此系列文章为学习笔记,课程来源于youtube 博主 Wes Doyle 的同名课程系列
此课程会搭建一个全栈的 Web Application,技术要点简介如下:
- PostgreSQL 数据库存储
- Entity Framework Core 作为 ORM
- IdentityServer4Web 作为 STS(Security Token Service)权限等校验
- ASP .NET Core 2.1 后台逻辑
- Single-Page Application (SPA) using Angular
- .Net core runtime 和 SDK
- Nodejs(Latest version)(Angular依赖此环境)
- PostgreSQL
- Visual Studio Code
- Cmder (Windows 命令行工具)
- Start a new solution, and select Full Web Application (Model, View Controller) with Individual User Account. This will create a base with all the dependencies for MVC and ASP.Net Core Identity.
- Next through Nuget we add IdentityServer4.AspNetIdentity. This will automatically brings in IdentityServer4 dependency as well.
- In order to have a Login, Logout and Consent UI for IS4 server, IS4 team provides a QuickStart UI the has the controllers, views , CSS and models that we can use first to get the login and logout working and then we can merge them into the MVC template we created first.