20190221晨读之Cry on my shoulder

20190221晨读之Cry on my shoulder

作者: 2a5e6a04341e | 来源:发表于2019-02-21 21:22 被阅读0次


The best things in life, they're free.

1. under the weather

When you're under the weather, you feel sick. It can also be a good excuse: "I'm sorry I can't visit your grandmother with you, but I'm a bit under the weather today."

2. down in the dumps 情绪低落=feel blue

3. 逆袭

from rags to riches 从贫穷到富有

from zero to hero 从狗熊到英雄

4. hang me out to dry 晾着我

5. 兽皮 :hide

[N-VAR 可变名词] 兽皮;毛皮;A hide is the skin of a large animal such as a cow, horse, or elephant, which can be used for making leather.

6. 一举成功,一炮打响: a runaway success

[ADJ 形容词] 迅速的;无法控制的;失控的;You use runaway to describe a situation in which something increases or develops very quickly and cannot be controlled. [ADJ n]

7. 我是彻彻底底的中国制造

I was born and raised in China through and through.


He knows me through and through.

8. 天下没有免费的午餐。

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

9. 你有一颗金子般的心。

You have a heart of gold. 

10. 我还不确定。

that's a big if.

11. 承担责任 assume responsibility

[VERB 动词] 掌管,夺取,取得[权力]; 承担责任;If someone assumes power or responsibility, they take power or responsibility. [V n]

12. 天文数字的,数不清的,很多:astronomical, bajillion

there are a bajillion english teachers teaching the economist. 

13. 白菜价:a dime a dozen

14. 生活越来越难了the days are getting hard./ go downhill

15. go south

their relationship went south.

15. 关系不稳定

their relationship is on the rocks. 

16. 这是我爷爷,那是我外公。

this is my grandpa on my father's side, and grandpa on my mother's side.


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