- 声明
//enum 关键字
enum Season { //新的数据类型,首字母大写
case Spring
case Summer
case Autumn
case Winter
enum Season {
case Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
- 获取
var season = Season.Summer
var season:Season = Season.Summer //显式
var season:Season = .Summer //可以这么简写
- 原始值
可以给枚举变量赋原始值 (Raw Value),例如:
enum Fruit:Int {
case Apple = 1
case Orange = 2
case Banana = 3
case Watermelon = 4
let fruit = Fruit(rawValue: 2) //返回值为可选型
Fruit.Watermelon.rawValue //4
if let fruit = Fruit(rawValue: 2) {
//do something
enum Fruit:Int {
case Apple = 1, Orange, Banana, Watermelon
enum Fruit:Int {
case Apple, Orange, Banana, Watermelon
enum Coin:Int {
case Penny = 1
case Nickel = 5
case Dime = 10
case Quarter = 25
//枚举类型的值可以是 String 类型,例如:
enum ProgrammingLanguage:String {
case Swift = "Swift"
case Java = "Java"
case OC = "OC"
enum ProgrammingLanguage:String {
case Swift, Java, OC //即,分别是 "Swift", "Java", "OC"
- 关联值
关联值(Associate Value):可以关联不同类型,而且可修改(与 Raw Value 互斥),例如:
enum ATMStatus {
case Success(Int)
case Error(String)
enum ATMStatus {
case Success(Int)
case Error(String)
case Waiting //无关联值
var balance = 1000 //余额
func withdraw(amount:Int) -> ATMStatus {
if balance >= amount {
balance -= amount
return .Success(balance) //可以这样简写
else {
return .Error("Not enough money")
let result = withdraw(100)
switch result {
case let .Success(newBalance):
print("¥\(newBalance) left in your count")
case let .Error(errorMessage):
print("Error: \(errorMessage)")
enum Shape {
case Square(side:Double) //可以分别关联不同的值
case Rectangle(width:Double, height:Double)
case Circle(centerX:Double, centerY:Double, radius:Double)
case Point
func area(shape:Shape) -> Double {
switch shape {
case let .Square(side):
return side * side
case let .Rectangle(width, height):
return width * height
case let .Circle( _, _, radius): //忽略一些变量
return M_PI * radius * radius //M_PI 为 π
case .Point:
return 0
let square = Shape.Square(side: 3)
let rectangle = Shape.Rectangle(width: 5, height: 3)
let circle = Shape.Circle(centerX: 6, centerY: 7, radius: 3)
let point = Shape.Point
- 递归枚举
//使用关键字 indirect
indirect enum ArithmeticExpression {
case Number(Int)
case Addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression) //调用了本身
case Multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
enum ArithmeticExpression2 {
case Number(Int)
indirect case Addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
indirect case Multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
//计算 (5 + 4) * 2 举例:
let five = ArithmeticExpression.Number(5)
let four = ArithmeticExpression.Number(4)
let sum = ArithmeticExpression.Addition(five, four)
let two = ArithmeticExpression.Number(2)
let product = ArithmeticExpression.Multiplication(sum, two)
func evaluate(expression:ArithmeticExpression) -> Int {
switch expression {
case let .Number(value):
return value
case let .Addition(left, right):
return evaluate(left) + evaluate(right)
case let .Multiplication(left, right):
return evaluate(left) * evaluate(right)
- 修改自身变量
枚举中,若想通过方法对自身变量进行修改,需要使用 mutating
enum Switch {
case On
case Off
mutating func click() {
switch self {
case .On:
self = .Off
case .Off:
self = .On
- 声明
//struct 关键字
struct Location { //新的数据类型,首字母大写
let latitude:Double //若不初始化,则默认没有值。且 let 只能初始化一次
let longitude:Double
var placeName:String? //若为可选型,默认初始化为 nil
let appleHeadQuarterLocation = Location(latitude: 37.3230, longitude: -122.0322)
//注意:只有 appleHeadQuarterLocation 和 latitude 都为 var 类型时才能对 latitude 进行修改。
struct Place {
let location:Location //Location 为结构体类型
var name:String
- 构造函数
struct Location2 {
var latitude:Double = 0 //可以赋初值
var longitude:Double = 0
Location2() //赋初值后可以这样使用,调用了默认的构造函数
struct Location3 {
let latitude:Double
let longitude:Double
//自定义构造函数 (使用 init 关键字)
init(coordinateString: String){
let commaIndex = coordinateString.rangeOfString(",")!.startIndex //这里暂时使用了强制解包,后文再解决这个问题
let firstElement = coordinateString.substringToIndex(commaIndex)
let secondElement = coordinateString.substringFromIndex(commaIndex.successor())
latitude = Double(firstElement)!
