

作者: 搬运工阿E | 来源:发表于2019-01-20 11:31 被阅读0次

Alphabet Fun 字母贴贴乐Equipment : board , markers 

Group : 10+  participants 

Duration: 5—10 minutes 

For each team draw a 5x5 grid on the board using all the letters of  the alphabet . Put " x "and " y " together so the grid makes a  square. Divide kids into teams and give them pens and paper . Explain to them that  hey have limited time to write down as manywords as they can think of . Name a category , e . g . Things I can wear . Also explain that the first letter  of each wordthey write down will be erased from their grid on the board.  E . g . If team 1 has the  words hat , gloves ,  and T-shirt , then you would  erase the letters " h " , " g " and " t " from their grid . The first team to have  all their letters erased is the winner. When time is up , get each team to  read out the words they have while you rub the corresponding letters off  their grid. Vary the difficulty of the categories depending on how long you want the game to go.

这也是填字游戏的一种形式,可链接新目标英语七年级(上)  Unit7 的内容。


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