- 新概念英语学习3-31- A lovable eccentric
- A lovable eccentric
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- David 的Scalers第四轮新概念朗读持续训练2019.0
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1. eccentric
adj. 古怪的;异乎寻常的
英 /ˌeksenˈtrɪsəti/ 美 /ˌeksenˈtrɪsəti/
n. 古怪;怪癖;[数] 离心率
• eccentric behaviour/clothes 古怪的行为;奇装异服
• an eccentric aunt 怪僻的大婶
•As a teacher, she had a reputation for eccentricity. 她是位教师,以行为古怪而出名。
•Arthur was noted for the eccentricity of his clothes. 阿瑟以穿奇装异服而著称。
•We all have our little eccentricities. 我们都有些小怪癖。
2. convention
英 /kənˈvenʃn/ 美 /kənˈvenʃn/ n. 大会;[法] 惯例;[计] 约定;[法] 协定;习俗
•social conventions 社会习俗
•By convention the deputy leader was always a woman. 按惯例,这一领导职务的副职总是由女性担任。
•She is a young woman who enjoys flouting conventions. 她是一位喜欢无视传统习俗的年轻女子。
•to hold a convention 召开大会
•the Democratic Party Convention (= to elect a candidate for president) 民主党代表大会(选出总统候选人)
•the Geneva convention 日内瓦公约
•the United Nations convention on the rights of the child 联合国儿童权利公约
•the conventions of Greek tragedy 希腊悲剧的传统手法
3. conscious
英 /ˈkɒnʃəs/ 美 /ˈkɑːnʃəs/adj. 意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的
•She's very conscious of the problems involved. 她完全意识到了所涉及的问题。
•He became acutely conscious of having failed his parents. 他深深感到自己辜负了父母的期望。
•I was vaguely conscious that I was being watched. 我隐隐约约地觉察到有人在监视我。
•A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone. 神志并非完全清醒的病人必须时刻有人照料。
•to make a conscious decision 作出慎重的决定
•I made a conscious effort to get there on time. 我刻意约束自己准时到达那里。
•a conscious act of cruelty 有意而为的残暴行径
•environmentally conscious 有环保意识的
•They have become increasingly health-conscious. 他们的健康意识越来越强。
4. invariably
英 /ɪnˈveəriəbli/ 美 /ɪnˈveriəbli/ adv. 总是;不变地;一定地
• This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal. 这种急性大脑传染病几乎总是导致死亡。
• This is not invariably the case. 事情并非总是如此。
• Invariably the reply came back, ‘Not now!’ 答复无例外地又是:“现在不行!”
5. shrewd
英 /ʃruːd/ 美 /ʃruːd/
adj. 精明的;狡猾的;机灵的
n. 精明(的人);机灵(的人)
•a shrewd businessman 精明的商人
•She is a shrewd judge of character. 她看人看得很准。
•a shrewd move 高招
•I have a shrewd idea who the mystery caller was. 这个神秘的来访者是谁,我能猜个八九不离十。
6. snob
英 /snɒb/ 美 /snɑːb/n. 势利小人,势利眼;假内行
•She's such a snob! 她竟是这样一个势利眼!
•an intellectual snob 自命知识渊博的人
•a food/wine, etc. snob 自命精于品味美食、葡萄酒等的人
•There is a snob value in driving the latest model. 开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。
7. intensly
英 /ɪnˈtensli/ 美 /ɪnˈtensli/ adv. 强烈地;紧张地;热情地
•Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning. 艾森豪威尔强烈地意识到长期规划的必要。
8. bedraggled
英 /bɪˈdræɡld/ 美 /bɪˈdræɡld/ adj. 全身泥污的;满身湿透的;荒废的,破烂的
• bedraggled hair/clothes 湿漉漉的头发;满是泥污的衣服
9. reprimande
英 /ˈreprɪmɑːnd/ 美 /ˈreprɪmænd/
n. 谴责;训斥;申诉
vt. 谴责;训斥;责难
• The officers were severely reprimanded for their unprofessional behaviour. 军官们因违反职业规则而受到了严厉的斥责。
•He received a severe reprimand for his behaviour. 他的行为受到了谴责。
10. severely
英 /sɪˈvɪəli/ 美 /sɪˈvɪrli/ adv. 严重地;严格地,严厉地;纯朴地
•Fog severely restricted visibility. 浓雾严重影响了能见度。
11. stage
英 /steɪdʒ/ 美 /steɪdʒ/
n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站
vt. 举行;上演;筹划
vi. 举行;适于上演;乘驿车旅行
n. (Stage)人名;(英)斯特奇
•This technology is still in its early stages . 这项技术还处于其早期开发状态。
•The children are at different stages of development. 这些孩子处于不同的成长阶段。
•The product is at the design stage. 产品处于设计阶段。
•People tend to work hard at this stage of life. 人在这个人生阶段往往发奋努力。
•At one stage it looked as though they would win. 有一段时间,他们好像大有获胜的希望。
•Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you—it's a stage they go through . 宝宝不肯离开你别担心,他们总要经过这个阶段。
•We did the first stage of the trip by train. 旅行的第一段我们乘的是火车。
•The police are building up a picture of the incident stage by stage . 警方正逐步摸清那次事件的经过。
•The pay increase will be introduced in stages (= not all at once) . 工资的提高将分步进行。
•We can take the argument one stage further. 我们可以把辩论更深入一步。
•The audience threw flowers onto the stage. 观众把鲜花抛向舞台。
•There were more than 50 people on stage in one scene. 有一场戏中舞台上的人有50多个。
•They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets. 在号角声中,他们阔步退下舞台。
•His parents didn't want him to go on the stage (= to be an actor) . 他父母不想让他当演员。
•She was a popular star of stage and screen (= theatre and cinema/movies) . 她是观众喜爱的舞台银幕两栖明星。
•She was forced to the centre of the political stage . 她被推到了政治舞台的中心。
•Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage . 德国在国际政治舞台上起着主导作用。
12. elaborate
英 /ɪˈlæbərət; ɪˈlæbəreɪt/ 美 /ɪˈlæbərət; ɪˈlæbəreɪt; ɪˈlæbərɪt/
adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的
vt. 精心制作;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物)
vi. 详细描述;变复杂
•elaborate designs 精心的设计
•She had prepared a very elaborate meal. 她做了一顿精美的饭菜。
•an elaborate computer system 精密的计算机系统