The total solution for play midi files under Ubuntu/Deepin/Debian Linux is:
Install all required pacages by running
sudo apt-get install freepats timidity timidity-interfaces-extra
timidity -iA
in terminal first to check/get started. It should give something like this$ timidity -iA Requested buffer size 32768, fragment size 8192 ALSA pcm 'default' set buffer size 32768, period size 8192 bytes TiMidity starting in ALSA server mode Opening sequencer port: 129:0 129:1 129:2 129:3
If so, congratulations, your midi is working.
You can play a midi file directly from the command timidity followed by the file name. For example,
timidity awesometune.mid
Or, if you want a GUI, you can simply type
timidity -ig
and an old-fashioned window will pop up.

另外一个更好的工具是 LMMS, 下载后不用安装就可以运行。 不过需要配合SoundFont文件, 在配置中指定下载好的SoundFont文件即可, 导入 midi 文件,就可以播放了。 一个比较好用的 SoundFont 文件是 ChoriumRevA.SF2