OkHttp works on Android 5.0+ (API level 21+) and on Java 8+.
OkHttp has one library dependency on Okio, a small library for high-performance I/O. It works with either Okio 1.x (implemented in Java) or Okio 2.x (upgraded to Kotlin).
We highly recommend you keep OkHttp up-to-date. As with auto-updating web browsers, staying current with HTTPS clients is an important defense against potential security problems. We track the dynamic TLS ecosystem and adjust OkHttp to improve connectivity and security.
OkHttp uses your platform's built-in TLS implementation. On Java platforms OkHttp also supports Conscrypt, which integrates BoringSSL with Java. OkHttp will use Conscrypt if it is the first security provider:
Security.insertProviderAt(Conscrypt.newProvider(), 1);
The OkHttp 3.12.x branch supports Android 2.3+ (API level 9+) and Java 7+. These platforms lack support for TLS 1.2 and should not be used. But because upgrading is difficult we will backport critical fixes to the 3.12.x branch through December 31, 2020.
OkHttp适用于Android 5.0+(API级别21+)和Java 8+。
OkHttp对Okio有一个库依赖,这是一个用于高性能I / O的小型库。它适用于Okio 1.x(用Java实现)或Okio 2.x(升级到Kotlin)。
OkHttp 3.12.x分支支持Android 2.3+(API级别9+)和Java 7+。这些平台不支持TLS 1.2,不应使用。但由于升级很困难,我们将在2020年12月31日之前向3.12.x分支机构提供关键修复。
所有如果您的客户端在升级OKHTTP版本后报错 ExceptionInInitializerError ,请检查一下是不是版本有问题.