

作者: 舒游 | 来源:发表于2020-07-01 19:32 被阅读0次

Today is the firstday of July, and someone post their wishes in their circle. But I spend thisday just as usual and still put something unimportant things before what I shoulddo these days. Now, I seemly know that why I have no achievement except fromthe reason of lazy and no enough knowledge and wisdom. For sure, sometimes I don’tknow what I should do next and always attracted by something interesting but nomeaning. For instant, a few minutes ago I search something with my phone but I indulgedmyself in some videos very soon. So, how can I solve the problems?

For three days’reading, I finished the book calledassuming

ourselves to death. At first, I want to find something that can help me to resolvethe above problem but there is no any solutions in the book apart from thecriticism of the television and the society full of entertainment. Of course,it’s a good a book and it give me some inspirations about some phenomenon ofsociety of nowadays. Accordingly, I had the enthusiasm to finish the book withinthree days. However, it doesn’t give readers any available suggestions to solvethe problems. So, the solution of my question still being suspended in the air.

Of course, I knowI still have no idea what should I do.

对这两天看完的 娱乐至死 做一点小小的读书体验。毕竟是一本畅销社科书,其质量自然不差。虽说我并没有找到如何抗拒现代娱乐浪潮的方式但是书里的一些观点和例子还是很让我有所启发的。书里以一种坚决的态度抨击了电子化对新闻,教育,政治经济等领域产生的负面效应。尽管这本书的出版年代至今已有几十年的历史了,但是对如今变本加厉的娱乐化现象还是具有借鉴和参考意义的:





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