. (2008). The plant-specific TFIIB-related protein, pBrp, is a general transcription factor for RNA polymerase I. EMBO J.


Tucker, S., Vitins, A., and Pikaard, C.S. (2010). Nucleolar dominance and ribosomal RNA gene silencing. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.

Ge, X.H., Ding, L., and Li, Z.Y. (2013). Nucleolar dominance and different genome behaviors in hybrids and allopolyploids. Plant Cell Rep.

Michalak, K., Maciak, S., Kim, Y.B., Santopietro, G., Oh, J.H., Kang, L., Garner, H.R., and Michalak, P. (2015). Nucleolar dominance and maternal control of 45S rDNA expression. Proc. Biol. Sci.

Lawrence, R.J., and Pikaard, C.S. (2004). Chromatin turn ons and turn offs of ribosomal RNA genes. Cell Cycle

Lawrence, R.J., Earley, K., Pontes, O., Silva, M., Chen, Z.J., Neves, N., Viegas, W., and Pikaard, C.S. (2004). A concerted DNA methylation/histone methylation switch regulates rRNA gene dosage control and nucleolar dominance. Mol. Cell

Layat, E., Sáez-Vásquez, J., and Tourmente, S. (2012). Regulation of Pol I-transcribed 45S rDNA and Pol III-transcribed 5S rDNA in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol.



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