

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2019-04-08 19:57 被阅读0次


    Makers of self-driving cars should study Boeing crashes

    英国《金融时报》 布鲁克•马斯特斯



    I am not normally a nervous flyer. But the similarities between the recent Ethiopian Airlines disaster and the October crash of another Boeing 737 Max 8 flown by Indonesia’s Lion Air were enough to make me applaud the decision to ground the planes while authorities figure out what went wrong.

    我坐飞机通常是不紧张的。但最近埃塞俄比亚航空公司(Ethiopian Airlines)空难与去年10月印尼狮航(Lion Air)执飞的另一架波音(Boeing) 737 Max 8客机坠毁事件的相似之处,足以让我对当局在调查事故原因的同时停飞该机型的决定表示赞赏。








    1) 此处表示“使停飞”,及物动词,英文解释为“If an aircraft or its passengers are grounded, they are made to stay on the ground and are not allowed to take off.”举个🌰:

    The civil aviation minister ordered all the planes to be grounded


    2) 表示“限制外出”,及物动词,英文解释为“When parents ground a child, they forbid them to go out and enjoy themselves for a period of time, as a punishment.”举个🌰:

    His parents grounded him for a month, and banned television.


    3) 表示“使搁浅;搁浅”,及物/不及物动词,英文解释为“If a ship or boat is grounded or if it grounds, it touches the bottom of the sea, lake, or river it is on, and is unable to move off.”举个🌰:

    The boat finally grounded on a soft, underwater bank. 


    4) 表示“使变得现实”,及物动词,英文解释为“If something grounds you, it causes you to have a sensible and practical attitude toward life and not to have unrealistic ideas.”举个🌰:

    These things have grounded me and made me who I am. 



    Boeing has been working on fixes for the 737 Max's flight control software ever since the October crash was blamed in part on an anti-stall system going awry. The software, known as MCAS, appears to have repeatedly forced the plane's nose down because an “angle of attack” sensor misread the plane's angle to the ground. The pilot tried repeatedly to pull the nose up but the plane fell into a fatal dive.

    波音一直在努力修复737 Max机型的飞行控制软件,因为去年10月印尼狮航坠机被部分归咎于防失速系统出了故障。这款名为MCAS的软件似乎多次迫使飞机机头朝下,因为一个“迎角”传感器误读了飞机与地面的夹角。飞行员多次尝试拉起机头,但飞机陷入致命的俯冲。

    go awry

    awry /əˈraɪ/

    表示“未按计划进行的”,英文解释为“If something goes awry, it does not happen in the way it was planned.举个🌰:

    She was in a fury over a plan that had gone awry



    1) 表示“读错,念错,看错”,英文解释为“to read something incorrectly举个🌰:

    The doctor must have misread the notes.


    2) 表示“对…判断错误”,英文解释为“to make a wrong judgment about a person or situation”举个🌰:

    He may be misreading her intentions.




    force the plane's nose down


    pull the nose up


    We are still waiting for a report on the cause of the Ethiopian crash, which killed 157 people. But on Monday, the US Federal Aviation Administration poured cold water on the company's hopes of getting the jets back in the air quickly. “Time is needed for additional work . . . to ensure that Boeing has identified and appropriately addressed all pertinent issues,” it said.


    pour the cold water on

    表示“(对想法或建议)泼冷水”,英文解释为“If you pour cold water on an idea or suggestion, you show that you have a low opinion of it.举个🌰:

    People pour cold water on the his optimism



    Initial reports suggest that flight recorder data from the Ethiopian crash shows resemblances to the Lion Air tragedy. If the two disasters do turn out to have similar roots, that should serve as a warning in other areas where technology is taking over part, though not all, of crucial tasks from human experts.




    flight recorder data


    The Lion Air pilots' desperate struggle with the anti-stall software holds critical lessons for carmakers experimenting with self-driving technology. It has emerged that Boeing and the FAA had agreed MCAS could be installed without extensive retraining of pilots who had flown other 737 models.



    此处作动词,表示“做实验”,英文解释为“If you experiment with something or experiment on it, you do a scientific test on it in order to discover what happens to it in particular conditions.举个🌰:

    In 2016 LR started experimenting with peas in a laboratory. 



    Questions are now being raised whether that made it harder for human pilots to take control when MCAS erroneously forced the nose down. Boeing argues that pilots were always able to override the system by flipping switches in the cockpit. But some pilot unions have said their members did not know enough about it. (US enforcers are looking into the approval process.)



