一. 结构体介绍

一. 结构体介绍

作者: 对着天说晚安 | 来源:发表于2018-12-08 16:14 被阅读0次
    1. x264_nal_t结构体
    typedef struct x264_nal_t
        int i_ref_idc;  /* nal_priority_e */
        int i_type;     /* nal_unit_type_e */
        int b_long_startcode;
        int i_first_mb; /* If this NAL is a slice, the index of the first MB in the slice. */
        int i_last_mb;  /* If this NAL is a slice, the index of the last MB in the slice. */
        /* Size of payload (including any padding) in bytes. */
        int     i_payload;
        /* If param->b_annexb is set, Annex-B bytestream with startcode.
         * Otherwise, startcode is replaced with a 4-byte size.
         * This size is the size used in mp4/similar muxing; it is equal to i_payload-4 */
        uint8_t *p_payload;
        /* Size of padding in bytes. */
        int i_padding;
    } x264_nal_t;


    enum nal_priority_e
        NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE = 0,  // 00
        NAL_PRIORITY_LOW        = 1,  // 01
        NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH       = 2,  // 10
        NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST    = 3,  // 11


    enum nal_unit_type_e
        NAL_UNKNOWN     = 0,                        // 00000
        NAL_SLICE       = 1,                        // 00001
        NAL_SLICE_DPA   = 2,                        // 00010
        NAL_SLICE_DPB   = 3,                        // 00011
        NAL_SLICE_DPC   = 4,                        // 00100
        NAL_SLICE_IDR   = 5,    /* ref_idc != 0 */  // 00101
        NAL_SEI         = 6,    /* ref_idc == 0 */  // 00110
        NAL_SPS         = 7,                        // 00111
        NAL_PPS         = 8,                        // 01000
        NAL_AUD         = 9,                        // 01001
        NAL_FILLER      = 12,                       // 01100
        /* ref_idc == 0 for 6,9,10,11,12 */




          本文标题:一. 结构体介绍
