* Implementation of operator list state.
* @param <S> the type of an operator state partition.
static final class PartitionableListState<S> implements ListState<S> {
* Meta information of the state, including state name, assignment mode, and serializer
private RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> stateMetaInfo;
* The internal list the holds the elements of the state
private final ArrayList<S> internalList;
* A serializer that allows to perform deep copies of internalList
private final ArrayListSerializer<S> internalListCopySerializer;
PartitionableListState(RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> stateMetaInfo) {
this(stateMetaInfo, new ArrayList<S>());
private PartitionableListState(
RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> stateMetaInfo,
ArrayList<S> internalList) {
this.stateMetaInfo = Preconditions.checkNotNull(stateMetaInfo);
this.internalList = Preconditions.checkNotNull(internalList);
this.internalListCopySerializer = new ArrayListSerializer<>(stateMetaInfo.getPartitionStateSerializer());
private PartitionableListState(PartitionableListState<S> toCopy) {
this(toCopy.stateMetaInfo.deepCopy(), toCopy.internalListCopySerializer.copy(toCopy.internalList));
public void setStateMetaInfo(RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> stateMetaInfo) {
this.stateMetaInfo = stateMetaInfo;
public RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> getStateMetaInfo() {
return stateMetaInfo;
public PartitionableListState<S> deepCopy() {
return new PartitionableListState<>(this);
public void clear() {
public Iterable<S> get() {
return internalList;
public void add(S value) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "You cannot add null to a ListState.");
public String toString() {
return "PartitionableListState{" +
"stateMetaInfo=" + stateMetaInfo +
", internalList=" + internalList +
public long[] write(FSDataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
long[] partitionOffsets = new long[internalList.size()];
DataOutputView dov = new DataOutputViewStreamWrapper(out);
for (int i = 0; i < internalList.size(); ++i) {
S element = internalList.get(i);
partitionOffsets[i] = out.getPos();
getStateMetaInfo().getPartitionStateSerializer().serialize(element, dov);
return partitionOffsets;
public void update(List<S> values) {
public void addAll(List<S> values) {
if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) {
- PartitionableListState是DefaultOperatorStateBackend使用的ListState实现,其内部使用的是ArrayList(
* {@link State} interface for partitioned list state in Operations.
* The state is accessed and modified by user functions, and checkpointed consistently
* by the system as part of the distributed snapshots.
* <p>The state is only accessible by functions applied on a {@code KeyedStream}. The key is
* automatically supplied by the system, so the function always sees the value mapped to the
* key of the current element. That way, the system can handle stream and state partitioning
* consistently together.
* @param <T> Type of values that this list state keeps.
public interface ListState<T> extends MergingState<T, Iterable<T>> {
* Updates the operator state accessible by {@link #get()} by updating existing values to
* to the given list of values. The next time {@link #get()} is called (for the same state
* partition) the returned state will represent the updated list.
* <p>If null or an empty list is passed in, the state value will be null.
* @param values The new values for the state.
* @throws Exception The method may forward exception thrown internally (by I/O or functions).
void update(List<T> values) throws Exception;
* Updates the operator state accessible by {@link #get()} by adding the given values
* to existing list of values. The next time {@link #get()} is called (for the same state
* partition) the returned state will represent the updated list.
* <p>If null or an empty list is passed in, the state value remains unchanged.
* @param values The new values to be added to the state.
* @throws Exception The method may forward exception thrown internally (by I/O or functions).
void addAll(List<T> values) throws Exception;
- ListState主要用于operation存储partitioned list state,它继承了MergingState接口(
* Extension of {@link AppendingState} that allows merging of state. That is, two instances
* of {@link MergingState} can be combined into a single instance that contains all the
* information of the two merged states.
* @param <IN> Type of the value that can be added to the state.
* @param <OUT> Type of the value that can be retrieved from the state.
public interface MergingState<IN, OUT> extends AppendingState<IN, OUT> { }
- MergingState接口仅仅是继承了AppendingState接口,用接口命名表示该state支持state合并
* Base interface for partitioned state that supports adding elements and inspecting the current
* state. Elements can either be kept in a buffer (list-like) or aggregated into one value.
* <p>The state is accessed and modified by user functions, and checkpointed consistently
* by the system as part of the distributed snapshots.
* <p>The state is only accessible by functions applied on a {@code KeyedStream}. The key is
* automatically supplied by the system, so the function always sees the value mapped to the
* key of the current element. That way, the system can handle stream and state partitioning
* consistently together.
