

作者: heiguu | 来源:发表于2018-11-10 09:16 被阅读0次

flush privileges 刷新


-- 查询所有列

--select * from 表名

select * from students;


select * from students where name='小李飞刀';

select * from students where id>3;

-- 查询制定列

select name, gender from students;

-- 可以使用as制定列或表制定别名;

select name as 姓名, gender as 性别 from students;


select id as 序号, gender as 性别, name as 姓名 from students;


create table students (

id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,

name varchar(20) default '',

age tinyint unsigned default 0,

high decimal(5,2),

gender enum('男', '女', '中性', '保密') default '保密',

cls_id int unsigned default 0,

is_delete bit default 0



create table classes(

id int unsigned auto_increment primary key not null,

name varchar(20) not null



insert into students values

















insert into classes values (0, 'python_01期'),(0, 'python_02期');


-- 查询所有字段

select * from students;

select * from classes;

-- 查询制定的字段

select name, age from students;

-- 使用as给字段起别名

select name as 姓名, age as 年龄 from students;

-- 通过表名字查询

select students.name, students.age from students;

-- 给表起别名查询

select s.name, s.age from students as s;


-- distinct

select distinct gender from students;



-- 查询年纪大于18岁的信息

select * from students where age > 18;

select id, name, gender from students where age > 18;


select * from students where age>18 and age<28;


select * from students where age>18 or high>=180;

-- 模糊查询

-- like

-- % 替代1个或者多个甚至是没有

select * from students where name like '小%';

-- 查询姓名中有‘小’的所有名字

select * from students where name like '%小%';

-- 查询有两个字的名字

select * from students where name like '__';

-- 查询至少有2个字的名字

select * from students where name like '__%';

-- rlike 正则

-- 查询以周开始的名字

select * from students where name rlike '^周.*';

select * from students where name rlike '^周.*儿$';


-- in (1,3,8)表示在一个非连续的范围内

-- 查询 年纪为18,34的人

select * from students where age=18 or age=34;

select * from students where age=18 or age=34 or age=12;

select * from students where age in (12,18,34);

--查询 年龄在17岁到34岁之间的信息

select * from students where age between 18 and 34;--(不包含34岁)

--查询 年纪不在18到34岁的信息

select * from students where age not between 18 and 34;

-- 空判断

-- 判断is null

-- 查询身高为空的信息

select * from students where high is null;

-- 判断非空is not null

select * from students where high is not null;

select * from students order by age asc;     asc从小到大排序




