刘亦菲主演真人版《花木兰》预告片首发 你期待吗?

刘亦菲主演真人版《花木兰》预告片首发 你期待吗?

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2019-07-08 20:05 被阅读0次


    Watch the first trailer for Disney's live-action remake of Mulan

    The Verge

    Disney released the first trailer for its upcoming live-action version of Mulan during today's Women's World Cup final, showing off a sweeping adventure flick set in China's Han dynasty. Directed by Niki Caro (Whale Rider) and starring Yifei Liu in the lead role, the film will join the ranks of the studio's other animation-to-live-action efforts when it's released next March.


    表示“(电影或电视节目的)预告片”,英文解释为“a series of short scenes from a film/movie or television programme, shown in advance to advertise it”。

    Disney官方还用了另一个表达:teaser 意思是“前导广告,悬念式广告(含蓄而引人好奇)”,英文解释为“an advertisement for a product that does not mention the name of the product or say much about it but is intended to make people interested and likely to pay attention to later advertisements”。


    表示“实景真人”,英文解释为“(in films, etc.) action involving real people or animals, not models, or images that are drawn, or produced by computer”,如:a live-action movie 一部实景真人电影,举个🌰:

    It’s not always easy as you might think to tell the difference between live action and an animated film.



    1)表示“影响大的;范围广的;彻底的”,英文解释为“affecting many things, or making an important difference to something举个🌰:

    They want to make sweeping changes to education policies.


    2)表示“包含丰富信息的,英文解释为“including a lot of information about something”,如:a sweeping look at European history 欧洲历史面面观。


    熟词僻义,表示“电影”(a film),如:an action flick 动作片,the flicks表示“电影院”(the cinema)。

    Yifei plays Hua Mulan, the daughter of Hua Zhou (played by Tzi Ma), a strict war veteran. When he's recalled to military service to fend off a Hun invasion, Mulan disguises herself as a man to take his place in the Imperial army. “It is my duty… to fight,” Mulan says at the end of the trailer.

    fend off

    表示“挡住(攻击)”,英文解释为“If you fend off someone who is attacking you, you use your arms or something such as a stick to defend yourself from their blows.举个🌰:

    He raised his hand to fend off the blow.


    It offers a first glimpse at what looks like some stunning cinematography and costume design, with exquisite attention to detail and some exciting stunts


    1)表示“精美的,精致的”,英文解释为“extremely beautiful and very delicately made”,如:the most exquisite craftsmanship 最精美的工艺

    1)表示“细致的,敏感的”,英文解释为very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do things”,举个🌰:

    She has exquisite taste in art.



    表示“尤指电影中的特技表演,特技”,英文解释为“a dangerous action that is done to entertain people, especially in a film”,如:a stunt flying show 特技飞行表演举个🌰:

    Not many actors do their own stunts.


    stunt也可以指“(宣传)噱头,引人注目的花招”(something that is done to attract people’s attention, especially in advertising or politics)。

    The film also stars Donnie Yen (Rogue One) as Commander Tung, Yoson An as Cheng Honghui, Gong Li (who plays Xianniang, a character not seen in the original animated film), and Jet Li, as the Emperor. The trailer doesn't show off her animal companions, a dragon named Mushu (who may or may not be in dragon form for this film), or Cri-Kee (who will be voiced by Jun Yu).



    插一句,上面提到的一个词yall /jɔːl/ 实际上是You-all的缩写。

    Y'all (/jɑːl/ yahl) is a contraction of you and all (sometimes combined as you-all). It is usually used as a plural second-person pronoun, but the usage of y'all as an exclusively plural pronoun is a perennial subject of discussion.

    而在Wikipedia的介绍中,提到这么一句:Mushu, the character from the original film, will reportedly also appear in the movie. 不过其引用的信源[3][4][5]均为2018年的报道。最终的影片是不是把木须龙的角色砍了,我们只能拭目以待。

    This new adaptation will hit theaters on March 27th, 2020. The film is based on the 1998 animated film directed by Barry Cook and Tony Bancroft, and follows a number of live-action adaptations that Disney has been making of its animated classics, like the Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Dumbo, and Aladdin, as well as forthcoming adaptations of The Lion King (due out later this month), Lady and the Tramp (due out on Disney +), The Sword in the Stone (Disney Plus), and The Little Mermaid.

    · 奇幻森林 The Jungle Book

    · 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast

    · 小飞象 Dumbo

    · 阿拉丁 aladdin

    · 狮子王 The Lion King

    · 小姐与流氓 Lady and the Tramp

    · 石中剑 The Sword in the Stone

    · 小美人鱼 The Little Mermaid

    From The Verge & Independent

    - END -

    「才思汇:没有一种学习 叫带你学习」








          本文标题:刘亦菲主演真人版《花木兰》预告片首发 你期待吗?
