开篇介绍了harry的身世背景和成长环境,从一个麻瓜的角度带读者走进霍格沃茨的魔法世界。罗琳是这样点出harry的身份特殊的:He couldn't know that at this very moment, people meeting in secret all over the country were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices:"To Harry Potter---- the boy who lived!"
在谈到魔法石被毁之后,Dumbledore这样告诉Harry:To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.非常非常棒的生死观,我相信大多数的小朋友在最初思考死亡这个话题的时候,或者开始感受死亡带来的恐惧时,用这样一句比喻足够安抚他们,给他们勇气。
Dumbledore解释为什么Quirrell老师不能触碰Harry时这样说道:He didn't realize that love as poweful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark, Not a scar, no visible sign...to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever. It is in your very skin, Quirrell, full of hatred, greed,and ambition, sharing his soul with Voldemort, could not touch you for this reason. It was agony to touch a person marked by something so good. 抛开魔法和童话世界里的想象,哈利波特这本书一直在讲的就是儿童青少年的校园生活,一直在对它的读者们树立正确的人生观。
Harry似乎是整本书里唯一敢说出voldemort名字的人,他坚持不用 you-know -who这样的称谓代替,也是因为Dumbledore对他说:Fear of a namein increase fear of the thing itself.
作为整套书的第一本,the Sorcerere's Stone是非常标准的儿童读本,在讲故事的同时讲述人生的道理,友谊、分享、冒险也一直伴随着harry三人组。