Nice sentences of Friends0410

Nice sentences of Friends0410

作者: LuckyEric | 来源:发表于2017-11-10 12:55 被阅读0次

I have a plan to learn English by watching 'Friends'. In my opinion it is the best video for English learning. Actually I have watched all the ten seasons more than two times.

I will watch one video each day and keep all useful sentences here. There will be a lot of duplicate sentences here, that is just what I want to get. Because I can learn better by writing and reading same sentences several times.

Sorry, I am a little late, do I miss something?

I know what I can get you for Christmas.

Every body in the restruant hate me.

Then they will all know who is the boss.

Are you seeing any body now?

I did not think you are gay, but I do now.

Does any body has a problem with that?

What are you doing? I think I got it.

You get the best taset of man.

You told these guys that I am just looking for a

Here is the thing...

But from now on, it is going to be my way.

There are so many things you do not know about me.

How could you tell people I am looking for a serious relationship.

That does not count.

Have you ever been with a women?

So there is not good time to ask that question.

I do not speak English.

You just did it minutes ago.

I do not know what to tell you.

Remember the speech you made last day, I have problem with that.

Any body else have a problem?

I guess I should thought about my kids and wife before I talk to Monica in that way.

This is a song I write for some very importnat people to me.

Where were you?

I want somebody, you know, I want a man.

When I got off work I found this was on my hat.

Are you seeing any body right now? I am not asking you out.

There is one guy named Joy, I think you will like him. He is funny, he is smart, he is sweet.

On the other hand, if she was not kidding, she will not fun, and she is a little stupid.

We had a great time last night.

I am sure you are right. But why?

I have two tickets of tonight's game, do you want to come with me?


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