Title: who pays on the First Date? No one knows anymore, and it's really Awkward.-- from Wallstreet Paper
Love in the time of Tinder is upending an age-old tradition between man and woman : that moment when the bill arrives and the woman feints for her wallet, but expects the guy will insist on paying.
If man and woman are to be equal, they should pay equally.
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what proportion of one's lifetime income stream is spent on First Date? Buy the woman dinner, and for crying out loud.
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Surprise! Woman like traditional gender roles when they benefit them.
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It is very simple. The one who initiates the date pay for everything. If the other one insists on paying, let them.
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An old saw: "You never really know someone until you know who they are around money"
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These poor woman must be 'dating' liberal men who still can't afford to move out of their mom's basements.
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Our culture has emasculated men in every other regard. In particular, with young woman displacinng young man in most desrirable jobs. So I guess this develpment should come as no surprise, although it is massive disappointment to those who grew up at a time when chivalry reigned.