流利说L5U1P4-3 Social Relations

流利说L5U1P4-3 Social Relations

作者: 七小满 | 来源:发表于2020-04-15 07:28 被阅读0次

    To criticize someone is to point out their faults or mistakes.

    Some people appreciate constructive criticism ,which can help them develop their skills.

    (Some people cannot take any criticism without feeling hurt.)

    To praise someone is to let them know that they have done a

    good job.

    Some people expect to be praised when they have performed well.

    (It's important not to praise people when they haven't done a good enough job. )

    (Knowing when and how to praise someone is an important


    To apologize to someone is to admit that you have done

    something wrong or hurtful.

    One way to apologize is to say you are sorry.

    If your apology isn't accepted, it means the person hasn't forgiven you.

    (if you accidentally hurt someone it's usually a good idea to


    To order people to do something means to use your power or

    position to get them to do it.

    Many people dislike being ordered to do things.

    In many cases, it's better to make a request than order someone to do something.

    (If someone doesn't follow orders, he or she may be published.)

    To encourage someone is to support their efforts, and help build their confidence.

    A good teacher encourage students to do their best.

    To discourage someone is to take away their confidence.

    (Some people are discouraged if they don't receive praise or

    recognition for their work.)

    (If someone rejects your apology it means they haven't forgiven you.)

    (It's discouraging to work for someone who never shows appreciation for your hard work.)



          本文标题:流利说L5U1P4-3 Social Relations
