Idioms 03

作者: 好奇的大孩子 | 来源:发表于2019-03-10 19:48 被阅读0次



    bring sth. to a head:使某件事情到了非做出决定的紧急关头。通常用来形容比较坏的情况,形容某件事件到了迫在眉睫必须加以改变的地步。

    昨天我开车回家的时候,在我们家的小路口险些撞到一辆自行车!这个路口的设计特别差,上个月又出了一起事故,两辆车相撞,车里的人都受伤了。这里真的应该树一块警示牌了! 这也让我想到一个习惯用语。那就是:bring to a head.

    比如上面的例子中,交通路口的情况太糟,车祸使警察到了要决定是否立一块警示牌,以改变这种情况的时候了。The car crash will bring to a head the need for a stop sign at the intersection, 这次车祸使警方开始考虑在交叉路口安装警示牌的必要性。

    例句-1:Cindy had been trying to persuade her husband to quit smoking. But he never made a serious effort to stop until last month. When he became short of breath playing with his grandson, he realized that his bad habit had to end. It brought to a head his addiction to cigarettes. He's been tobacco-free ever since.


    cold turkey断然戒掉烟瘾。It is difficult, but possible to quit smoking cold turkey, 虽然很难,但是断然戒烟是可能的。


    例句-2:Our best trained workers are all over 60 years old. And they've been leaving the company faster than they're being replaced. The CEO ought to recognize what's happening. Retirements are bringing our labor shortage problem to a head. So he'd better come up with a solution quickly.


    现在美国面临的很大的一个问题就是劳动人口老龄化。1945年到1961年“婴儿潮”时期出生的人现在都慢慢开始退休了,而这也给政府为他们提供的福利出了个大难题: Baby boomers' retirement has brought concerns about funding to a head, 婴儿潮一代人的退休使解决政府福利的融资问题变得迫在眉睫。


    2.(to) eat one's words:食言,说了话,或做了保证不能实现。也就是一个人说了话不算数。有的时候,to eat one's words可能会使自己很窘。比如说,一个人问朋友借钱,说好了一个礼拜以后还。但是,一个礼拜过了,他以为能收到的钱结果没有到,他只好去对那朋友说:

    Michael, I'm really embarrassed that I have to eat my own words. The money I expected to receive last week didn't arrive. But I'm sure it's in the mail so l can pay you back before Saturday.


    例句:When we got married my younger brother predicted it would never last, that we weren't the right type for each other. But he's certainly had to eat his words and admit he was wrong.


    3.from the word go:一开始或者是马上、立即。这个习惯用语是出于赛跑。

    我们再来讲一个以word这个字为主的习惯用语。一开始或者是马上、立即。这个习惯用语是出于赛跑。比如说,有一群孩子站成一排,准备赛跑。他们请站在旁边的一个人叫口令,让他们起跑。这个人就会给他们三个口令:Take your marks! Get set!Go!

    这三个口令就是:各就各位! 预备!跑! Go就是开始跑。这也就是我们要讲的这个习惯用语的意思。我们来举一个例子。这是一个老年人在回忆他和他太太第一次见面时的情景。他说:

    The first time we met I knew this was the only one I wanted to marry. Yes, sir, it was love from the word go. And, you know, we've been happy together almost fifty years.



    4.field day:n.野外实习日; 户外集会; 体育比赛日; 有重要活动(如辩论等)的日子;

     Have a field day:1.指玩得特别痛快,特别过瘾;2。大显身手;3.嘲笑和批判的机会4.感到心满意足

    例句1:we had a field day at the amusement park. 

    例句2:For years, the all-star quarterback toured the country warning students about the dangers of using illegal drugs. But after his conviction for cocaine possession, the press had a field day. They accused him of being nothing but a hypocrite.


    例句3:大家肯定还记得,伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德九月份在美国纽约的哥伦比亚大学发表演说,引起了很大的争议。纽约有些小报用疯子和邪恶来形容他。New York's tabloids had a field day with him. 与此相比,海外的报导则比较克制。


    5.field a team:这里field当动词用了。它原本的意思是把一群人派上场开展某种行动,包括战斗或者运动比赛等,但是现在field a team这个习惯用语有更广泛的用途,可以应用在私人企业或者政府机构的业务中。

    例句-3:Barbara is fielding a new team of decent, very competent people. She really knows what was wrong in the company. After all she was one of the victims of the old guard who ran it before.

    他说: Barbara正在起用一批正派而又富有才干的人。她十分明了本公司过去的弊病,因为她本人也是在公司保守的前领导手下深受其害的人。

    显然这里的field a team是指起用一批工作人员。

    这段话说的是一家公司新上任的女总裁Barbara, 她的管理方式和公司以前的领导 - 一位保守的老先生大不相同。


    例句-4:The soccer coach is fielding a new team of girls now, after his success with boys' teams the last few years. Can you believe it? - there were so many applicants from the girls that the places are filled up!

    他说:这位足球教练继前几年来带领男子球队获得成功之后,眼下正带领一支女子球队。你真不敢相信 - 有那么多女孩子报名,球队名额已经满了!

    这段话里的is fielding a new team of girls ,意思是正带领一支女子球队。这里field a team这个习惯用语的意思是带领球队参赛。


    6.break one‘s back/neck:非常辛苦地工作

    Working as a consultant in this company will break your back. 在这间咨询公司上班非常辛苦。

    例句1:Mom always wanted my sister and me to enjoy a better life than she had. That meant working two jobs for many years to afford what we needed. She broke her back. But, as a result, I became a surgeon and my sister a concert pianist. We would never have become so successful without our mother's great sacrifices.


     例句2:The parents of immigrant families are willing to break their backs in order to give their kids a better life.移民家庭的父母非常辛苦地工作, 想让孩子过上更好的生活。

    7.button your lip:闭口不谈


    例句-1:Our boss plans to promote Bob, who is neither responsible nor capable. But you'd better button your lip and not say a word against it, because Bob is nobody but the boss's brother-in-law. 


    8.on the button:

    1.On the button可能来自拳击赛,button是下巴尖的俗称,在拳击赛中如果你一拳正打在对手的下巴尖上,就是on the button,这是正中要害、击败对手的一着;

    2.Button这个词也可以解释按钮,要让一个设备发挥某种功能你得准确地按在某一个按钮上,也就是on the button

    With all its new technology weather forecasting is certainly more accurate than it used to be. For example the last five days it's been right on the button predicting high temperatures and evening showers! 


    所以on the button意思就是百发百中,切中要害。 


    Buttonhole 原来的意思是钮扣眼;但是buttonhole也可以作动词,如果你要拉住一个人听你说话,一个牢靠的窍门可能是把你的手指扣住他上衣钮孔,这样他不就跑不了了吗?这可能就是动词buttonhole引伸意义的来源。

    例句-3:Keep away from Dick this morning! He's back from vacation and trying to buttonhole everybody to tell them about what he did. He'll bore you for half an hour if you give him half a chance. 





          本文标题:Idioms 03