longitude = Double(secondElement)!
init(latitude:Double, longitude:Double){
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude
- 可失败的构造函数
结构体可以有可失败的构造函数(Failable-Initializer ),即,如果构造失败,返回为 nil
struct Location {
let latitude:Double
let longitude:Double
init?(coordinateString: String){
if let commaIndex = coordinateString.rangeOfString(",")?.startIndex {
if let firstElement = Double(coordinateString.substringToIndex(commaIndex)) {
if let secondElement = Double(coordinateString.substringFromIndex(commaIndex.successor())) {
self.latitude = firstElement
self.longitude = secondElement
else {
return nil
else {
return nil
else {
return nil
init(latitude:Double, longitude:Double){
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude
上述构造函数使用了多个 if...else
语句,看起来很复杂。我们可以使用 guard
struct Location {
init?(coordinateString: String){
//使用 guard 关键字可以使条理更清晰
// guard let commaIndex = coordinateString.rangeOfString(",")?.startIndex else {
// return nil
// }
// guard let firstElement = Double(coordinateString.substringToIndex(commaIndex)) else {
// return nil
// }
// guard let secondElement = Double(coordinateString.substringFromIndex(commaIndex.successor())) else {
// return nil
// }
let commaIndex = coordinateString.rangeOfString(",")?.startIndex,
let firstElement = Double(coordinateString.substringToIndex(commaIndex)),
let secondElement = Double(coordinateString.substringFromIndex(commaIndex.successor()))
else {
return nil
self.latitude = firstElement
self.longitude = secondElement
- 修改自身变量
同枚举一样,结构体中,若想使用方法对自身变量进行修改,也需要使用关键字 mutating
struct Location {
var x = 0
mutating func go() { //自己改变自己
self.x += 1
- 声明
中的类和结构体很相似。使用关键字 class
class Person {
var firstName:String
var lastName:String
var career:String? //可选型变量可以不初始化,默认为 nil
init(firstName:String, lastName:String){
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
- 可失败的构造函数
同结构体一样,类也有可失败的构造函数,构造对象失败后返回 nil
let spaceindex = fullName.rangeOfString(" ")?.startIndex
else {
return nil
self.firstName = fullName.substringToIndex(spaceindex)
self.lastName = fullName.substringFromIndex(spaceindex.successor())
- 引用类型
let person1 = Person(firstName: "Edward", lastName: "Newgate")
let person2 = person1
person2.firstName = "Steve"
person2.lastName = "Jobs"
person2.career = "CEO"
//对 person2 修改时,person1 也改变了。(因为二者指向的是同一个对象)
- 类的等价
判断类的两个对象是否等价,判断的是其引用是否指向同一块内存。使用 ===
person1 === person2 //false, 判断引用类型(比较的引用,是否指向同一块内存)
person1 === person3 //true
person1 !== person2 //true, 不等于,即不是同一块内存
- 计算属性
struct Point {
var x = 0.0
var y = 0.0
struct Size {
var width = 0.0
var height = 0.0
class Rectangle {
var origin = Point()
var size = Size()
// var area:Double{
// return size.width * size.height
// }
var area:Double{
return size.width * size.height
//getter, setter
var center:Point { //必须为 var 类型,且显式声明类型
get {
let centerX = origin.x + size.width/2
