Day8 19/07/17

Day8 19/07/17

作者: 成小璇给猫穿裙子 | 来源:发表于2017-07-19 20:57 被阅读0次



1】ride me

Rowley has been totally riding me.

释义:ride v.骑 n.自找麻烦 ride me 阴魂不散

造句:He was the one who had come to me in my dream, and I always felt like he was riding me.

2】you name it

He reads the same comic books I read, drinks the same kind of soda I drink, you name it.

释义:凡你想得起的 不管什么(都有了或都干了等)

造句:I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, swimming, you name it.

3】creep me out

It's totally creeping me out.


造句:It used to really creep my younger brother and me out.


1】She wasn't really that mad about the joke or how I treated Chirag, she was just mad that I lied about it.

She wasn't really that mad about... , she was just mad that...

仿写:She wasn't really that mad about my mistake, she was just mad that my attitude.


Today is my first day to working overtime. Unfortunately, I've been working until now. I content I'll stay up late tonight. Because I I have to finish this manuscript tonight.


1.I did an experiment to see just how far Rowley would go.

how far sb. would go 会做到什么程度

2.Mr.Gupta told Mom all about the prank we were playing on his son.

prank: acting like a clown or buffoon

3.Then Mom marched me up to Rowley's home...

march up: 前进;临近;接近

4.I better watch my step.

watch my step: 察言观色 留神


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      本文标题:Day8 19/07/17
