He opened his eyes and smiled, He walked with friends the...
上午,和往常一样起床刷知乎刷微博,啃完早饭习惯地拿出资料开始复习 一边复习一边苦恼于这样背真的有用吗 一边怀疑自己...
立个flag 去上海
Life is but a span. 人生苦短。 Life is half spent before we kn...
The life span of a frozen pizza has been a mysteryScienti...
Life Is But a Span By Bai Hua The Epigraph:The world, now...
(改1)The oak tree, the average life span of which is about...
You can gain up to ten years life span by playing games. ...
老父的孩子更短寿 Offsprings of old father have shorter life span ...
life is but a span, make hay to the sun shine. 这是我在家教的时候,...
本文标题:Life Span