

作者: Serendipity慧 | 来源:发表于2017-03-02 16:11 被阅读17次

Dear 怀舟:

How is everything going?

It’s the first time  i am writing for you in English.

Don’t laugh at me with my mistakes ,if there is a lot of them.

I think my English level is lowest than your.

But i have make my determintion to improve it.

You have beening busy for a long time .

Sometimes i fell  very tired to wait your replay.

Even i think i am umnecessary for you or can't match you.

It's unbelievable that i pay such more attention on a people who i have never been met before.

Is it online love affair?

OH.I don't know and I lost my mind.

what's yourcharacters,hobbies,ideals and so on .I don't know all of them.You 't know me either.

HoweverI am expecting as soon as possible to have a meet with you wethere you have the same ideal.

I refused one man who designed phone APPs in huawei was as the  same height  as you.So i don't think the height is the necessary problem.But It is the distance , pxperience and the persuit.Is that all right?

Let's enjoy the warm March .

Bless all.

Yours Grace.


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