20170426 如果按照某种规律进行无限地划分,一个球可以变化为和原来一样的两个球。正因为无限里面蕴含着无限,所...
I have suddenly figured this out - Every individual, no m...
You need to learn how to WAIT.Most of the people don't bo...
Don't hold your emotion, rather to express your unhappyne...
It is always important to be consciousness. Too many peop...
Sometimes, it looks like there is only one option for you...
People waste a lot of time when life is NORMAL and they c...
It doesn't matter what you think, it only the things you ...
说真的,我很想吃烧烤味的薯片烤鱿鱼油炸年糕炸鸡烤翅伯爵奶茶海苔饼了 但是我几乎天天跑圈也没有丝毫的瘦啊!为什么啊!...
本文标题:2019-06-21 daily thought