* @param <IN> Type of the value that can be added to the state.
* @param <OUT> Type of the value that can be retrieved from the state.
public interface AppendingState<IN, OUT> extends State {
* Returns the current value for the state. When the state is not
* partitioned the returned value is the same for all inputs in a given
* operator instance. If state partitioning is applied, the value returned
* depends on the current operator input, as the operator maintains an
* independent state for each partition.
* <p><b>NOTE TO IMPLEMENTERS:</b> if the state is empty, then this method
* should return {@code null}.
* @return The operator state value corresponding to the current input or {@code null}
* if the state is empty.
* @throws Exception Thrown if the system cannot access the state.
OUT get() throws Exception;
* Updates the operator state accessible by {@link #get()} by adding the given value
* to the list of values. The next time {@link #get()} is called (for the same state
* partition) the returned state will represent the updated list.
* <p>If null is passed in, the state value will remain unchanged.
* @param value The new value for the state.
* @throws Exception Thrown if the system cannot access the state.
void add(IN value) throws Exception;
- AppendingState是partitioned state的基本接口,它继承了State接口,同时声明了get、add两个方法;get方法用于返回当前state的值,如果为空则返回null;add方法用于给state添加值
* Interface that different types of partitioned state must implement.
* <p>The state is only accessible by functions applied on a {@code KeyedStream}. The key is
* automatically supplied by the system, so the function always sees the value mapped to the
* key of the current element. That way, the system can handle stream and state partitioning
* consistently together.
public interface State {
* Removes the value mapped under the current key.
void clear();
- State接口定义了所有不同partitioned state实现必须实现的方法,这里定义了clear方法用于清空当前state的所有值
* Compound meta information for a registered state in an operator state backend.
* This contains the state name, assignment mode, and state partition serializer.
* @param <S> Type of the state.
public class RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> extends RegisteredStateMetaInfoBase {
* The mode how elements in this state are assigned to tasks during restore
private final OperatorStateHandle.Mode assignmentMode;
* The type serializer for the elements in the state list
private final TypeSerializer<S> partitionStateSerializer;
public RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo(
@Nonnull String name,
@Nonnull TypeSerializer<S> partitionStateSerializer,
@Nonnull OperatorStateHandle.Mode assignmentMode) {
this.partitionStateSerializer = partitionStateSerializer;
this.assignmentMode = assignmentMode;
private RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo(@Nonnull RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> copy) {
public RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo(@Nonnull StateMetaInfoSnapshot snapshot) {
(TypeSerializer<S>) Preconditions.checkNotNull(
Preconditions.checkState(StateMetaInfoSnapshot.BackendStateType.OPERATOR == snapshot.getBackendStateType());
* Creates a deep copy of the itself.
public RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<S> deepCopy() {
return new RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo<>(this);
public StateMetaInfoSnapshot snapshot() {
return computeSnapshot();
private StateMetaInfoSnapshot computeSnapshot() {
Map<String, String> optionsMap = Collections.singletonMap(
String valueSerializerKey = StateMetaInfoSnapshot.CommonSerializerKeys.VALUE_SERIALIZER.toString();
Map<String, TypeSerializer<?>> serializerMap =
Collections.singletonMap(valueSerializerKey, partitionStateSerializer.duplicate());
Map<String, TypeSerializerSnapshot<?>> serializerConfigSnapshotsMap =
Collections.singletonMap(valueSerializerKey, partitionStateSerializer.snapshotConfiguration());
return new StateMetaInfoSnapshot(
- RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo继承了抽象类RegisteredStateMetaInfoBase,实现了snapshot的抽象方法,这里是通过computeSnapshot方法来实现;computeSnapshot方法主要是构造StateMetaInfoSnapshot所需的optionsMap、serializerConfigSnapshotsMap、serializerMap
- flink的manageed operator state仅仅支持ListState,DefaultOperatorStateBackend使用的ListState实现是PartitionableListState,其内部使用的是ArrayList(
)来存储state,而stateMetaInfo使用的是RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo - PartitionableListState实现了ListState接口(
);MergingState接口没有声明其他方法,它继承了AppendingState接口;AppendingState接口继承了State接口,同时声明了get、add方法;State接口则定义了clear方法 - RegisteredOperatorStateBackendMetaInfo继承了抽象类RegisteredStateMetaInfoBase,实现了snapshot的抽象方法,这里是通过computeSnapshot方法来实现;computeSnapshot方法主要是构造StateMetaInfoSnapshot所需的optionsMap、serializerConfigSnapshotsMap、serializerMap