2019-12-03 印巴新“冲突”

2019-12-03 印巴新“冲突”

作者: 西坡师妹 | 来源:发表于2019-12-03 18:58 被阅读0次

A new front in the decades-long rivalry between India and Pakistan has emerged: which country is more responsible for the choking air pollution that staddles their shared, hostile border. 

1. rivalry

n. 竞争,较劲 (a situation in which two or more people, teams, or companies are competing for something, especially over a long period of time, and the feeling of competition between them.)

rival n. 对手

rivalry between A and B      A和B之间的持续竞争状态

intense/ friendly/ sibling rivalry.

2. straddle

vt 跨越;横跨 (to sit or stand with your legs on either side of something or someone.)

straddle a motorbike

As residents of Lahore, Pakistan's second-largest city, complained of shortness of breath, stinging eyes and nausea from thick, acrid smong that they compare to living in the smoke of a camp fire, the country's minister of state for climate change smelled a conspiracy. 

1. Lahore 

n. 拉合尔 (巴基斯坦第二大城市)

Karachi 卡拉奇 (巴基斯坦第一大城市)

Islamabad 伊斯兰堡 (巴基斯坦首都)

2. stinging  adj. 刺痛的

sting vt. 刺

sting 词形变化:sting - stung-stung

"Misinformation is being spread about Lahore air quality," the minister, Zartaj Gul Wazir wrote on Twitter, before going on to blame India for the majority of the air pollution afflicting Pakistan. "It is nowhere as bad as being asserted by vested elements.

1. afflict vt. 使痛苦 (to affect someone or something in an unpleasant way, and make them suffer.)

2. It is nowhere as bad as...


3. vested elements 既得利益,既得利益集团


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      本文标题:2019-12-03 印巴新“冲突”
