2022-05-29 Get physical

2022-05-29 Get physical

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2022-05-29 19:34 被阅读0次

Think about a moment you were your most confident. What is your body language doing?

Chances are, you’re standing up straight in a wide stance with your chest out. Your posture is open and you’re taking up physical space.

This is “dominant posture” and it’s common not only amongst humans but the wider animal kingdom. When we’re confident, our posture changes. This is an example of our mood changing our body.

Studies have found the inverse is also true: our body language can change our mind.

Harvard scientist, Amy Cuddy, studied how “power poses” change our body chemistry. People in high-power poses had increased testosterone and decreased cortisol levels.

Just like our mind controls our body, our body language can affect our mood. And we can hack this to our advantage.

Try this (actually do it):

  1. Put your shoulders back
  2. Puff your chest out
  3. Expose your palms
  4. Smile.

How do you feel?

Now, visualise talking to someone at a work event holding this power pose. Feels good right?

That’s the power of body language and you can practice it all throughout your workday. When combined with positive feedback, it will become a habit.



      本文标题:2022-05-29 Get physical
