

作者: Shotokan | 来源:发表于2019-04-17 12:04 被阅读0次

    A higher purpose


    Many off-patent drugs have promising new uses; but more incentive is needed to invest in them


    Towards the end of 2014 a 66-year-old British man named Alistair had a seizure. A scan revealed shocking news. He had an inoperable brain tumor—a glioblastoma—that was likely to kill him in a few years. Soon afterwards, he read a newspaper article suggesting that a cocktail of cheap, everyday drugs, chosen for their anti-cancer effects, had helped a patient with the same disease. His doctors were unimpressed but said: “We can’t stop you.”


    Four years on Alistair is still taking this drug regimen alongside the “standard-of- care” treatment. The drug cocktail is prescribed by Care Oncology, a private clinic in London, which recommends a statin (a cholesterol-lowering drug), metformin (used to treat type-2 diabetes), doxycycline (an antibiotic) and mebendazole (an anti-worming agent). These may sound radical, but are actually safe, cheap, generic medicines with evidence of some anti-cancer effects. Nonetheless, their labels do not say they treat glioblastoma—nor any other cancer for that matter.


    This lack of clinical interest is not unusual. There is a huge untapped medicine chest of generic drugs with unexploited uses. Originally approved for one disease, these drugs went off-patent and now show promise in other diseases. Thalidomide, a morning-sickness drug forever linked with scandal and disaster, found new uses in leprosy and a blood cancer. An acne medicine is now part of an effective treatment for a form of leukaemia. Viagra, famously, came from failed work in angina.


    The scale of the opportunity for “drug repurposing” is vast. Bruce Bloom, boss of Cures Within Reach, an American repurposing charity, says 9,000 generic drugs have been approved. Pan Pantziarka, of the Anticancer Fund, another charity, says his group has found evidence in almost 260 non-cancer drugs of anti-cancer activity. Most have lost patent protection. The science that has piqued interest in these drugs comes from pre-clinical lab work in animals, case reports, small clinical trials and large-scale observational studies.

    扩展药物用途具有广阔的应用前景。布鲁斯·布鲁是美国慈善机构“解药触手可及”的负责人,这是一家推广“老药新用”的组织。他表示,约9000种常用药物都获得了用途扩展的批准。Pan Pantziarka,另一家慈善组织,隶属于美国抗癌基金会,他们发现约有260种非抗癌药物表现出了抗癌特性,它们中有很多已经过了专利保护期。科学界对于这些药物展现出的兴趣主要源于涉及动物实验的前临床研究,案例报告,小型的临床试验以及大型的观察性研究。

    Increasingly, large-scale screening studies are plucking options from oblivion. After screening thousands of approved drugs, the National Institutes of Health (nih), an American research agency, identified 25 molecules that might fight drug- resistant bacteria, half of which are already approved drugs. The California Institute for Biomedical Research in San Diego has a library of 12,000 drug compounds it is testing against disease-causing pathogens. Two drugs are in trials as a result: an anti- rheumatic treatment called auranofin for tuberculosis; and clofazimine, a leprosy drug, to treat the parasite cryptosporidium.


    Drugs like these—off-patent, cheap and already approved—are relatively quick to develop to treat new diseases. New molecular entities can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to test, and safety and toxicity problems mean that 45% of drugs fail clinical trials. Repurposed drugs, with well-established safety profiles, can save about five to seven years in development time. Approval rates are higher, and some think overall costs are 60% of those of new drugs.


    Multiple choice


    Interest in drug repurposing has been rising, particularly for medicines that could treat neglected diseases in poor countries, and rare diseases, cancer and mental health. A recent study in JAMA Psychiatry said that statins, metformin and blood- pressure drugs had potential for treating mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Minocycline, an antibiotic, is already being tested as a treatment for autism. Ammar Al-Chalabi, a neurologist at Kings College, London, wants to repurpose Triumeq, an hiv drug, to fight motor neurone disease.

    “老药新用”这一概念吸引了越来越多人的目光,尤其在一些落后国家,这些药物可以用来治疗一些长期被人们忽视的疾病,一些疑难病,癌症以及心理疾病。JAMA精神病协会在最近的一项研究中表示,他汀类,二甲双胍和一些降压药在治疗一些精神疾病,如精神分裂症和狂躁型抑郁症方面有很大的潜力。米诺环素,一种抗生素,目前已经完成了治疗自闭症的试验。Ammar Al-chalabi 是伦敦国王学院的一位神经学家,他试图扩展抗艾药物阿巴卡韦的用途,他发现该药物可以用来治疗一些神经元疾病。

    There is a problem, however. Katherine Arline of Shepherd Therapeutics, a biotech firm that works in rare cancers, says that, because the costs are high and may not be recouped, firms have little incentive to run clinical trials on generic drugs. Once the costs of testing and registering have been paid, the lack of patent protection means that any firm can make the drug. Some describe generics as “financial orphans”.

    然而问题总是存在的。Katherine Arline工作于一家专注罕见癌症的生物科技公司,她表示,这些药物的开发费用其实非常高,但是回报很低,所以很多公司都没有进行相关临床试验的计划。同时,公司一旦支付了这些药品的测试费用和登记费用,没有专利保护也会使这一计划泡汤。一些人将这些专利期已过的药物称为“融资孤儿”。

    One approach is to change the generic drug to create something patentable. This is how the American drug firm, Johnson & Johnson (j&j), approached ketamine, an anaesthetic with a stack of evidence to support its use in treatment-resistant depression. j&j tweaked the molecule to create a variant that could also be inhaled. Reformulation is costly and risks reducing the efficacy of the drug. But j&j seems likely to receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration, the fda.


    For years, like many off-label medicines, ketamine has been a valuable but hard-to-obtain therapy. This has driven the growth of ketamine clinics in America and Europe. In Britain Oxford Health, a unit within the National Health Service (nhs), will provide it. But the nhs as a whole does not cover it because it is not approved for this use, so patients must pay £795 ($1,058) for three infusions; j&j’s esketamine is likely to be far more costly.


    Several issues dog reusing generic medicines in new indications. Mr Bloom says that, in his experience, between one-third and a half of patients are loath to use drugs outside the current standard of care—even if they have a disease they know is going to kill them. And even if doctors might be willing in principle to prescribe an off-la- bel drug, many feel unable to do so because of worries about their legal liability should something go wrong. Or there may be disputes over whether public health services or insurers will pay for drugs that have not been approved for that disease.