let centerY = origin.y + size.height/2
return Point(x: centerX, y: centerY)
// set(newCenter) {
// origin.x = newCenter.x - size.width/2
// origin.y = newCenter.y - size.height/2
// }
set { //可以这么写,newValue 是默认值
origin.x = newValue.x - size.width/2
origin.y = newValue.y - size.height/2
init(origin:Point, size:Size){
self.origin = origin
self.size = size
- 类型属性
类型属性,即类的属性,相当于静态变量,使用 static
class Player {
var name:String
var score = 0 //个人总分
static var highestScore = 0 //所有玩家最高分,类的属性 (static 关键字)
self.name = name
- 类型方法
类型方法,即类的方法,相当于静态方法,使用 static
class Matrix {
var m:[[Int]] //二维数组
var row:Int
var col:Int
static func identityMatrix(n:Int) -> Matrix? {
if n <= 0 {
return nil
var arr2d:[[Int]] = []
for i in 0..<n {
var row = [Int](count:n, repeatedValue:0) //生成一行全为0的元素
row[i] = 1
arr2d.append(row) //添加到二维数组中
return Matrix(arr2d)
- 属性观察器
class LightBulb {
static let maxCurrent = 30
var current = 0 {
// willSet(newCurrent){ //新的值,可以省略不写,使用系统默认值 newValue
// print("new current is \(newCurrent)")
// }
willSet{ //效果同前者
print("new current is \(newValue)")
didSet(oldCurrent){ //oldCurrent 表示原来的值,可以省略不写,使用系统默认值 oldValue
if current == LightBulb.maxCurrent {
print("The current value get to the maximum point.")
else if current > LightBulb.maxCurrent {
print("current too hight, falling back to previous one.")
current = oldCurrent
print("The current is \(current)")
- 延迟属性
class Book {
let name:String
lazy var content:String? = {
return nil
self.name = name
- 访问控制
public: 可以被模块外访问。
internal: 可以被本模块访问。
private: 可以被本文件访问。
- 继承
示例代码(这里 Guldan 类继承自 Hero 类):
public class Hero {
var name:String
var life:Int = 100
public init(name:String){
self.name = name
final class Guldan: Hero {
注:若不想一个类被继承,可在前面添加 final
- 重写
重写/覆盖 (关键字override
public class Hero {
var name:String
var life:Int = 100
var description:String{
return "I'm \(name)."
func beAttacked(attack:Int) {
life -= 10
public init(name:String){
self.name = name
//子类,使用了 final 关键字, 该类不可被继承
final class Guldan: Hero {
//属性重写 (override 关键字)
override var description: String{
return "Your soul belongs to me!"
override init(name: String) { //构造方法重载
self.group = ""
print("my name is \(name)")
super.init(name: name)
override func beAttacked(attack: Int) {
life -= 15
注:若不想方法被重写,可以在方法前使用 final
- 便利构造函数和指定构造函数
便利构造函数(关键字 convenience
),是在构造函数中调用了其他的构造函数。而其他的构造函数则成为指定的 (designated) 构造函数。示例代码:
public class Hero {
public init(name:String){
self.name = name
final class Guldan: Hero {
override init(name: String) { //构造方法重载
self.group = ""
print("my name is \(name)")
super.init(name: name)
convenience init(firstName:String, lastName:String){
self.init(name:firstName + " " + lastName) //调用指定的初始化函数
- 构造函数的继承
- 如果子类没有实现任何父类的指定构造函数,则自动继承父类所有的指定构造函数。
- 如果子类实现了父类所有的指定构造函数,则自动继承父类所有的便利构造函数。
- 文档和注释
三条斜杠 ///
//MARK: - init 方法
//TODO: 有待添加一些功能
//FIXME: 有些不影响程序运行的小问题,有待以后调整