    1) 表示“推翻”,英文解释为“If someone in authority overrides a person or their decisions, they cancel their decisions.”举个🌰:

    The president vetoed the bill, and the Senate failed by a single vote to override his veto.



    此处在翻译的时候把the system的指代具体化,也就是指MCAS这款软件控制飞机的系统,而且在翻译的时候译者也很巧妙地处理为“恢复人工控制”,而不是“推翻这个系统”之类的。

    2) 表示“比…更重要”,英文解释为“If one thing in a situation overrides other things, it is more important than they are.举个🌰:

    The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents. 




    flipping switches in the cockpit


    Similar issues have started to arise as carmakers launch vehicles that can sometimes operate without human intervention, but are not fully self-driving. Tesla's “autopilot” software keeps a car in lane, matches its speed to the traffic and leaves a motorway at the right exit. But drivers are told to stay alert, keep hold of the wheel and take over in tricky situations. That has not always happened, leading to fatal accidents.


    take over



    The chief executive of Volvo Cars, Hakan Samuelsson, warned last week that introducing such semi-automation can be “irresponsible” and cause accidents when misplaced confidence leads to “over-reliance” by consumers.

    沃尔沃汽车(Volvo Cars)首席执行官汉肯•塞缪尔森(Håkan Samuelsson)最近警告称,引入此类半自动驾驶系统可能是“不负责任的”,当不该有的信心导致消费者“过度依赖”系统时,可能会造成事故。


    表示“(感情或行动)不适当的;定位不当的”,英文解释为“If you describe a feeling or action as misplaced, you are critical of it because you think it is inappropriate, or directed towards the wrong thing or person.举个🌰:

    A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration on health, not environmental issues. 



    What we know so far about the Boeing crashes offers another perspective on the same issue. Asking a highly skilled pilot to seize back control from a system he knew little about proved deeply problematic in the Lion Air case. It would be that much harder for an unwary and ill-prepared driver to seize control just as a problem looms. Consider how scary it is to have to brake suddenly after a long period of monotonous driving. Having to do it after a period of not driving at all feels like a recipe for disaster.



    表示“不警觉的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as unwary, you mean that they are not cautious or experienced and are therefore likely to be harmed or deceived.举个🌰:

    With its quicksands the river usually drowns a few unwary visitors every season. 


    a recipe for sth

    表示“可能会造成某事(常指坏的结果)”,英文解释为“to be likely to cause a particular result, often a bad one举个🌰:

    She said that two small boys on skis was a recipe for disaster, not a holiday.



    Yet the reach of semi-autonomous cars is expanding. EU officials last week considered requiring new cars to be fitted with devices that cap a vehicle's speed at the legal limit. Such systems, which can be overridden by pushing hard on the accelerator, could cut fatalities by 20 per cent overall, but also make hazards worse for drivers who are ill-prepared to speed up. The EU ultimately shied away, and new cars will instead warn drivers they are speeding.



    表示“限制(尤指金钱)”,英文解释为“to limit the amount of something, especially money, that can be used, allowed, or spent”,如:the only county to have its spending capped by the government 唯一一个开支受控于政府的县。


    此段中的“can be overridden”译者处理为“推翻系统控制”,个人认为不如之前的巧妙,“推翻”与“控制”搭配欠妥。你觉得呢?


    But I can't help wondering how many “assistive technologies” are being added to daily life without our fully understanding their effect. As Daimler chief executive Dieter Zetsche warned on Tuesday, it only “takes one spectacular incident” to undermine confidence, even in systems that on balance make us safer.

    但我不禁想知道,有多少“辅助技术”在我们尚未完全了解其影响的情况下就被应用于日常生活。正如戴姆勒(Daimler)首席执行官蔡澈(Dieter Zetsche)最近警告的那样,只要“发生一起重大事故”,就会削弱人们的信心,即便相关系统总体而言会提高安全性。


    Boeing has agreed to equip all of its planes with alarms to alert pilots that key sensors disagree. Carmakers should start thinking now what they need to do to prevent the accidents that could befall unwary drivers.



    表示“(不幸或危险)降临到,发生在(某人身上)”,英文解释为“if something unpleasant or dangerous befalls you, it happens to you举个🌰:

    We prayed that no harm should befall them.



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