common lisp函数式编程

common lisp函数式编程

作者: 李2牛 | 来源:发表于2018-05-16 15:18 被阅读0次

Lisp 是什么?

这里讨论的是ANSI 标准化的Common Lisp。

clisp 安装

mac 下根据使用的软件包管理器选择命令安装 clisp

brew install clisp 
port install clisp


lisp 第一行代码


  1. 每一句 Lisp 都需要使用圆括号(parentheses)进行标记
  2. 注释语句有以下几种

  3. 语法使用实例
  • 变量与函数
    ;;(print "hello");一行代码末尾的注释一个分号即可
(format t " hello world ~%");;格式化输出,lisp不是大小写敏感的语言
(print "What's your name?");;输出语句
(defvar *name* (read));;定义变量并从终端读取,变量必须使用两个星号(asterisk)之间
(defun hello-you(*name*)
    (format t "Hello  ~a! ~%" *name* );;显示变量,~%换行
    (format t "Hello  ~s! ~%" *name* )
    (format t "Hello  ~10a! ~%" *name* );;右边加10空格
    (format t "Hello  ~10@a! ~%" *name* );;左边加10个空格

( hello-you *name*);;调用语句
  • 数学运算
(setq *print-case* :capitalize)

(defvar *name* 6990000);;定义变量并设置默认的数值
(format t "defalut name = ~a! ~%" *name*)
(setf *name* ( + 500988 (- 60000 2)) );;更改变量的数值
(format t "now name with commas = ~:d ~% "*name*);;带有逗号输出

(format t "PI to 7 characters is ~7f ~%" 3.14159265358);;截取七个字符
(format t "PI to 7 decimals  is ~,7f ~%" 3.14159265358);;七位小数 
(format t "10 Percent ~,,f ~%" 0.10)
(format t "Dollar 10 ~$ ~% " 10);;保留两位




(format t "(+ 4 5) = (~d) ~%" (+ 4 5))
(format t "(- 4 5) = (~d) ~%" (- 4 5))
(format t "(* 4 5) = (~d) ~%" (* 4 5))
(format t "(/ 4 5) = (~d) ~%" (/ 4 5))
(format t "(/ 4 5) = (~f) ~%" (/ 4 5))
(format t "(/ 4 5.0) = (~d) ~%" (/ 4 5.0))
(format t "(rem 23 5) = (~d) ~%" (rem 4 5))
(format t "(mod 23 5) = (~d) ~%" (mod 4 5))


(format t "(expt 4 5) = (~d) ~%" (expt 4 2));;求幂exponent
(format t "(sqrt 81) = (~d) ~%" (sqrt 81));;开方
(format t "(exp 1) = (~d) ~%" (exp 1));;e^1
(format t "(log 1000 10) = (~d) ~%" (log 1000 10));;求对数log(10)1000
(format t "(max 4 5) = (~d) ~%" (expt 4 5));;求最大
(format t "(min 4 5) = (~d) ~%" (expt 4 5));;求最小
(format t "(floor 4.5) = (~d) ~%" (floor 4.5));;向下取整
(format t "(ceiling 4.5) = (~d) ~%" (ceiling 4.5));;向上取整
(format t "(oddp 23) = (~d) ~%" (oddp 23));;是否是奇数
(format t "(evenp 6) = (~d) ~%" (evenp 6));;是否偶数
(format t "(numberp 4.5) = (~d) ~%" (numberp 4.5));;是否为数字
(format t "(null nil) = (~d) ~%" (null nil));;是否为空
;;;此外lisp 还内置了sin,cos,tan,asin,acos等函数
(setq *print-case* :capitalize)

(defparameter *name* 'kent);定义变量的默认数值

(format t "(equal *name* 'kent) = ~d ~%" (equal *name* 'kent));;变量是否相等
(format t "(equal *name* 'knet) = ~d ~%" (equal *name* 'knet));;变量是否相等
(format t "(equal \"String\"  \"string\") = ~d ~%" (equal "String" "string"))
(format t "(equal (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)) = ~d ~%" (equal (list 1 2 3 ) (list 1 2 3)));;表是否相等

(print "testEqualp")
(format t "( equalp 2 2.0) = ~d ~%" (equalp 2 2.0));;忽略格式
(format t "(equalp \"String\"  \"string\") = ~d ~%" (equalp "String" "string"));;忽略大小写
equalp and equal
  • 流程控制
(setq *print-case* :capitalize)

(print "your age ? ~%")
(defvar *age*  (read))
(print "your nationality?")
(defparameter *nationality* (read))

(if (and (>= *age* 18) (or (equalp *nationality* 'America) (equalp *nationality* 'USA) ))
    (format t "you can watch some adult video ~%");;if true
    (format t "go to study !!!~%");;else

(if (and (>= *age* 18) (or (equalp *nationality* 'America) (equalp *nationality* 'USA) ))
    (progn (format t "you can watch some adult video ~%")
        (format t "but donnot get addicted in it")
    );;if true
    (format t "go to study !!!~%");;else

(defun get-school(age) 
    (case age
        (5 (print "kindergarten ~%"))
        (6 (print "first grade ~%"))
        (otherwise (print "middle school"))
(get-school *age*)

(when (= *age* 18)
    (print " go to University ~%")

(unless (> *age* 30)
    (print " work hard please ~%")
流程控制,addicted 应该和to搭配哈哈


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      本文标题:common lisp函数式编程
