
作者: 手捧樱花v | 来源:发表于2020-08-04 20:37 被阅读0次

    pip3 install locust -i这个源五分钟更新一次)
    一键换源:pip3 config set global.index-url
    软链接:ln /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin/locust /usr/local/bin

    命令行执行:locust -f -H --headless -u 1 -r 1

    from locust import HttpUser, task, between
    import random
    import json
    class QuickstartUser(HttpUser):
       wait_time = between(1,2)
       def login_index(self):
           response ="/ucenter/user/login/index",data = json.dumps({"mobile":"14099221111","source":"ti_ku","password":"4xx","organId":"1"}),cookies=self.client.cookies.get_dict(),headers={'Content-Type':'application/json'})
       def on_start(self):
           response = self.client.get("/ucenter/user/xxx?source=ti_ku&mobile=xx221111&password=4xxx")
           print("this is login info " + response.text)
           print("this is login code " + str(response.status_code))

    on_start中使用登录 cookies使用self.client.cookies.get_dict()
    wait_time = between(1,2)
    @task(1)才会执行 权重 多个task按权重比例分配user比例
    脚本中可写全路径 或者/api 运行时指定url

    Usage: locust [OPTIONS] [UserClass ...]
    Common options:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -f LOCUSTFILE, --locustfile LOCUSTFILE
                            Python module file to import, e.g. '../'.
                            Default: locustfile
      --config CONFIG       Config file path
      -H HOST, --host HOST  Host to load test in the following format:
      -u NUM_USERS, --users NUM_USERS
                            Number of concurrent Locust users. Only used together
                            with --headless
      -r HATCH_RATE, --hatch-rate HATCH_RATE
                            The rate per second in which users are spawned. Only
                            used together with --headless
      -t RUN_TIME, --run-time RUN_TIME
                            Stop after the specified amount of time, e.g. (300s,
                            20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.). Only used together with
      -l, --list            Show list of possible User classes and exit
    Web UI options:
      --web-host WEB_HOST   Host to bind the web interface to. Defaults to '*'
                            (all interfaces)
      --web-port WEB_PORT, -P WEB_PORT
                            Port on which to run web host
      --headless            Disable the web interface, and instead start the load
                            test immediately. Requires -u and -t to be specified.
      --web-auth WEB_AUTH   Turn on Basic Auth for the web interface. Should be
                            supplied in the following format: username:password
      --tls-cert TLS_CERT   Optional path to TLS certificate to use to serve over
      --tls-key TLS_KEY     Optional path to TLS private key to use to serve over
    Master options:
      Options for running a Locust Master node when running Locust distributed. A Master node need Worker nodes that connect to it before it can run load tests.
      --master              Set locust to run in distributed mode with this
                            process as master
      --master-bind-host MASTER_BIND_HOST
                            Interfaces (hostname, ip) that locust master should
                            bind to. Only used when running with --master.
                            Defaults to * (all available interfaces).
      --master-bind-port MASTER_BIND_PORT
                            Port that locust master should bind to. Only used when
                            running with --master. Defaults to 5557.
      --expect-workers EXPECT_WORKERS
                            How many workers master should expect to connect
                            before starting the test (only when --headless used).
    Worker options:
      Options for running a Locust Worker node when running Locust distributed. 
      Only the LOCUSTFILE (-f option) need to be specified when starting a Worker, since other options such as -u, -r, -t are specified on the Master node.
      --worker              Set locust to run in distributed mode with this
                            process as worker
      --master-host MASTER_NODE_HOST
                            Host or IP address of locust master for distributed
                            load testing. Only used when running with --worker.
                            Defaults to
      --master-port MASTER_NODE_PORT
                            The port to connect to that is used by the locust
                            master for distributed load testing. Only used when
                            running with --worker. Defaults to 5557.
    Tag options:
      Locust tasks can be tagged using the @tag decorator. These options let specify which tasks to include or exclude during a test.
      -T [TAG [TAG ...]], --tags [TAG [TAG ...]]
                            List of tags to include in the test, so only tasks
                            with any matching tags will be executed
      -E [TAG [TAG ...]], --exclude-tags [TAG [TAG ...]]
                            List of tags to exclude from the test, so only tasks
                            with no matching tags will be executed
    Request statistics options:
      --csv CSV_PREFIX      Store current request stats to files in CSV format.
                            Setting this option will generate three files:
                            [CSV_PREFIX]_stats.csv, [CSV_PREFIX]_stats_history.csv
                            and [CSV_PREFIX]_failures.csv
      --csv-full-history    Store each stats entry in CSV format to
                            _stats_history.csv file
      --print-stats         Print stats in the console
      --only-summary        Only print the summary stats
      --reset-stats         Reset statistics once hatching has been completed.
                            Should be set on both master and workers when running
                            in distributed mode
    Logging options:
      --skip-log-setup      Disable Locust's logging setup. Instead, the
                            configuration is provided by the Locust test or Python
      --loglevel LOGLEVEL, -L LOGLEVEL
                            Choose between DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/CRITICAL.
                            Default is INFO.
      --logfile LOGFILE     Path to log file. If not set, log will go to
    Step load options:
      --step-load           Enable Step Load mode to monitor how performance
                            metrics varies when user load increases. Requires
                            --step-users and --step-time to be specified.
      --step-users STEP_USERS
                            User count to increase by step in Step Load mode. Only
                            used together with --step-load
      --step-time STEP_TIME
                            Step duration in Step Load mode, e.g. (300s, 20m, 3h,
                            1h30m, etc.). Only used together with --step-load
    Other options:
      --show-task-ratio     Print table of the User classes' task execution ratio
                            Print json data of the User classes' task execution
      --version, -V         Show program's version number and exit
      --exit-code-on-error EXIT_CODE_ON_ERROR
                            Sets the process exit code to use when a test result
                            contain any failure or error
      -s STOP_TIMEOUT, --stop-timeout STOP_TIMEOUT
                            Number of seconds to wait for a simulated user to
                            complete any executing task before exiting. Default is
                            to terminate immediately. This parameter only needs to
                            be specified for the master process when running
                            Locust distributed.
    User classes:
      UserClass             Optionally specify which User classes that should be
                            used (available User classes can be listed with -l or



